Brattleboro Dog and Wolf-Hybrid Licenses Due

Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are due on or before April 1. Vermont dogs and wolf-hybrids 6 months of age and older must be licensed on or before April 1. For dogs not previously licensed in Brattleboro, a first-time license must be obtained in person from the Town Clerk’s office. Licenses being renewed may be processed in the Town Clerk’s office, through the mail or online at

Vaccination against rabies is required by Vermont Statutes before licensing. A current vaccination means:

Tour de Heifer (June 8) Adds New Family-Friendly Routes

The fourth annual is set for Sunday, June 8, 2014. The Tour is a set of scenic farm-to-farm bicycle rides tailored to most levels of ability, with 15-mile, 30-mile and 60-mile routes. There is also a five-mile walking option.

This year, organizers have added two new routes, 15 and 30 miles in length, both designed to be suitable for beginner to intermediate riders with moderate skills and strength. Both of these rides include rolling hills on paved roads, and a long stretch of relatively level dirt road along the Green River.   

All of the routes begin and end at Lilac Ridge Farm in West Brattleboro, and feature incredible views, farm and woodland terrain, New England villages (one with a covered bridge), and much more.

The tour is part of the annual Strolling of the Heifers Weekend, which takes place June 6-7-8 in the heart of New England — Brattleboro, Vermont. The centerpieces of the weekend are the world-famous Strolling of the Heifers Parade and the Slow Living Expo, both on Saturday, June 7. Come for the Parade and Expo, and stay for the Tour!

Missing Dog Islay (“eye-la”) in West B.

PLEASE HELP FIND ISLAY!!! (eye-la) Our dog ran off in West Brattleboro, from the home of Michael Gigante, PhD, (31 frog hill) toward Hilltop Montessori. She had no collar on, and was running away from a chocolate lab.

Please help her to get home, which is 1469 Windmill Hill Rd South in Putney.

She left their home around 11 am yesterday, March 17th. She is very shy and probably won’t come if called. If you see her, please call Heather Taylor at 802-451-6340 or John Todd at 802-380-3455.

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 15th

This week’s listings, arranged non-randomly:

Help with Solarize Putney Event, Sat. March 15th, 5-10 PM
Help Me Make Kindling?
Need a Creative Carpentry Solution
Need a Trapeze!
Child Care While I’m at the Gym
March 28th 6-8 PM Event Support: Rich Earth Institute
Popover Pans

Irish Music & Fresh Green Spinach Saturday at the Winter Farmers’ Market!

Wild Carrot Farm will be making a special appearance at the market Saturday 3/15 to bring you fresh spinach and add some fresh green to the sounds of the Green from Inisheer! Jesse & Caitlin from Wild Carrot Farm will have some locally grown dried beans and popcorn too! So stop by the Winter Farmers’ Market at the beautiful River Garden between 10-2. Let the sounds of Inisheer put some advanced St. Patrick’s Green in your spirit . They’ll even have a stage! And we’ll have open space for an Irish jig or two!

Free Parenting Class: Guiding Good Choices

Come learn the skills to keep your child safe! Guiding Good Choices is a free five-session workshop that aids parents and/ or caregivers of 4th through 8th graders. The course covers how to set clear guidelines with both positive and negative consequences, how to control and express anger constructively, promote family bonds, and prepare kids with “refusal” skills for that time down the road when trouble may tempt them.

For parents/ and or caregivers of 4th through 8th graders. Free five-session workshop.

Cameroon Has A Shot In The World Cup

My personal interest in Cameroon goes all the way back to 7th grade, when I had to write a report on this west African country. Ever since then, I have kept up on the news on Cameroon, and that includes their world cup team, the Indomitable Lions. , this year they are combining the famous German defensive love of precision, with the fast run and attack strategic style more commonly adopted by African teams. The combination is proving powerful.

Train Your Brain!

In case you’ve already forgotten!

The Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Institute (NEPNI) is once again presenting its fun and informative brain health course, “Train Your Brain to Retain.”  This 7-week class is being offered at two convenient times: Tuesday mornings from 10 to noon or Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30.  Both sections begin on April 1st. (Yes, the easier to remember it by!)

Classes will be held at 31 Frog Hill in Brattleboro.  There is a limit of 12 students per class. You must register by Friday, March 28.

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Named One of Constant Contact’s 2013 All Stars

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital recognized for achieving exemplary marketing results

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital has received the 2013 All Star Award from, the trusted marketing advisor to more than half a million small organizations worldwide.Each year, Constant Contact bestows the All Star Award to a select group of businesses and nonprofits that are successfully leveraging online marketing tools to engage their customer base, and drive success for their organization. Brattleboro Memorial Hospital’s results ranked among the top 10% of Constant Contact’s international customer base.


Hey, I have heard rumors of a program starting up in Brattleboro called solarize.  The rumors say it is about bringing the cost way down for home solar electric systems.  Does anyone have information?  I can find nothing on the town website or on iBrattleboro.

42 U.S.C. Section 1396p(b)(B) Questions for Low Income VT Home Owners Dreaming of Florida

42 U.S.C. Section 1396p(b)(B)

Are you age 55 or older, and a single home owner who receives Medicaid,
or suddenly got signed up for Medicaid when you explored the Obamacare
 government Affordable Care Act website because you fit the new higher  income guidelines for  Medicaid under  Obamacare?

If you are getting arthritic from living in a cold wet climate, you might be thinking of moving south to a warmer and drier climate; but now you have to figure out if Medicaid / Obamacare has put a lien on your home before you sell it, because they aren’t adequately  warning or informing anyone!

CircusYoga Workshop Comes To Putney

Circus Yoga Workshop comes to Putney!

Circus Yoga combines the best of circus games and partnered yoga. Join Circus Yoga founder, Erin Maile O’Keefe, for a Sunday afternoon of pure fun.

Bring your friends and family over the age of 7.

Act 39: Know The Facts

Brattleboro Area Hospice and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Ethics Committee invite the public to a free presentation about Act 39: Patient Choice and Control at the End of Life. Vermont’s law pertaining to Patient Choice at the End of Life took effect on May 20, 2013 and legalizes physician-aid in dying for eligible adults living with a terminal illness. Featuring Cindy Bruzzese, the Executive Director of the Vermont Ethics Network, this forum is not a debate for or against Act 39; it is a public informational presentation only and allows time for questions and answers.

When: Monday, March 24, 6 pm – 8 pm
Where: Brew Barry Conference Room, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital

March Happenings at the Brattleboro Winter Farmers’ Market

While March may be the final month for the 8th season of the Brattleboro Winter Farmers’ Market, don’t let that fool you into thinking not much is happening each week at the market. The increasing daylight hours means that our farmers’ high tunnel greenhouses are producing early fresh greens. And as the snows melt and ground thaws, wintered-over carrots and the sweetest parsnips with the sweetest taste you can imagine may appear, and maybe even some leeks!

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of March 1st

This week’s listings, arranged in non-binary notation: 

Kombucha Mothers
Offering Postpartum Doula Support
Holistic Attachment Mom Available for Childcare
Private Prenatal Yoga Sessions
Membership Share to Costco
Minor Electrical Repair
Local Truffles!
New Yorker Magazines Available