Brattleboro Area Overflow Shelter Needs Volunteers

Hello fellow Brattleboro and sorrounding areas….

I am Jennifer Haselton the brattleboro area overflow shelter coordinator.

I am looking to see if there’s anyone who is interested in some volunteer hours I am currently looking for 2nd shift which consists of 1 a.m. To 7 a.m. I have quite a bit of volunteer hours during that shift available if anyone is interested please email me at: 

BMH Offers Free Educational Program Focusing on Dementia

On April 21, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital will be hosting an educational program entitled, “Conversations about Dementia,” designed to help community members talk about some challenging and often uncomfortable topics.

Presented by Maggie Lewis, MPA, LNHA, director of programs and services for the Vermont Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, this program will clarify many of the signs and resources, and clearly outline what steps can be taken.

“Many in our community confront issues with Alzheimer’s and related dementias,” says Lewis. “Often, we are unsure of seeing the signs of dementia and what steps need to be taken to plan for its occurrence.”

Brattleboro Wins Energy Challenge Award

The Town of Brattleboro will receive a $10,000 grant from Efficiency Vermont in recognition of its efforts in the Vermont Home Energy Challenge, a statewide initiative to increase energy efficiency in homes and apartments. Brattleboro achieved the highest percentage of completed home efficiency projects in the Windham region while exceeding a minimum of 10 projects. Brattleboro homeowners and landlords completed 41 efficiency projects during the Challenge, which ran from January 1, 2013 to February 15, 2014.

The grant can be used for a municipal or school energy efficiency project which achieves either thermal or electrical energy savings in buildings, street lighting, or water/wastewater treatment facilities.

$20 Of Coffee For $15. Deadline For Donations Is April 12, 2014

 If you drink coffees at Mocha Joes, you can get $20 worth of coffee for only $15. 

All you have to do is donate $15 to their fundraiser for Cameroonian organic farmers, and VOILA ! you get a gift certificate that you can use yourself, to get any coffee drink you so choose.  

April 12 is the last day of the campaign. Help yourself, and help others. It really is that easy.

Strolling of the Heifers 2014 Locavore Index Highlights Benefits of Food From Local Farms

Brattleboro-based Strolling of the Heifers has released its third annual Locavore Index, a state-by-state ranking of commitment to local foods.

By compiling the Index, Strolling of the Heifers hopes to strengthen local farms and food systems by encouraging efforts across the country to increase the use of local foods in homes, restaurants, schools and institutions.  

The 2014 Locavore Index incorporates four measures for which current data is available for all states: the number of farmers markets, the number of consumer-supported agriculture operations (CSAs), the number of food hubs — all compared on a per-capita basis — plus the percentage of each state’s school districts with active Farm-to-School programs. But more data on local foods should be gathered, Strolling of the Heifers says.

Birth Ambassadors: Doulas and the Re-emergence of Woman-supported Birth in America

On Monday, April 7, at 7:00 p.m., local author and women’s health advocate Elayne Clift will be at Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro to read from and discuss her latest book, with Christine Morton, Birth Ambassadors: Doulas and the Re-emergence of Woman-supported Birth in America.

Published by Praeclarus Press in January, the book about women who offer physical and emotional support to birthing mothers, is already garnering rave reviews. Clift, a volunteer doula at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital’s Birth Center, will be joined by doula Carol Schnabel, volunteer coordinator of the Doula Program at the hospital, and a contributor to the book.

Anyone Missing a Hound?

This hound (mix? looked houndier in person) was running in traffic on Canal Street (*NO* traffic sense whatsoever) Sunday around 5pm.  I followed him up Maple St., but lost him near the corner of Locust when he started cutting through yards. He was traveling at speed.  I called the ACO and left a message with dispatch.

Sorry about the crappy photos. 

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of April 5th

This week’s listings, arranged hap hazard ly:

Car Pooling To Putney Community Supper
Clean Sod And Garden Soil Available
Need Some Heavy Duty Glue?
Offer Home Building, Energy Efficiency, Solar System/Site Consultation
Canoe Or Single Kayak For Use
Live Music For Parties, Weddings Or Concerts, Fundraisers
Hand Readings
Electrical Work
Need Some Help Getting Your Garden Ready?

Statement of Citizens Awareness Network on Vermont Yankee Certificate of Public Good

Citizens Awareness Network supports the Public Service Board’s decision to grant approval of the amended CPG that supports in total the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the State of Vermont and Entergy. While many have serious concerns about Entergy and its ability to live up to its commitments, the settlement reached between the state and Entergy is precedent setting. It is now up to the corporation to live up to its commitments and work constructively with the state of Vermont to achieve a safe and responsible decommissioning of the plant.

BMH Offers Free Self-Management Workshops for Healthier Living

This spring, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is offering three self-management workshops to give individuals new tools to deal with chronic health issues and live a fuller, healthier life. All of the workshops are free and open to the public.

Two of the workshops are being offered in collaboration with the Brattleboro Senior Center. The first program, Healthier Living, will take place from April 15 to May 20. The second program, Healthier Living with Chronic Pain, will happen June 3 to July 8. Both workshops will meet from 9:30 AM to 12 PM every Tuesday for six weeks at the Gibson-Aiken Center.

Deadline for Government Sending Out Some Basic Information About The Affordable Care Act Was Today

The Healthcare deadline is today! So I hear on the radio.

As both a taxpayer and small business owner, I’ve received no written information about the Affordable Care Act. I get mail from the IRS and from the State of Vermont about all sorts of things, but not once has any information about any changes to laws regarding healthcare come my way. Not even a postcard with a website address.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake Seeks Teams

Brattleboro, VT–Families, friends and teams from work are invited to celebrate the 33rd Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake to benefit Youth Services’ Big Brothers Big Sisters program on Saturday, April 5. The fundraising event will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with teams signing up for a one-hour time slot at Brattleboro Bowl on Putney Road.

The 4-5 p.m. time is reserved for teams of teens and “Bigs and Littles” and will have a special “Cosmic Bowling” atmosphere. The financial goal of the event is to raise $65,000 in pledge money and business sponsorship to help cover the cost of running the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 29th

This week’s listings, arranged from Lion to Lamb:

Need Help Flyering
Piano Lessons
Help Us Plans our Garden/Landscape
Prep Work for Driveway
Landscaping Help
Assistance with Transportation
Gallery Greeter at BMAC
Hebrew Tutor for Bar Mitzvah

Late March – Out Like a What?

The old rule of “March – in like a lion, out like a lamb” seems to have gone haywire this year. It’s more of an “out like a ice-breathing water dragon,” or maybe a “cold toad.”

Have the seasons shifted?  Perhaps April will now be in like a lion and out like a lamb. But that might lead to May showers bringing June flowers. (Which will lead to the loss of a quality joke for 6 year olds. What do May flowers bring? Pilgrims! It doesn’t work with Juneflowers.)

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 22nd

This week’s listings, arranged in Robert’s Rules of Order:

Gallery Greeter at BMAC
Events Security at BMAC
Moving Furniture with Truck March 22-23
Seeking Dog Trainer
Help Putting Up Flyers in Brattleboro and Surrounding Towns
Request for Special Diets Foods for April 11th Putney Community Supper
Help Me Find Alternative to my Current Windows XP!
I Need Some Ukrainian Easter Eggs (Pysanky), New or Old!
Repair Plastic Window Velcro-Backing on Yurt Wall
Some Lingering Questions Using my Windows 8

Registration open for Tulip Trot 5K Run/Walk on May 24

Last year the inaugural Tulip Trot 5K had over 250 enthusiastic runners and walkers. Please help us make this year’s event even bigger and better! Come out rain, mud and/or shine and support the Green Street School PTO while you walk or run down neighborhood streets and scenic woodland trails. Let’s get out and moving to celebrate the springing of spring!

BMH Welcomes New Physician Assistant to Brattleboro Internal Medicine

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce the addition of Paul Stanchfield, PA-C, as a new physician assistant at Brattleboro Internal Medicine, as of March 24.

Stanchfield has more than a decade of experience as a physician assistant, including working at the Brattleboro Retreat, Brattleboro Primary Care, and Mount Anthony Primary Care. He completed the Physician Assistant Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Westminster College of Salt Lake City.

BMH Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Welcomes New Physician Assistant

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is pleased to welcome new physician assistant Maureen Mahoney, PA-C, ATC, to the Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine department.

Mahoney’s experience includes working as a physician assistant at Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Keene and at Grace Cottage Hospital in Townshend. Previously, she was the head athletic trainer at Wellsley College in Massachusetts.