Area Hospitals Launch Community Health Needs Assessment

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, the , and are launching a new community health needs assessment (CHNA) to engage the communities they serve and learn more about the most pressing health care concerns and needs. Based on the data that the hospitals gather, each hospital will develop an implementation strategy to address prioritized health care needs. This CHNA is also an opportunity for hospitals to maintain compliance with federal regulations.

The three health care organizations are working collaboratively to gather information by conducting focus groups, developing and disseminating a short survey to the general public, and collecting and analyzing quantitative data. The Vermont Department of Health is providing population based indicators as part of the process.

How Hard Is It To Find 100,000 People To Sign A White House Petition, To Qualify For An Official Response?

It is extremely hard to find 100,000 people to sign a White House “We the People” petition, in order to qualify for an Official White House response.   There have been a lot of marijuana, cannabis, hemp, and medical marijuana White House petitions.   None of them have received the response the petitioners want to hear, so we all just keep filing more petitions, hoping that attitudes up on The Hill will change.  This new 2015 Make Marijuana Legal! petition is really dragging its feet, averaging only 100 signatures a day.  This petition needs help!

Qigong and Healing – Taming the Monkey Mind

Quieting one’s mind can often feel like an overwhelming task. During this half-day workshop, participants will learn simple yet effective ways to quiet the busy mind, also known as the “Monkey Mind”. Through the practice of Qigong we will gradually let go of the limits of our acquired self and open up to the infinite experience of our true nature. Participants will leave with a renewed and empowered sense of health and well-being.

Qigong consists of simple movements and breathing practices that relax the physical body, calm the mind and raise the spirit. It is an excellent form of preventative healthcare, and also used in treating major illnesses and minor ailments.

New White House Petition: Make Marijuana Legal

There have been so many marijuana legalization petitions at the White House, and none have succeeded in the ultimate objective, so it is important to keep signing more peititions.   The squeaky wheel is the one that gets greased; right?

Flakiness Intensifies

The seasonal frozen precipitation continues. Brattleboro should have an abundance of new flakes by morning.

Anyone doing anything interesting?

Memorial for Kat (Coates) Bark

Andrew Bark wishes to invite everyone who loved his late wife Katharine M. Bark to a celebration of her life.

Kat’s memorial will be a pot luck to be held at the Townshend Town Hall from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 7th. 

For more information, please call Andrew at: (802) 451-6188,

Inserting Horizontal Lines In Word Documents Quickly?

There must be someone in Brattleboro who knows enough about Microsoft WORD to answer my question.

Normally, when you want to quickly insert a horizontal line into a Word document there is a keyboard shortcut to save you time.

Example: To put a simple divider line between two paragraphs in a document, just type 3 dashes — and hit
‘Enter’ immediately.

The Real Snowstorm of 2015, and Hot Chocolate

The snow continues to fall here at the iBrattleboro world headquarters. The temperatures are low, as they have been for quite a few weeks, but this time around we have been given some snow. Quite a bit. There seem to be about 8 to 12 inches out there so far, and no signs of it stopping anytime soon.

I like the way everything is quiet when the snow is like this. No one is out driving around. Everyone is waiting for it to pass.


Knowing that readers of iBrattleboro readily offer their opinions, I am putting the following link out there and look forward to comments. The video takes about 1 hour to view in its entirety, so with the oncoming snow, plan accordingly. What implications stem from the video for public policy? Town policy?

Spaghetti Supper on Jan. 28: Fundraiser for Music Enrichment

Friends of Music at Guilford is hosting a fundraising Spaghetti Supper at Guilford Central School (GCS) on Wednesday, January 28, to support its 7th annual Music Enrichment Program at Guilford Central (K-6) School.

The program’s lead teacher, percussionist Todd Roach, will be joined this season by stringed-instrument specialist Mac Ritchey, for a 3-day workshop residency with grades 4-6 during the first week in February. The residency comes to a close with a concert of traditional and original music presented for the entire school community, assisted in part by their workshop participants.

A Winter Storm – The Blizzard of 2015

It’s a bit early, and we may not get much more than a regular amount of snow here in Brattleboro, but the big weather news for New England is the blizzard of 2015.

Feel free to share weather-related tidbits here. I know we just about all have either friends and/or family somewhere in the path of this storm, and we may end up getting quite a bit here by the end of it all. Check the for all the latest forecasts, warnings, and links to many weather sites.

That’s all the storm hype you will get from me. Enjoy the snow, and stay smart and safe!

BFC Shareholders Want Transparency

by Several Members of the Shareholder Forum

Recently The Commons printed an article and letters regarding the Putney Coop, changes to their by-laws and involvement with CDS Consulting. As members, we mean – shareholders, of the Brattleboro Food Coop, the assumption is that the Putney Coop is going to become like our coop in Brattleboro.  Perhaps not the size, but the management structure, profits and corporate feel.

In August a few disheartened shareholders started the Brattleboro Food Coop Shareholder Forum – for shareholders, by shareholders.  We meet on the third Sunday of the month from 5:00-7:00pm in the Coop Community Room. All are welcome.

Brattleboro Dog and Wolf Hybrid Licenses Available

Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are available for the 2015 licensing period. Vermont dogs and wolf-hybrids 6 months of age and older must be licensed on or before April 1.

Renewal licenses may be obtained in person at the Town Clerk’s office, through the mail or online at Dogs being licensed in Brattleboro for the first time may be licensed in person or through the mail by printing the license form from the website listed above.

Vaccination against rabies is required by Vermont Statutes before licensing. A current vaccination means:

New Beginners Tai Chi Chuan Class Starting in Putney

Tai Chi Chuan (Taiji Quan) otherwise known as Supreme Ultimate Boxing, is an ancient form of martial art that has been practiced for both health and self defense. It can be practiced for recreation, and to increase strength, flexibility, balance well into old age. Tai Chi Chuan is not performed in the same manner as most western calisthenics or sports. It requires a tremendous amount of mental and physical concentration and control. Tai Chi Chuan is often described as a moving meditation. After practice, one feels invigorated, clear-minded, and peaceful.

Stroll presents Beer, Wine and Cheese Festival at River Garden, Feb. 13

Strolling of the Heifers will present a mid-winter Beer, Cider and Cheese Festival on Friday, Feb. 13, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, Main Street, Brattleboro. 

The event is a fund-raiser for Strolling of the Heifers, and takes place in conjunction with the Harris Hill Ski Jump. It features eight craft brewers and 16 cheesemakers and specialty food producers from throughout Vermont and New Hampshire.

Four Weeks And Counting: 93rd Harris Hill Ski Jumping Competition To Be Held February 14 and 15 In Brattleboro, Vermont

Brattleboro, Vt. (January 19, 2015) – The only International Skiing Federation (FIS)-approved ski jump in New England will soon be fully active as the 93rd Harris Hill Ski Jump sets to take off February 14 and 15 in Brattleboro, Vt. The world-class competition will feature more than 40 of the world’s top male and female jumpers from the US, Europe and Canada who will compete on a 90-meter Olympic sized jump.

Going To Bed Hungry – The Window To Health

In my early twenties during the 1970’s I made a conscious decision to go to bed hungry most nights. My cutoff evening eating time was by 6 pm, not later than 7 pm. And, most nights I did indeed experience the growling of an empty stomach. Before long, I anticipated the feeling of being (really) hungry which I associated with a healthy outlook.My deliberate nightly hunger strike was based on my instinct that it was good for me.

Each morning I woke up looking forward to a hardy breakfast and good eats throughout the day…until 6 pm. Throughout my adulthood, it is a practice I continue to this day.