Smoke-Free Zone: BUHS Students Clear the Air in Downtown Brattleboro

Have you seen the blue and orange Smoke-Free Zone stencils on the streets of downtown Brattleboro? Are you wondering how they got there? Check out this video and find out more:  

During the November Gallery Walk, BUHS students used non-toxic spray chalk to create Smoke-Free Zone stencils on the sidewalks in front of supporting Brattleboro businesses.

Downtown Brattleboro businesses who supported the project and allowed Smoke-Free Zone stencils in front of their business include Amy’s Bakery, Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro, Brattleboro Bike Shop, Brooks Memorial Library, Burrows Specialized Sports, Candle In the Night, Everyone’s Books, Experienced Goods, Gallery in the Woods, Hotel Pharmacy, In the Moment Records, Insight Photography, Latchis Hotel & Theatre, Life’s Little Luxuries, Mystery on Main, Peter Havens, Renaissance Fine Jewelry, The River Garden, Silver Moon Adornments, Taylor for Flowers, Vermont Artisans Gallery and Windham Flowers.

TPP: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

The TPP is a corporate handout disguised as a trade deal. It gives multi-national corporations unprecedented rights and is being negotiated in secret.

From “Reject Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership Action Page”:

Vermont Workers’ Center Joins The Root Social Justice Center

The Vermont Workers’ Center (VWC) announced this week that it will officially join the newly created Root Social Justice Center in Brattleboro.  Tonight there will be an opening celebration from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. during Gallery Walk. Stop by to join the VWC and other members of The Root for an evening of celebration, refreshments and activities. The Root is located on the ground floor of the beautiful Whetstone Studio for the Arts building at 28 Williams Street in Brattleboro. The VWC’s Southern Vermont office will be based at The Root, along with other members of The Root collective: Alex Fischer of Open Bookkeeping, Mel Motel of the Just Schools Project, and Angela Berkfield of ACT for Social Justice.

Meal Train for Elliot St. Fire Victims – Help With Food Needed, Starting Today!

From Bethany Thies:

“The meal train link benefiting the displaced families of the Elliot Street Fire is linked below. Please share, add people via e-mail on the link and also share of your time. We are still looking for donations of food for today, Saturday 10/19 and tomorrow, Sunday 10/20. Help how you can! if you can not make a
meal, we also need beverages (milk, juice and water), fresh sliced fruits and veggies and dessert items. Please give of your hands and heart.

The Root Social Justice Center Hosts Opening Celebration on November 1

The Root Social Justice Center is hosting an opening celebration on Friday, November 1 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. during Gallery Walk. Located on the ground floor of the beautiful Whetstone Studio for the Arts building at 28 Williams Street in Brattleboro, The Root Social Justice Center provides a physically and financially accessible space to support and bring together communities working for social justice. The Root is a co-work office collective by day and a community space on evenings and weekends.

Clean Air Cities

To all with eyes to see, it’s clear that climate change is here now and already having a profound effect on the places we live, the natural resources we depend on and the species that provide rich biodiversity around the planet.

Nature knows. The Maple Sugar industry is concerned that our forests are migrating northward. The timber industry is worried about dying trees and increased risk of forest fires. Populations of small animals are changing. Cottontails are seen with increasing frequency. Turkey Vultures are staying for the winter. Canada Geese can be seen at Christmas time. Southern species of fish are seen further north than ever.We need to take significant steps now to curb greenhouse gas pollution and avoid the worst effects of runaway global climate change.

Help Clean Up Pliny Park on Wednesday

We’re cleaning up Pliny Park and need your help!

When: Wednesday, October 2nd – 5:30 p.m.

We’ll be raking, sweeping, and picking up trash Bring gloves, rakes, brooms or wheelbarrows if you have them.

Feel free to share this email with a friend!

This message is from your friends at
Building a Better Brattleboro
P.O. Box 961 – Brattleboro, VT 05302
(802) 257-4886

Need For Help As Your Fellow Community Members

We are desperately seeking a tent as well as a place to pitch it, we are willing to pay anyone that has a large quantity of land or at least a decent amount. … and we are willing to pay quiet a bit to stay there until we are able to find housing. please contact me via FB by private message if you can help and are interested. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

Saturday Rally for the Climate & Against the Pipeline

About 50 people rallied in Brattleboro on Sunday for action on climate change and in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.  The latter, if built, would bring petroleum from Alberta, Canada to ports in New England for trans-Atlantic shipping, but at terrific cost to the environment in Alberta and the climate in general.  A contingent of students from Williams College made the trip to Brattleboro, a number came from down in the Pioneer Valley as well as from up valley.

Stand Up For A Child! at Windham County Family Court

Right now, there are children involved in the Windham County Family Court who need your help. They don’t need your money – just your time and attention. In some cases, these children have been abused, neglected or caught in the middle of a custody dispute – but they all have the same need: to have a judge-appointed advocate who will look out for their best interest. To be a Guardian ad Litem, you needn’t have any specialized experience – just a willingness to volunteer your free time, strong interpersonal and communication skills, a passion for helping vulnerable children and the ability to think critically, be assertive, work with others effectively, and use sound judgment. Training is provided, and the personal reward is immeasurable.

Statement of Deb Katz, VCAN on Entergy’s Decision to Close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant

“We applaud Entergy’s decision to shut down an aging nuclear power plant, rather than to push it past its limits. We appreciate their commitment for planning for a safe and orderly shutdown. We will remain vigilant to ensure that the decommissioning is done responsibly and in the safest way possible. Today, we celebrate this milestone in our work to end nuclear power generation in the Northeast and to foster a renewable energy future. This is a win for the people. Their relentless work has made the closure of Vermont Yankee possible. We thank all who have worked to make this day happen, especially the state of Vermont for its perseverance on this issue.”

Call on Federal Government to Regulate Stun Guns

Petition language:

The undersigned petitioners call on the Government of the United States to govern and regulate the law enforcement and civilian use of Tasers as well as other stun guns in the exact same manner it governs and regulates the law enforcement and civilian use of firearms and other lethal weapons.

Read petition background and consider signing on, .

Tipping Point – The Age of the Oil Sands

Press release– Presenting: TIPPING POINT: The Age of the Oil Sands a CBC documentary film

Wednesday, August 21 @ 6 pm
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church West Brattleboro
(West Village Meeting House)
Sponsored by All Souls Church and Vermont Interfaith Power and Light

The film showing will be followed by a discussion which will include information on the pipeline that passes through the Northeast Kingdom

Film Showing – Tipping Point: The Age of the Oil Sands

Tar Sands Oil: How You Can STOP It!

Point: The Age of the Oil Sands” a  CBC documentary film about the environmental issue of the proposed pipeline through the Northeast Kingdom. Sponsored by All Souls Church and Vermont Interfaith Power and Light. To be shown at All Souls Church, West Brattleboro on Wednesday, August 21st at 6pm. 

Discussion and light refreshments after the film. A free-will offering to benefit Vermont Interfaith Power and Light will be collected. 

For further information please contact: Betsy Hardy at 802-434-3397 or email:

Local Youth Launch “Above the Influence” Initiative

Brattleboro area students are sending an important message to their peers this summer – stay Above the Influence – with the launch of the. ATI 802 features the faces and voices of Brattleboro area youth and showcases each individual student’s choice to rise above the influences of negative pressures to drink, do drugs or anything that goes against who you are in order to fit in.

The launch of this positive message media campaign is timed to reach youth during the summer break, when more free time and less adult supervision can increase the likelihood of exposure to dangers and substance use. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more teens start drinking and smoking cigarettes and marijuana in June and July than any other months of the year.

Volunteer Needed for Brattleboro Housing Authority, Ledgewood Heights

Ledgewood Heights FREE summer meals program is looking for someone to serve meals twice a day, 5 days a week. This is a great opportunity for community service & includes the following duties: tracking meals in &
out, serving meals (all meals are delivered ready to go with minimal volunteer preparation needed), and clean up. Yes, that’s IT! Breakfast is served from 9-9:30am and lunch is from 12-1pm.

Flotilla 2013 Coming 2013

Join Flotilla 2013! Saturday, August 10th, 11am (rain date: Sunday August 11th, 11am). Prospect Street Boat Launch in Hindsdale, NH

The Entergy Corporation continues to pollute the Connecticut River by dumping hundreds of millions of gallons of heated water every day from the Vermont Yankee nuclear facility. This “thermal pollution” destroys aquatic life. Because of high water temperature and low river volume, Entergy was forced to use its cooling towers to cool its reactor last summer. In fact, Entergy has the ability to use those towers continually. Instead, Entergy chooses to pollute our river. This is not acceptable.

Reductions in Emergency Housing Program – Brattleboro Support Agencies Plan Tent & Sleeping Bag Drive

BRATTLEBORO – Brattleboro’s Continuum of Care group is conducting a Tent and Sleeping Bag Drive in response to anticipated increases in people experiencing homelessness. July 1st marks another round of budget cuts by the Vermont Legislature, reducing services for General Assistance emergency temporary housing statewide. The last-resort program, which provides limited emergency motel vouchers for elderly and disabled homeless individuals and homeless families with young children, continues to experience cuts. This year, it means many families and individuals who currently qualify will be ineligible for services starting July 1st, and those who do qualify will see the length of their motel stay drastically reduced.