Brattleboro VFW Breakfast/Turkey Dinner Info. Public Welcome to All Meals

Breakfast at the VFW every Wednesday and Saturday from 6 am – 10 am. Public welcome to our meals!

Remember, breakfast will be served on our hall side from now on for more spacing. Slight differences between our Wednesday and Saturday breakfast. Every Wednesday there is a breakfast special offered, and Saturday has sausage gravy and biscuits.

Brattleboro VFW Fish Fry Friday Sept. 24th 4pm-7pm Public Welcome

It’s back! Friday September 24th at the Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road. Hand breaded fried haddock with fries and coleslaw for $13 a person. Also having burgers for those of you who don’t like fish. Public is welcome. Serving 4pm-6pm. Please be aware we have one fish fryer, and this is a big piece of haddock that takes time to cook. In other words, you could be waiting for your meal. Have some patience. Sit and stay awhile.

Free Burgers and Dogs for Vietnam Veterans Friday Sept. 17th at the Brattleboro VFW

On Friday September 17th, the Brattleboro VFW Post #1034 located at 40 Black Mountain Road will be offering free hamburgers, natural casing hotdogs, chips and sodas for any Vietnam veteran who come to the VFW from 5pm -7pm. The public is also welcome to come in and purchase burgers and dogs. Again, if you are a Vietnam Vet, this will be free. All others are welcome to come in and purchase food. You do not have to be a member.