2000 Vermonters Demonstrate Against Racist Murder of George Floyd – Cities Across The U.S. In Rebellion

Tonight, over 2000+ Vermonters converged on the Burlington Police Department in protest of the racist murder of unarmed Black man George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis PD. Over the last 48 hours, rebellions & demonstrations have broke out in a multitude of US cities. In Minneapolis citizens overran the police department building where the officers responsible for the killing were based. Violent confrontations have flared between protesters and law enforcement in many urban centers outside Vermont. President Trump has called for looters to be shot, and has threated to mobilize the U.S. military.

In Burlington, the demonstrations were lead by Black Lives Matter. Amongst the many protesters were VT AFL-CIO District Vice President Dwight Brown, AFSCME Local 1343 President Damion Gilbert, and Progressive State Representative Brian Cina (who is also a member of DSA).

Unusual Demonstration on Putney Road

another world is possible

There was an unusual demonstration on Putney Road, this past Sunday.

Messages of hope. A number of people in fantasy costumes. Some of the banners and signs had a symbol which I am not familiar with — anyone have any ideas what it is?

We Are All Lab Rats

As the death toll continues to climb in the U.S. and worldwide during the COVID 19 pandemic, economic and social needs are becoming more of a priority than the prevention of morbidity and mortality. Societies are opening and trying to be as cautious as possible, but even scientifically based efforts and careful monitoring are nothing more than a crap shoot. Every move we make is nothing more than wishful thinking, because we still do not know a lot about the potential of the virus

If you want to stay safe during the coming months the only way to do so is to minimize your contact with other people, wear a face mask in public places and use hand sanitizer liberally. This may sound like the same old mantra and it is, because the COVID 19 virus is still multiplying among us and we have no cure and only supportive treatment for those who contract the virus.

Mourn On Memorial Day & Indict Our Ruling Criminally Insane Murderous Investors in Wars on Wall St.

On Memorial Day, after mourning our loved ones, taken away from us by our ruling criminally insane murderous investors in Weapons of Mass Destruction on Wall Street, let us at least indict these pathetic racist colonial powered accumulators of capital in our hearts and minds and look to the day when pale skin bankers will no longer wield such incredible power over the planet and humanity.

Thinking of You! From the Common Loaf Bakers

I stepped out of the rally organizer’s van. It was like stepping into a churning river, the thought flashing through my mind, “I was coming out!” At last, my newly formed convictions of conscientious objection to war and oppression would become known. I was taking a big risk, but the world seemed entrapped in the deathgrip of war and injustice. Stepping up to the microphone I was in full dress military uniform. It was December of 1981 in Southern West Germany and many Germans were wanting to control their destiny.

Venezuela Can Be Protected by Quoting Martin Luther King and Other Famous Condemners of US Crimes

King cried out “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world is my own government.” Obama’s pastor, “God Bless America? No! God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” Michael Moore, “sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones to kill civilians.”

Divided We Fall

As the pandemic evolved there seemed to be hope for a unified effort to combat a common enemy. Despite the political polarization in the United States, it did seem possible that we might be able to cast aside some of the “us vs them” mentality to join forces and minimize the death and destruction that the COVID 19 pandemic is causing.

Instead, we have business as usual. The U.S. president is displaying more and more signs and symptoms of progressive mental illness. Everything is about him and, if you don’t agree with his unfounded recommendations about dealing with the virus, then he will punish you by withholding support and supplies from your state.

The Next Phase

We are now entering a new phase of pandemic adjustment. The first few months were a novelty and, although many people had a hard time adjusting, it seemed that most people were able to cope while holding out hope for temporary change.

Now that it is clear that we are going to have to change our lives for the long term and that there is no exact time frame for society to re-open, people are losing patience. Early on, people were almost too friendly, trying to be respectful of each other in supermarkets and other places that have been able to remain open. But that friendliness is wearing thin and some people are taking out their frustrations on others.

Then there are the mostly brain-dead yahoos who think their personal liberty is more important than the lives of others as they protest around the country. Thankfully, they are a minority, but they are being supported by Trump. Some governors have decided that reinvigorating commerce is more important than protecting lives. That puts all of us in jeopardy.

Vermont Primary Voting?

There will be an election – the State Primary – in August (!) this year in Vermont (!). . . and it’s not too early to be prepared.

How do you do that, you ask?

Visit your My Voter Page, update your registration address, including your physical and mailing addresses, and request absentee ballots.

Brattleboro Time Trade – Uncancelled

One thing in Brattleboro is UNCANCELLED!  Brattleboro Time Trade is perfect for this very time…

We trade TIME rather than $$$… and can be very creative about how we do it — 6 feet apart, remotely by Facebook, Zoom, telephone, Hangouts, you name it…  For example — Get someone to help you with your computer… then trade with someone else — the beautiful handmade cards you love to create… your imagination is the only limit…

Groundworks Invites Supporters to Fundraise By Camping-in-Place on May 1

BRATTLEBORO—Amidst the organization’s many measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Groundworks Collaborative has pivoted to a virtual approach for their 8th annual Camp for a Common Cause fundraiser.  

The event, which normally seeks a permit to lift the Town of Brattleboro’s public camping restriction for one night each May on the Brattleboro Common, will happen virtually this year on Friday, May 1st.  Organizers are encouraging participants to camp at home—on lawns, in garages, on balconies and decks, etc.—and in so doing, raise funds that Groundworks reports it needs “now more than ever.”  

Groundworks Responds to COVID-19 and Seeks Volunteers

In preparation—and following the guidance recommended for homeless shelters and programs—Groundworks has taken a number of preventive and precautionary steps in response to COVID-19.  Our goal is to protect our community’s most vulnerable neighbors by responding with an abundance of caution, while not contributing to feelings of panic or fear.

Groundworks is working closely with State partners to ensure a strong local response to keep our shelter guests safe.  Our staff at both shelters are engaging in additional cleaning and sanitizing protocols, and we have limited access to restrict any external guests at any of our program sites. 

Survey: Your Wishes for Reps Voting at Brattleboro 2020 Annual Representative Town Meeting

You are invited to fill a survey to help Brattleboro town reps know what people want for voting by reps at the March 21 Brattleboro annual town meeting. This survey is for people who are NOT Brattleboro town reps.

The survey is here: http://bit.ly/townarticles2020

The survey asks your opinion on each article that will be voted on. Results will be shared with town reps, and also available to anyone.

A Glimmer of Hope

When a criminal is acquitted of crimes, not because of innocence but because the legal system failed to do its job, it means that bad behavior has been rewarded. The U.S. Senate impeachment process (fake trial) has been a display of some of the most rotten aspects of a political and legal system in an advanced state of decay.

The criminal-in-chief will now feel emboldened to run roughshod over the rights of anyone who does not agree with him. He has been given carte blanche license to not have to follow any American laws because he knows that the Senate and his supporters have his back.

World ‘Leaders’ at Auschwitz Anniversary Skip Wall St. Arming & Empowering Anti-Semitic Hitler

There is simply no way an impoverished and utterly demilitarized Nazi Germany, with no air force, a tiny navy, no armored vehicles, no heavy weapons and a tiny army, could have on its own, built its armed forces up to the most powerful military in the world during the first six years of Hitler’s rule of Germany in depression without the colossal and crucial investments in, and joint venturing by, top US

An Advanced State of Decay

The American form of government is in an advanced state of decay. An argument might even be made that we are witnessing the final gasps of a failed centuries-long experiment. On the other hand, one might say that what we now have is just a logical evolution of a country created by slaveowners and an elite corps of wealthy white men. There are always many ways to look at events.

When the majority of people in a society are being used as pawns by a privileged few then I believe that the government has failed to uphold basic human values. If we want to nurture a democracy then we have to promote what is best for most of us.

Holiday? King Murdered by Gov. Conspiracy Blacked-out by Wall St. Owned CIA Controlled TV & Press .

One year to the day before Rev. King received a bullet to his head, bold headlines in overseas newspapers all around the world read, KING CALLS US “GREATEST PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD.” The same morning, in the United States of Wars, Wall St. owned, CIA controlled, TV and newspapers, which all defended and praised the war in Vietnam, vilified King as a traitor of his country and an embarrassment to the African-American community

We Celebrate Democracy Civil Rights For All MLK Day Banner Hanging

I will be taking the banner down to the fire company today so they can hang it over Main Street on Sunday the 19th at 8 am.
It is being hung to honor Martin Luther King and the many, many other martyrs to our great cause.

I will have pro-democracy signs democracy and a song to sing: “We are singing for democracy, democracy, democracy, we are singing for democracy and civil rights for all”, sung to the tune of We Are Marching To Pretoria (popularized by the Smothers Brothers).

Murder is A Steppingstone

The murder of Iranian general Soleimani was a reminder that there are no moral or ethical boundaries that Trump will not cross. While politicians and the news media dance around the motive for the killing because they want to be fair until they have concrete proof, the rest of the world knows that the execution was a move calculated to divert attention away from impeachment.

As I was reading the New York Times last Sunday I could not find one story that had anything to do with impeachment. Trump successfully used murder to control the news cycle. He is not a complicated man. He acts impulsively and it was clear that he was becoming increasingly irritated at being trashed and constantly scrutinized for behavior that justified his impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives.