Wanted: Downtown Brattleboro Business Owners

Is secondhand smoke a concern to businesses in downtown Brattleboro?

Don’t miss your chance to share your opinion about secondhand smoke in the downtown Brattleboro business area by participating in a focus group on Wednesday, June 26th. This focus group is intended to gather feedback to determine if secondhand smoke is impacting the downtown business community.

VT Gas Pipeline and Other Extreme Energy Projects

Vermonters are building a resistance to extreme energy projects, and exploring how local struggles against extreme energy can support each other. On Tuesday June 25th, 7pm in the Parlor of the Centre Congregational Church, (193 Main Street, Brattleboro) Sara Mehalik of Rising Tide will make a brief presentation about pipeline projects and the Stop the Vermont Gas Pipeline campaign.

Vermont Gas Systems plans to expand a fracked gas pipeline through VT and under Lake Champlain. Landholders and community members are organizing to stop this dirty and dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure, to protect the water, the climate and to build community power and resilience.

Are You Being Manipulated? Tobacco Industry Spends $27.4 Million Annually Marketing to Vermonters

World No Tobacco Day 2013 [May 31, 2013] calls for bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship are one of the most effective ways of reducing tobacco consumption. As more countries make progress towards implementing complete bans, the tobacco industry is increasingly using tactics such as brand extension, product placement and stealth marketing to sell its products. The ultimate goal of World No Tobacco Day is to contribute to protect present and future generations not only from these devastating health consequences, but also against the social, environmental and economic scourges of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke.

First Tuesday

I know I said I would provide updates for those who are interested called First Tuesday. They were supposed to take place on the First Tuesday ofevery month. Sorry… I really have no excuse, but rest assured I have not been idle. I have updated the deceptions website so everything is now is in one place (movie, magazine, You Tube Channel and PegMeda write up for “Pants on Fire.” Additionally I am now setup to do an ongoing blog from this site.

The Putney School Fundraiser for Rwanda

On May 11th, The Putney School students are available to help with yard and housework, such as raking, trimming, or painting. Money earned by Putney School students during the work day will support CHABHA, Children affected by HIV/AIDS organization in several ways including establishing a weaving workshop in Kigali. In July a group from Putney school will bring looms and yarns to Rwanda. They will teach young Rwandans to weave, giving them with a source of income to provide for their education and healthcare. Your support will make this possible.

For more information or to request students for a project go to this website: www.Tinyurl.com/bo8flrd

Film: The Invisible War Wednesday

Film: The Invisible War, Wednesday April 17, 2013, 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM

On Wednesday, April 17, at 6:30 PM, the Womens’ Freedom Center will present a screening and discussion of The Invisible War.

Anna Mullany of the WFC will lead the discussion.

The Invisible War is a 2012 documentary film written and directed by Kirby Dick and produced by Amy Ziering and Tanner King Barklow about sexual assault in the United States military. It premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, where it received the U.S. Documentary Audience Award. The film is nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 85th Academy Awards.

Post Oil Solutions Community Meetings

Post Oil Solutions takes great pleasure in announcing that its monthly Community Meetings will be held in the Brooks Memorial Library meeting room on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 23, with a special focus on food security, and growing a community of gardeners in the greater Brattleboro region.

We will begin at 6:00 PM, with light refreshments and social time, followed by the meeting from 6:30-8:15 PM.

Leaks, Lies and Lawyers – Remarks of Deb Katz, CAN

Miss the rally last weekend? Here is copy of the remarks made by Deb Katz of the Citizen’s Awareness Network.

“Leaks, Lies and Lawyers 03.30.13

Deb Katz, Citizens Awareness Network

This is a moment when people feel outrage, helpless, frustrated and discouraged. Yet we are at a tipping point. Why outraged?

Leaks, Lies & Lawyers Parade & Rally

Parade & Rally to Mark One-Year of Illegal Operation & Waste by Entergy

Bread and Puppet Theater and the SAGE Alliance will join forces to mark one year of illegal operation by Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee on Saturday, 3/30/13 at 3:30pm, with a parade through the streets of Brattleboro and a rally at the Latchis Theater.

The state of Vermont’s original operating license for Yankee expired on March 21, 2012. In blatant defiance of Vermont state law and the will of the people, Entergy continues to operate Vermont Yankee; generating additional radioactive waste, polluting the Connecticut River with thermal waste, and barraging the state of Vermont with lawsuits. It has been one year of waste.

Growing a Community of Gardeners

Growing a Community of Gardeners 
Monday March 4, 2013
6:30 PM until 8:30 PM

Brooks Memorial Library and Post Oil Food invite you to a discussion about Growing a Community of Gardeners, on Monday, March 4, at 6:30 PM.

Half The Sky: A Discussion & Screening of the Film

HALF THE SKY: A Discussion & Screening of the Film
Tuesday February 26, 2013
7:00 PM  –  9:00 PM

Join a panel discussion of Vermont Public Television Community Cinema’s Half the Sky on Tuesday, February 26, at 7:00  PM.

The evening will commence with a 42 minute screening of one section of the film and will follow with a panel discussion. Film selections may include: maternal mortality; sex trafficking; gender-based violence; economic development, and education.

Gay Jew in Uganda Travelogue/Fundraiser

If you’re free, please please come! (I really want to pack the house…)  -Ken