This Was Sent To Me Because I’m a Candidate; But You Need To Read It, Too. O.K.? You’ll Read It? Please?

I have always been opposed to private-for-profit out-of-state prisons; and I received this in my e-mail box today; and you need to read it, too.  O.K.?  You’ll read it?  Please?

Vermont prisoners have been locked up and shipped away for too long:

Bring them home! It’s the Vermont way.
Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:44 AM
From: “Locked Up and #ShippedAway – VT Campaign”

Beloved Boston Mayor Dies

Tom Menino, Boston’s longest standing mayor has died from cancer. He was a wonderful, compassionate mayor and man who loved his city and the people who lived in it. He was a strong urban leader and felt that before a city could address the needs and wants of tourism the well being of it’s citizens had to be addressed.

I lived in Boston for 38 years and he was a rare bird in City Hall. Not perfect by any means but ethical, level headed, smart. He didn’t back down and he always belived that Boston didn’t need to prove anything to anyone. There was seldom a community event that he wasn’t at, mingling, playing with the kids, asking people what they needed; how their lives were.

BMH Hires New Birthing Center Director

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced the hiring of Erinna Cooper, RN as Director of the Birthing Center, effective October 20.

Cooper has 10 years of OB/Maternal-Child health experience at Cheshire Medical Center. From 2010 to 2013, she served as the Permanent Charge Nurse of the OB unit. A role which put her in charge in managing clinical and support staff for patient care activities, among other duties. 

“OB is Erinna’s passion, and becoming the Director of the Birthing Center brings together her experience and enthusiasm,” said Mary Urquhart, RN, Vice President of Patient Care Services at BMH. “We’re looking forward to her joining the team.”

Bread From Fresh Local Grains Now Available At The Coop!

I was really excited to learn that Green Mountain Flour has started delivering bread to the Brattleboro Food Coop. Green Mountain Flour’s flour (is that redundant?) has been available at the coop for a while now, but not their bread.

It will be really nice not to have to go all the way up to Windsor to get great bread made from flour that was grown locally and milled just in time for each bake.

Brattleboro Time Trade – Week of October 26

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from an organized space:


Interior Design & Organization
Music Tutorials: Guitar, Harmonica and Banjo
Houskeeping or Organizing Help.
Offering Respite for Elders
Avocado Trees
Audio Cable To Trade

Qigong for Healing and Living Fully

with Thomas Garbarino, Lic.Ac, M.Ac.

You are your best healer! Come learn how each and everyone of us is born with the innate gift to heal ourselves. In this half-day intensive, you will experience simple and profound ways to awaken your body’s innate healing ability while deepening your capacity to relax and enjoy your life more completely. Participants will leave with a renewed and empowered sense of health and well-being. All are welcome; no experience required.

Wednesday Market Open This Wednesday

For your local eating pleasure we have extended dates for the Wednesday Farmers’ Market: OPEN TOMORROW! 10- 2 downtown by the Coop.

Please come visit and support the delicious hard work of Lost Barn Farm, Deer Ridge Farm, and Anon’s Thai. There’s both yummy storage crops and fresh greens for your cozy fall meals.

Saturday Market: LAST MARKET October 25th. Outside on Rte 9, West Brattleboro, 9-2, Rain or Shine!

Beloved Holton Home Cat Missing Since October 15th!

Pumpkin has been a long term resident of Holton Home on Western Avenue, where he has been a great source of joy to all those who live there.

Sadly he went missing on October 15th.

Pumpkin is an adult male short- haired orange tabby. He is extremely friendly and frequently travels through the surrounding neighborhoods. If you have found him or seen in your neighborhood please call 254 4155 or email 

Of Money, Politics, Unions and You!

 Meet “Porkorate Paul”, the enormous big pink pig seen squatting in the bed of a sign and slogan covered pick-up truck, puffing a cigar. He came to Brattleboro this Monday morning, October 20th, on one of his many stops throughout New England.  His purpose: to parade his pompous presumptions of wealthy entitlement over the lower echelon (that’s us).

Missing CSA Delivery

If anyone is missing a CSA delivery it is sitting in my back porch at the corner of Myrtle and Cedar.  It arrived yesterday afternoon and I would hate to see it spoil.  I raise my own veggies, so i do not need it,

Retreat Tower Questions

I took my young sons up to the Retreat Tower this past Tuesday — it was their first visit.  I’ve never been inside, but have heard that it is opened to the public now & then.  Does anyone know if there are fixed dates that it’s open, or where one can find out when it will be open?  The boys are dying to have a look inside and climb to the top for a view of the area.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Invite: Oct 24 – “Medicare Facts & Medicare Fraud”

The next “Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast” is planned for Friday, October 24,  2014 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

This month’s presentation will be given by Kelly McElheny, Southern VT Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, Community of Vermont Elders – SMP Program.

The Vermont Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program is a federally-funded volunteer and education program designed to help protect Medicare beneficiaries from becoming the victim of healthcare fraud, error or abuse. The SMP message “Protect. Detect. Report.”, is delivered through the support of volunteers throughout Vermont. This program is helpful to those just turning 65, already on Medicare or caregivers and families.

Schedule a Home Energy Audit Today! Do It For Kitten

Your house is drafty and your kitten is cold. It’s time to do something about that. If you’re a Brattleboro homeowner, schedule a home energy audit today and learn how you can save money and make your home more comfortable. Contact Brattleboro Town Energy Coordinator Paul Cameron to get started. 802.251.8135 or Do it for kitten.

This is a project of the Brattleboro Energy Committee. Please watch and share this video on social media sites, email, blogs and list serves. Thanks!

Dosa Kitchen: South Indian Soul Food Open All Weekend

What is a dosa?

Dosa is a fermented lentil and rice crepe that millions of Indians eat every day. Now you can enjoy them without leaving the state of Vermont.

Dosa Kitchen serves from-scratch dosas with a a rotating menu of curries. Our meat is free-range, and we always have a vegan option. All our food is gluten free and we support our local farms.

Brattleboro’s Representation at the Sixth Community Solutions Conference

Subject: Re: [climatechangecafe] CLIMATE CHANGE CAFE; Request for Support to Attend Climate Conference

On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Tim Stevenson <> wrote:

Lynn Russell has written that she feels it would be valuable to  have representation from our area at theSixth Community Solutions Conference; Climate Crisis Solutions: Curtailment and Community, that will be held in Yellow Springs, Ohio, 7-9 November.(see conference brochure below for details).

Free Parenting Education Classes (Children Ages 9-19) Being Offered Throughout Windham County

 Are you a parent or caregiver of an older youth or teen? You are invited to visit a new website for free upcoming parenting classes being provided in Windham County through the school year. While visiting the website, don’t forget to sign up for email updates to stay informed of future class dates and locations.

Currently the classes being offered are Guiding Good Choices (children in 4th to 8th grade) and Parenting Teens Wisely (children ages 10 to 19) for parents and caregivers FREE of cost. 

BMH Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Recertified by Industry Leader

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is proud to announce the recertification of its by the (AACVPR). BMH was recognized for its commitment to improving the quality of life by enhancing standards of care.

Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation programs are designed to help people with cardiovascular problems (e.g., heart attacks, coronary artery bypass graft surgery) and pulmonary problems (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], respiratory symptoms,) recover faster and improve their quality of life. Both programs include exercise, education, counseling, and support for patients and their families.