Friends of Music at Guilford’s Founder, A. Graham Down, Remembered

GUILFORD, Vt., Sept. 6, 2014 – Friends of Music at Guilford founder A. Graham Down died August 30, 2014 at his home in Washington, D.C. He had just celebrated his 85th birthday.

Down was a transplanted Englishman—Kings College, Cambridge, class of 1952. He installed a baroque-style tracker organ in a Guilford barn to use as a practice instrument while he vacationed here, and gave its inaugural recital on Labor Day Weekend in 1966.  

He was then teaching at the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, and visits from his students and colleagues inspired a number of them to move to Packer Corners Road in Guilford, along with their friends and families. As Friends of Music’s Zeke Hecker has said, “He founded more than a concert series; he founded a community.”  

Kids’ Day at the Brattleboro Farmers’ Market this Saturday

Saturday, September 6, at the Brattleboro Farmers’ Market, outdoors on Rte 9 in West Brattleboro, is KIDS’ DAY! Kids are vendors, too! Young artists and entrepreneurs are invited to come as vendors and sell their handmade and homegrown items (no cookies from mixes or craft kit items, please).

Who is Darren Wilson?

And why should I care?

Wilson is the cop who shot
unarmed teenager Michael Brown to death.

If that’s not bad enough, there are people sending him money – bigtime!

A fundraising platform called GoFundMe has already raised nearly  A HALF MILLION DOLLARS as a reward for killing a black kid

Join Dosa Kitchen For Our First Gallery Walk!

Join Dosa Kitchen: South Indian Soul Food truck, this Friday, 9/5, for our first Gallery Walk!

139 Main Street, down the alley toward the Hooker-Dunham theater

On the menu are the classic masala dosa and tandoori-style free range chicken dosa, and everyone’s favorite mango lassi.

Come enjoy localvore-style Indian food from our new bistro seating overlooking the river.

BMH Promotes Free Child Car Seat Inspection Service

In honor of National Child Passenger Safety Week on September 14-20, 2014, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is promoting a child car seat inspection service offered free by the State of Vermont to parents and caregivers.

“With a new baby comes a lot of planning and preparation to welcome your new little one into your life,” says Debbie Partrick, RNC, the director of Women’s and Surgical Services at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. “There are baby showers, decorating the nursery, and getting everything ready. What new parents often forget is thinking about that brand new car seat or a previously used car seat.”

West Nile Virus Discovered in Windham County

Vermont Department of Health has announced that they have discovered mosquitoes in areas of Windham County including Brattleboro that have tested positive for West Nile Virus. Please direct anyone with questions about West Nile Virus to information on the Vermont Department of Health Web Site,

The Town has been in contact with representatives from the Vermont Department of Health who continue to urge people to take normal precautions when outdoors, and to follow the recommendations listed on the attached Health Department flyer.

SeVWA’s August 27th River Sampling

August 27th was the last full river sampling day of Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) 2014 river monitoring program. There will be one more monitoring day for a small number of sites on September 10th. In 2014 SeVWA’s monitoring program included 26 river and stream sites. Those sites were along the West River, North Branch Brook, Rock River, Williams River, Middle Branch Williams River, Saxtons River and Whetstone Brook.

Most children in the southeastern Vermont region headed back to school this week and, with the start of school and Labor Day Weekend upon us, many consider summer over. However, summer is still officially here and the weather will remain quite “summery” through the coming week. Recreational use of our region’s rivers will continue into the fall.

Rally To Support Skateboarding 4 PM September 5th Pliny Park

Come to support a skate park and skateboarders in Brattleboro at the official skate rally Friday, September 5th. 4-6:30 in Pliny Park during gallery walk. Bring signs and make your voice be heard that there is a need for a skate park in Brattleboro, and the 10 years of consistent effort is too long to have to wait.

Towns far smaller than Brattleboro have skate parks. Why don’t we?

Come show your support for youth, recreation in Brattleboro, and the skateboard community. Bring signs making your opinion known that we want a location to be able to skateboard – and soon!

Grief Support Group in Brattleboro for Adults

New Grief Support Group

A new Six-Week Grief Support Group for adults begins on Thursday September 11th and will meet each Thursday from 4:30-6:00 pm, ending October 16th. The group is free of charge and open to anyone in the community grieving the death loss of a loved one, no matter where you are on your journey of grief.

Grief Support Groups offer a safe, mutually supportive environment for sharing experiences, insight and encouragement, through discussion, handouts, and suggestions for moving through grief.

Windham County Humane Society Plans Walk for Animals

The Windham County Humane Society’s 14th annual Walk for Animals will take place on Saturday, Sept. 27, starting and ending at Crowell Park on Western Avenue in Brattleboro.

All of the money raised by the fundraising walk goes directly to support the humane society’s efforts to help lost, homeless and abused animals survive, thrive and find new homes. The goal is to raise $10,000 at this year’s Walk. 

Participants in the walk are invited to solicit donations from friends, family members and co-workers in support of their walk. This year the society has set up an online fundraising page at, but those who prefer to use a paper form to gather donations can still download one at the society’s website.

Dosa Kitchen: South Indian Soul Food Open Saturday 12-8

Saturday and through the season weather permitting, Dosa Kitchen, 139 Main Street (down the alley) in Brattleboro will be open 12-8 (Tuesday through Friday we’re open 12-3). Come enjoy localvore-style Indian food from our new bistro seating overlooking the river.

Saturday we’ll be offering a free-range tandoori-style chicken and the classic masala (potato) dosa. If you’d like to get onto Dosa Kitchen’s mailing list to learn about upcoming specials and our winter pickup/takeout menu, send an email to

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Notes – “Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update” – Aug 15, 2014

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast
August 15, 2014
Gibson-Aiken Center

“Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update”

Presenter: Sophie Kasimow  US Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Staff Director, Subcommittee on Primary Health & Aging
Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

A Sweet Moment

Most of the time predatory capitalists are surrounded by security personnel and handlers. Journalists are never allowed access to these people unless it is assured that they will serve up softballs and continue the public deception — that black is actually white.

Occasionally though the castle walls get breached and important figures are asked real questions and face real accusations.

BMH Spinal Health Level 1 Class Begins Sept 8

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Services will be offering its seven week course “Standing Tall Spine Health: Level 1” starting on Monday, Sept 8 in the BMH Exercise Room.

Classes take place from 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Monday through October 20. Advance registration is required and the fee is $60. Contact the BMH Rehabilitation Services department at 802-257-8255 for more information or to register.

Skateparks and Noise. Here Is The Data.

I gotta tell ya, as someone who graduated a recording engineering program many years ago, sound is very complicated!  I have lived next to, used, and helped build skateparks since I was a little prepube, and I have always been a huge supporter of the skatepark at Crowell or Living Memorial Park. I never thought skateparks were as loud as oppositional neighbors across the country always made it seem, however I was pretty surprised to see how similar or even quieter they are to noise levels produced by Baseball fields, basketball, playgrounds, and traffic.  Unless someone can refute this data I think it’s time that noise levels stop being used as an argument against a skatepark in mixed recreational parks near neighbors.

Sanders Statement on Sen. James Jeffords

BURLINGTON, Vt., Aug. 18 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today on the death of former U.S. Sen. James Jeffords:

“Jane and I join all Vermonters in sending condolences to the family of Jim Jeffords. Jim was one of the most popular elected officials in the modern history of the state – serving at the local, state and federal levels. Vermonters admired him because of his low-key and down-to-earth qualities, and because of his obvious and strong love of the state and the Vermont way of life. He was an effective champion of education, disability rights, the environment and the arts – and millions of Americans have benefited from his efforts. In 2001, he displayed enormous courage by leaving a party that, he often said, had left him because of its dramatic move to the right. Jim was a friend and he will be sorely missed.”

Welch Statement on the Passing of Former United States Senator and Congressman James Jeffords

Burlington, VT. (August 18th, 2014)- Rep. Peter Welch made the following statement on the passing of former United States Senator and Congressman James Jeffords:

“I know I share the view of all Vermonters today in expressing condolences to the family of Senator Jim Jeffords on his passing, and our gratitude to him for his life of service.

While Jim would certainly wave away the notion, he was indeed a legend in Vermont and the nation. With characteristic decency, humility and civility, and a dogged persistence, he made his mark in Congress. Millions of children with disabilities are better off today because he lead the charge for their equal access to education. Americans are breathing cleaner air and drinking cleaner water because of his fierce advocacy for the environment and clean energy. And budding artists across the nation receive the boost of his encouragement every year thanks to his legacy as the founder of the annual Congressional Arts Competition.