Frederick Harrison Named BMH Center for Wound Healing Program Director

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced Frederick R. Harrison has been hired as Program Director for the BMH Center for Wound Healing

Harrison’s responsibilities include oversight and operation of the Center in conjunction with BMH’s partner, , to promote healing of complex wounds in place of amputation, maintaining quality of life for patients. He will also coordinate outreach and marketing with providers in the service area, stretching west from Bennington, east from Keene, and north from Lebanon, New Hampshire.

BMH Collaborates with Winstanley Solar Development

(WSD) and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (BMH) announce an agreement to collaborate on the construction and operation of a 500 kilo-Watt solar power array on land owned by Winstanley Enterprises. The electricity generated by this array will serve the main BMH hospital building, and generate significant savings for BMH over the twenty-year term of the agreement.

This project is part of an initiative to bring solar power and utility savings to schools, municipalities and hospitals in the Windham and Windsor County region. WSD, a joint venture partnership between of Concord MA, of Waterbury VT and Powersmith Farm, Inc. of Guilford, VT, hopes to develop up to five 500kW net-metered solar arrays on individual lots in the North Springfield Industrial Park.

Raising Butterflies On The Porch

It was early September and I was standing on my back porch enjoying a bit of afternoon sunshine, when I saw a large butterfly, dusky winged but with the telltale tails of the swallowtail, fluttering down the driveway.  For some reason that I did not at that moment comprehend, she (for she it was) seemed fascinated by the two orange trees growing in pots outside.  She fluttered from leaf to leaf, never staying on one for long.  And then it hit me.  She’s laying eggs.  Oh no! She’s laying eggs in September in Vermont!  Which is how I came to have a family of giant swallowtail caterpillars on my porch, over whom I am anxiously watching as the nights get colder and their prospects as children of nature diminish….

Cultured Foods For Your Kitchen: Book Events and Localvore Tastings From Dosa Kitchen

Join local author Leda Scheintaub as she launches her new cookbook just out from Rizzoli, 

Learn how to incorporate ferments into your everyday cooking and enjoy a free sampling of ferment-centered localvore foods from , the South Indian food truck dedicated to our favorite ferment, the dosa (fermented rice and lentil crepe). Signed copies of the book will be available.

Qigong for Healing and Living Fully

QiGong for Healing and Living Fully
 with Thomas Garbarino, L.Ac, M.Ac.

You are your best healer! Come learn how each and everyone of us is born with the innate gift to heal ourselves. In this half-day intensive, you will experience simple and profound ways to awaken your body’s innate healing ability while deepening your capacity to relax and enjoy your life more completely. Participants will leave with a renewed and empowered sense of health and well-being. All are welcome; no experience required.

Physician Assistant Temmen Returns to BMH Ortho

The office is pleased to welcome back certified physician assistant Wayne Temmen, PA-C, to their team.

Wayne Temmen has more than 30 years of experience in the diagnosis and care of orthopaedic patients under the supervision of orthopaedic surgeons. His background includes surgical assistance for general orthopaedic surgery, assistance with total joint replacements and arthroscopy, and follow-up care for surgical patients.

Wilmington Fall Trail Hike This Weekend

The Wilmington Trails Committee is hosting a trail event Saturday, September 27th (Rain date September 28th). The hike will be two of Wilmington’s newer trails: The Shearer Hill Trail and the Raponda Primitive Trail.

Everyone is invited to meet at 10 AM at the entrance to the Shearer Hill Trail, which is at the field on the left hand side of Shearer Hill Road in Wilmington just before you come to the Marlboro Town Line which is at the intersection of Grant Road. You will see vehicles parked along the road. More information about the route will be provided once everyone gathers at the start. The hike will begin at 10:30am.

Lawrence Auclair

Last night I was pounding on Lawrence Auclair’s door, begging him to open up. But open up he could not. I am sorry to say Lawrence Auclair has died. He was the warrior watch dog for our safety interests concerning Vermont Yankee. He was a friend and neighbor for twenty years. I already miss you. Robyn Flatley

SeVWA’s Source-to-Sea Clean-up Event Along the West River – Sat., Sep. 27th

It’s Source-to-Sea Clean-up season!

The Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance (SeVWA) will partner with the Connecticut River Watershed Council (CRWC) in the annual Source-to-Sea Clean-up along our local waterways that feed the Connecticut River – and we hope that you will join us!

On Saturday, September 27th at 9 AM we will meet as a group at the Dummerston covered bridge parking lot on Route 30. Clean-up efforts will begin at the covered bridge and then participants will organize into teams to clean-up at the several sites along the West River between Brattleboro and Newfane. We will be cleaning-up on land, not on the water – so boats will not be needed. The clean-up session will end by noon.

Vermont AARP Selects BMH as Host of the Year

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital has been selected by the Vermont AARP Driver Safety Program as the 2014 Host of the Year.

According to David Peters, the Vermont State program coordinator, BMH “has hosted our classes for 20 years and the staff has always provided a level of support and cooperation that is exceptional. I hope that, working together, we have been able to have an impact upon highway safety in Vermont.”

The award will be presented at AARP’s Annual State Meeting on October 29, 2014, at Vermont Technical College in Randolph.

Brattleboro Internal Medicine Welcomes New Physician

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is pleased to welcome new internist Dr. Sarah Fulham, MD, to Brattleboro Internal Medicine, as of September 15, 2014.

Dr. Fulham will be providing care at Brattleboro Internal Medicine Tuesday through Friday.

Dr. Fulham earned her medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City and completed her internship and residency at Brown University General Internal Medicine Residency Program in Rhode Island. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and a Bachelor of Arts degree with an individual concentration in Japanese, Arabic, and Diplomatic History, both from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

BMH Welcomes New Patient Experience Manager

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is pleased to welcome Sally E. Fegley as the new Patient Experience Manager in the BMH Quality Department.

In this position, Fegley will work closely with the hospital’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Kathleen McGraw, as well as with the quality director and department managers, to work with the patient call-back process; to further develop skills of staff regarding customer service; to serve as point of contact for patient complaints; and to assist in the education of the hospital community regarding patient satisfaction scores as reported by the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS, pronounced “H-caps”), a national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care.

Someone You Know is Walking for Animals – Please Donate In Their Honor!

The Windham County Human Society’s 14th annual Walk for Animals is Saturday, September 27. The Walkers (and the animals) would love to have your support! 

Dozens of Walkers have signed up and are collecting donations to support their Walk. They’ve raised more than one-third of our goal, but there’s a ways to go!

And of course, it would be great to exceed the goal so we can do even more for animals in need.

What it supports: The money raised at the Walk goes to help the Humane Society meet these important needs:

BMH Nutrition and Cardiac Rehab Staff Host Mediterranean Dinner

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is hosting a special event entitled, “Mediterranean Dining: A Healthy Approach to Living,” sponsored by the hospital’s Nutrition Services Department and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.

The event will feature a dinner of Mediterranean food and a presentation by Drs. Judy and Ed Flower, a clinical psychologist and a marriage and family therapist. They will address how chronic illness is not just an individual problem but involves the whole family system. They will speak from their professional orientation and their own personal experience.

BMH Offers Free Health Series on “Freedom to Choose”

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is offering a free health education workshop series entitled, “Freedom to Choose: Basic Concepts and Principles,” beginning on September 23, 2014.

Co-sponsored by BMH, Grace Cottage, and the Brattleboro Retreat as part of Wellness in Windham, this new, interactive bimonthly health education series is designed to empower people to advocate for the medical treatments that they want by providing them with the knowledge and language necessary to understand what is available.

SeVWA’s 2014 River Monitoring Was Completed on September 10th

SeVWA’s 2014 River Monitoring was Completed on September 10th (Provided by L. Callahan, Sep. 12, 2014)

August 27th was the last full river sampling day of Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) 2014 river monitoring program, but there was one more monitoring day on Sep. 10th at three sites on the Saxtons River and one on the Williams River.

SeVWA’s 2014 river monitoring season – from mid-June through this week – included 26 stream sites where water quality samples were collected by volunteers. The sampling was scheduled for evry 2 weeks. Those 26 sites were along the West River, North Branch Brook, Rock River, Williams River, Middle Branch Williams River, Saxtons River and Whetstone Brook. The parameters tested were Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, air & water temperature, three nutrient parameters, turbidity and conductivity.

Question Re: Yard Sales This Weekend

I am having a yard sale this weekend (Saturday)on Western Avenue, household stuff. Is anyone in the Western Avenue/Tree Streets neighborhood having one also? I am wondering if we could combine them into a multi-family sale to improve traffic? Thanks.


Alan Dann

On Sunday night, the Brattleboro area lost a contributor to the community.

I first met Alan Dann through the Estey Organ Museum where we served together on the board. In this capacity, I learned of his musical abilities. Alan played organ, but also loved to sing. He would frequently be telling me of impending trips to foreign lands to sing with his college alumni choir.

David William Fischer: Edible Mushrooms and Plants in the Brattleboro Area

Due to a scheduling conflict, Chris Matherly, the mushroom hunter, will not be able to attend this workshop. Instead, meet mushroom expert David William Fischer at Brooks Memorial Library on Thursday, September 11, at 5 p.m. in the meeting room. Fischer, an internationally-known mycologist and ecologist, authored the classic books Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America and Mushrooms of Northeastern North America.

He has been a featured guest on NPR’s “Science Friday” program and his stunning mushroom photography has been spotlighted in numerous books and magazines. His web site — — is a leading source of mushroom information. Fischer’s presentation will discuss edible wild mushrooms and plants in the Brattleboro area, with a 45-minute slideshow on how to safely find, identify and prepare common, delicious species. After his presentation, Fischer will be on hand to answer questions — you can bring your mushrooms for him to identify — and will have autographed copies of his books available.