Mount Bratt Is Open!

One of the best kept secrets in Brattleboro is the nifty little ski resort tucked into the side of Living Memorial Park. Just like the big guys, it features a lift, snowmaking and grooming…and it’s open for night skiing too.

It may not be as challenging as some, but it IS fun, and all for the measly sum of FIVE BUCKS!

Historical note: In the early days of skiing, people from New York City used to come by train just to ski here.

Death By A Thousand Cuts – And Carving Into Stone

A story in the . The short version: it’s worse than imagined for humans.

The studies from the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Centre have some stark conclusions. They looked at what makes life on earth possible and found that we’re in the red zone for 4 out of 9 of the core componets of life.

On King’s Birthday Break the Blackout! Facebook/Twitter King’s Condemnation of US Atrocity Wars for Predatory Investments

“On King’s Birthday BREAK the BLACKOUT! Facebook/Twitter King’s Condemnation of US Atrocity Wars for Predatory Investments.” Ramsey Clark by jay janson for Ramsey Clark

Social networking Facebook Twitter YouTube cellphone cameras Everyone everywhere especially in countries suffering US bombings or CIA covert deadly violence, starvation! BREAK 48 year BLACKOUT of King’s condemnation of his gov.”greatest purveyor of violence in the world,” Don’t let genocidal media sucker our eyes and ears Use King’s 1963 “I have Dream’ to erase his 1967’That Dream won’t come true unless we end the Nightmare’

Qigong Exercise & Meditation Half Day Workshop in Brattleboro

Qigong – “Quietness as Medicine”

Qigong is one of the best practices to help relax the physical body and calm the overactive mind. The simple movements induce a calm, meditative state that relaxes the mind, improves one’s health, and raises the spirit. It is also an excellent form of preventative healthcare while treating major illnesses and minor ailments.

During this half-day workshop participants will explore the profound benefits and insights of diving deeper into “Quietness as Medicine”. Be prepared to be guided into an experience of profound relaxation, while opening up to the truth of who you really are.

I Had A Dream…

I had a dream last night and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was in my dream.  I swear I have NEVER dreamed about him before.  So, this is what happened in the dream:  he agreed (there were other people there in the dream) that the F-35 Strike Fighter Jets should be based in South Eastern Vermont (where there is no huge airport right now, but this was a dream), rather than in South Burlington, Vermont adjacent to the Burlington International Airport.

So, my political question is this:  Would the people of south eastern Vermont want the F-35 Strike Fighter Jets based there, or would they be just as deeply opposed to these horrific killing machines as the people in Chittenden County?

Road Map to Efficiency: A Regional Energy Roundtable

Come to “Road Map to Efficiency”, a regional energy roundtable Wednesday, January 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Windham & Windsor Housing Trust’s community room located at 68 Birge Street, Brattleboro

The roundtable will offer tools, resources, and support to homeowners, energy committees, and interested community members.

Roundtable topics include community grant opportunities, programs for schools, cold-climate heat pumps, residential solar options, on-bill repayment for residential efficiency projects, NeighborWorks H.E.A.T. Squad program updates, advice for starting an energy committee and how to spur action in communities.

Putney Family Healthcare Expanding Facility and Service

Putney Family Healthcare, a BMH Physician Group member, is undergoing renovations to expand its 79 Main Street facility. Practice officials state that this expansion is in response to a growing demand for medical care in the service area, which includes Putney, Dummerston, Westminster and Saxtons River.

GPI Construction began work on the expansion in November, which will create four additional exam rooms as well as increase office space for administrative staff. BMH Director of Plant Services Rob Prohaska is working with Joe Fortier of GPI to manage the project, which is expected to be completed March 1, 2015.

BMH’s Richardson Elected Chair of VT Hospital Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Committee

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced that its Director of Emergency Services, Brian Richardson, has been elected Co-Chair of the Vermont Hospital Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (VTHEPC) Committee.

Richardson joins Co-Chair Chris Lackney of in Townshend and Secretary John Berino from in Burlington as leaders of the VTHEPC committee, which is comprised of emergency preparedness coordinators from 14 participating Vermont hospitals and the state department of health.

Sovereign Citizens – Watch Out!

“At approximately 12:30 pm on 30 Dec, Police officers made contact with Robert Earl Lawrence at the Dothan City, AL Animal Shelter after he attempted to turn a stray animal over to an employee. Lawrence, a “sovereign citizen”, became disorderly after being told he could not leave the animal without producing identification. After repeatedly being told to calm down, Lawrence was advised he was being placed under arrest. A physical altercation ensued, to which Lawrence was shot in the abdomen. Lawrence, 30, was transported to the Southeast Alabama Medical Center where he was pronounced dead at 9:50 p.m. last night.” (CLG release)

A Landlord’s Responsibility?

Does anyone in the ibrattleboro community know exactly what a landlord’s legal responsibility is in terms of shoveling steps and walkways on their property?

The house I live in is managed by a local ‘property management” and any time there is a major storm on the weekends he never has anyone come to shovel. Currently, my walkway is like a skating rink -there is no way I could safely walk on it-especially since I now have to use a cane.

Who Knew? – Walking Sticks Revealed

I ran across a recent article about King Tut’s virtual reconstruction. Using 2,000 computerized tomography (CT) scans of the pharaoh’s body to conduct a “virtual autopsy” an image is “built” that shows Tutankhamun naked except for wearing a loincloth.Looking directly into the “camera,” he looks as if he is posing for the picture.

The reconstructed photo shows him standing holding a cane to support his club foot. At first, I thought something was odd about the image. Tutankhamun’s damaged foot is his left foot, but contrary to my expectation he is holding the cane in his right hand.

New Route for Amtrak

Trains will now stop in Greenfield and Northampton instead of Amherst. This project replaces the Palmer backup move and combined with already completed work in Vermont and work in Connecticut to be completed by 2016, will take an hour and a half off the schedule.

The faster running times are not yet evident.  Seven separate slow orders remain on the new line as construction is finished up.  Rather than try to run the new schedule while it’s not yet achievable, Amtrak has kept the running times in Vermont the same for the time being and will introduce the new schedule in the spring.  Trains will leave Vermont points about half an hour later than they do now and arrive about half an hour earlier in the evening.  Top speed in Massachusetts will be 79 mph.

Miracle on Westervelt Avenue

Grace had just turned 5 one day before Christmas Eve, and Eve would be two the day after Christmas. It was 40 years ago. 

We had been reading chapter books, one chapter each night. It was time to pick up our current book, Wind In The Willows. Tonight happened to be Christmas Eve, but the coincidence of our having come to the chapter about Rat an Mole’s Christmas Eve celebration did not dawn on us… at least not at first. 


I read about how Mole and Rat had finally found Mole’s cozy home under the snow, and were setting in comfortably when they heard voices outside:

Seeking A Source Of Quality Nip

Every year at Christmas I make catnip mice for all the cats of my acquaintance, or in some cases, for the cats of my acquaintances.  In any event, the nip has always worked in the past, so this year I was a little surprised when the two test mice I made for my own cats elicited no reaction whatsoever.  We had to make them take the mice.  They poked them a little and one cat endeavored to at least try to act interested, but overall, the mice were a resounding failure.  I blame the nip.

The catnip I used advertised joyous rapture for kitties on its label, but it was commercially grown nip sold in plastic bags, so I knew it wasn’t going to be great.  But judging from my cats’ less than tepid reaction, it may as well have been parsley. 

Limited Income? Increase Your Food Budget!

With the arrival of holidays and winter, many of us who have limited income are feeling the squeeze financially. Here’s a way to stretch your budget: Get 3SquaresVT!

If you’re eligible you’ll get a payment card (it looks like a credit card) to use at grocery stores, convenience  stores, farmers markets and food co-ops. If everyone in the household is 65+, the 3SquaresVT benefits may be deposited directly into a bank account. Seniors also may use medical expenses as adjustment to income, which may help you qualify.

Festive Fruitcake

This year, the Beard household is having a big, whiskey-soaked fruitcake. In years past I’ve made small fruitcakes, one pounders that were tasty and spirited, but this year it’s a bundt cake. The small loaf is gone too fast!

We were a store-bought, tea-totalling fruitcake family growing up. Nobody liked them, and nobody ate them. When I began making them my opinion of fruitcake changed. I went to all lengths, soaking brown paper and wrapping it tightly, tying in cheesecloth and keeping in a pot, baking in a Bain Marie. To my relief, I’ve found that regular baking techniques work just fine. A standard spice cake recipe with alcohol-soaked fruit bakes up perfectly. I continue “feeding” the cake every other day until serving.

Best Air Pump In Brattleboro?

It’s time to put air in my tires. Since it is impractical to try them all, I thought I’d ask you for your opinions on local area air pumps.

Has any service station out there installed any new, innovative air pump machines? Have there been any technologiocal advancements in recent years? Where is the best place to fill tires? Any good deals?

Up until now I often stop in at one of the stations near Exit 3, but I don’t have to go there if there is a better option.

The BAJC “Pop-up” Gift Shop for Chanukah!

The BAJC “pop-up” gift shop will be open for several  days this week and next.  Chanukah candles are available, along with menorahs, dreidels, chocolate “gelt” and other Judaica and gift items. Although you can’t purchase anything on Shabbat,  you can select your candles and gifts next Saturday morning (12/13), and pay another day, when it’s not Shabbat. (You can send a check to BAJC.) 

The gift shop (in the BAJC office–the cottage behind the shul) will also be open on Monday 12/8 from 3:00 to 6:00on Wednesday the 10th from 1:30 to 5:30, on Thursday the 11th from 3:00 to 8:30, and on Friday the 19th from 4:00 on.