Brattleboro Solidarity With Palestine Hosting Another Event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro

Brattleboro Solidarity with Palestine is hosting another event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro (28 Vernon St. Downtown Brattleboro)

Gaza is still under siege. Over 5,000 homes have been destroy and people are seeking refuge in school, shelters and others’ homes. The infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed meaning that there is no water filtration for clean drinking water, no sewage systems, and no electricity. This then impacts the medical care that doctors are able to give. And these Israeli attacks would not have been possible without the military and financial support of the Unites States Government.

SeVWA’s August 14, 2014 River Sampling Was Cancelled; Next Sampling Date is August 27th

Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) water quality monitoring program was begun about 10 years ago. At that time, the organization was known as West River Watershed Alliance (WRWA). In 2014 there are 26 river and stream sites that SeVWA is monitoring and those sites are in the West River and Williams River watersheds and along the Saxtons River and Whetstone Brook. There are 26 volunteers that sample at those sites every 2 weeks during the summer, with 8 additional volunteers filling-in for the “regulars” on occasional days during the monitoring season. This summer the river monitoring program began on Wednesday, June 18th. The last 2014 sampling date at all sites will be on August 27th.

Flash Flood Warning for Southern Vermont

“How likely: 2 out 4 How severe: 3 out of 4”

“Rain is expected to overspread the region from west to east this evening. The rain will become heavy at times late tonight continuing into Wednesday. The rain may be accompanied by embedded thunderstorms resulting in torrential rainfall. Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches in one hour are possible in a few locations. This will bring the potential for urban and localized flash flooding. Some small stream flooding is also possible.

Recommended actions: Act quickly. Move to higher ground at once. Get away from places subject to rapid flooding, such as dry Creek Beds or places along streams. Avoid already flooded areas.”

Nonprofit Alternative Car-Buying Service – More Than Wheels!

Tired of buying clunkers? Frustrated by the interest rates you are being quoted to finance a new or gently used car?

Are you familiar with the nonprofit, More Than Wheels?

It’s an award-winning alternative car-buying service that has helped more than 2,000 individuals and families get on top of their finances, address credit issues, and buy reliable vehicles at great rates (3-4% recently) with no down payment required.

Wednesday Farmers’ Market- Harvest Health Coupons for EBT Customers!

Stop by the Wednesday Market tomorrow (10-2, downtown by the Brattleboro Food Co-op)! For a very limited time we -still- have Harvest Health coupons for EBT customers. Double your money up to $10 per market visit and bring home some of the best local harvest. EBT and Harvest Health can purchase produce, preserves, breads, and food to take home (they can’t buy hot lunch). On deck from our farmers:

Fresh blueberries and raspberries


Starting in 1978, the class clowns had fresh, new material. That is, certain kids were handed popularity on a plate. The reason? They were able to imitate Mork from Ork.

Marty was one of those kids in my school. He was one of the fortunate ones that was able to deliver a well-timed Shazbot or Nanu Nanu, rendering the rest of us in giggles.

Funky Cornstalk

This lonely volunteer shaft of corn is growing downtown, near the firehouse.


I don’t think its corn.

Looks more like sorghum, but I don’t think sorghum grows in Vermont.

If it is, how did it get here?

Any ideas?

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of August 3

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from the height of summer:


Reiki and Flower Essence Therapy
Sota Brand Bio-Turner
Light and Sound Meditation Mind Machines Available
Dr. Hudla Clark Frenquency Generator Available
InterPlay for Fun and [sometimes] for Performance
I’ll Be Your Walking Buddy
Shopping & Errands
Borrow My Post Hole Digger

SeVWA’s July 30, 2014 River Sampling Day

This past Wednesday, July 30th, marked the fourth sampling day of the season for river monitoring by Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance (SeVWA). Earlier in the week heavy rains and thunderstorms brought severe flooding to some towns in our sampling region which includes the West, Williams, and Saxtons rivers as well as North Branch Brook, Rock River, and the Whetstone Brook.

August is vacation month and as everyone prepares to head to new or traditional vacation places, please think about how you can help to maintain healthy waterways. Some of these ways are complying with boating laws and regulations, carrying out all trash, and making sure harsh chemicals are disposed of properly. Also, checking boating equipment for aquatic invasive species helps to prevent the spread of non-native plants and animals into waterways. Think about the steps of CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY as you recreate on waterbodies or move your activities from one waterbody to another. Taking these steps will help prevent the transport of invasive aquatic species from one waterbody to another.

Harvest Health Coupons for EBT Customers at the Farmers Market!

The Brattleboro Farmers Market, open Saturdays 9-2 on Rte 9 in West Brattleboro, and on Wednesdays by the Brattleboro Coop from 10-2, welcomes EBT to participate in the Harvest Health Coupon matching program. Come to market and spend EBT dollars and get *free* matching coupons– double your money up to $10 per market visit!

New Bereaved Parents Support Group

A new 8 week Bereaved Parents Support Group for parents mourning the death of their teenage or young adult child will be held at Brattleboro Area Hospice. The group will meet Tuesdays, beginning August 19, from 4:30-6:00 pm. Cheryl Richards will be the facilitator. Please call Cheryl at (802) 257-0775, X108 by August 12 to register for the group.

The death of a child is one of life’s most devastating losses. Sharing and connecting with other grieving parents can be a powerful component in the healing process.

Meteoric Body Seen Passing Through The Heavens Over This Village

In the iBrattleboro’s column “Today In Local History” of July 28, 2014 the leading entry from 1860 reported:

“A meteoric body was seen passing through the heavens over this village at apparently no very great height on Friday evening of last week. The time was about ten o’clock and not more than a minute was occupied in the passage of the brilliant object. It lighted up the heavens with great brilliancy, and with its long and illuminating train it was momentarily thought to be an enormous piece of fireworks.”

On Oct 20, 2012 Halley’s Comet Orionid Shower visited the Northern Hemisphere and on that night standing in the center of Prospect Graveyard on South Main Street three Brattleboro residents had agreed to meet at 10pm. This is my email newsletter sent the next day:

Is Quick Cash Possible in the Digital Age?

With everything digital, what do the kids sell when they need some quick cash nowadays?

In the olden days of, say, the 1990s, we had physical CD’s, albums, books and such that cold be sold relatively easily for cash. The quick cash would often help us young folk survive a few more days until payday.

Increasingly, everything is on hard drives. What do young people do now when they need a few dollars to smooth their cash flow issues?

Use of GPS Attached to Dashboard or Windshield

I just bought a GPS unit. Since I recently learned that ornaments hanging from the windshield mirror are illegal, as they obstruct the driver’s vision, I am wondering if there are any restrictions to the use of a GPS monitor and how it is mounted. I need to be able to read it, but I don’t need a ticket.


Pertussis in the Community

By Dr. Kathleen McGraw, CMO

Summer is here in full force, and with that comes more outdoor activities, scraped knees, and the occasional summer cold. However this past month we also had a more unwelcome guest in our community – Pertussis. The Vermont Department of Public Health has reported 11 cases of Pertussis in Windham County during the month of June, most of which were children ages 3-17. While none of these cases have been seen in at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, we do see the need to do all that we can to prevent its further spread.

BMH Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital’s Birthing Center, the Windham County Breastfeeding Coalition, and the BMH Ten-Step Committee to Empower Mothers and Nurture Babies are joining forces to celebrate the 2014 World Breastfeeding Week during the first week of August.

This year’s theme, as established by the (WABA), is “Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal – for Life!”

Can Anyone Help with a Projector?

Hi Neighbors,

Liz Johndrow of the Nicaragua Pueblo Project is giving a presentation at the Brattleboro Library on Tuesday and she is in need of a projector to show slides and a video from her computer. Do you have one, or do you know of a person or organization that might have one we can borrow for the evening?