The Compassionate Friends – New Bereavement Group Remembers Children Who Died
Brattleboro, VT—Bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child now have an opportunity to meet with others on a regular basis who have endured similar tragedies.
The Compassionate Friends (TCF) of Brattleboro, a national self-help organization for families that have had a child die, will hold its next monthly meeting Sunday, November 15th, at 2:00 PM at 541 Black Mountain Road, Brattleboro, VT. Meetings will be held each month the third Sunday of the week at the same time and location.
“A bereavement organization like TCF where families could talk about their loss publicly without feeling out-of-place is invaluable to those of us whose children have died,” said new chapter leader Beverly Miller. “After your child dies, most people do not want to talk with you about your child probably because they are afraid of making you feel bad. The irony is that talking about your child helps you–no one wants their child forgotten. And studies have proven that sharing our stories and tears is an emotional release that helps us.”