Hire Putney School Students to Work For You – Proceeds Go to Citta (An International NGO)

Charitable Work Day is The Putney School’s way of contributing to the global community by donating our labor towards a cause. This year’s Charitable Work Day will be Saturday, May 10th.

This year we have elected to donate the funds we raise to Citta, an organization dedicated to providing access to healthcare and education in some of the poorest and most isolated places in the world. Citta also works holistically with these communities to help them develop their prospects for sustainable economic development.

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of April 12th

This week’s listings, arranged spuriously but without impugnment:

Computer Help
Chinese Translating
Computer Assistance
Gardening Help

Need Carpenter to Shave Off a Few Inches from a Large Table
Yard Work
Home Repairs
Spring Garden Help

Brattleboro Area Overflow Shelter Needs Volunteers

Hello fellow Brattleboro and sorrounding areas….

I am Jennifer Haselton the brattleboro area overflow shelter coordinator.

I am looking to see if there’s anyone who is interested in some volunteer hours I am currently looking for 2nd shift which consists of 1 a.m. To 7 a.m. I have quite a bit of volunteer hours during that shift available if anyone is interested please email me at: jenniwooo@gmail.com 

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of April 5th

This week’s listings, arranged hap hazard ly:

Car Pooling To Putney Community Supper
Clean Sod And Garden Soil Available
Need Some Heavy Duty Glue?
Offer Home Building, Energy Efficiency, Solar System/Site Consultation
Canoe Or Single Kayak For Use
Live Music For Parties, Weddings Or Concerts, Fundraisers
Hand Readings
Electrical Work
Need Some Help Getting Your Garden Ready?

Statement of Citizens Awareness Network on Vermont Yankee Certificate of Public Good

Citizens Awareness Network supports the Public Service Board’s decision to grant approval of the amended CPG that supports in total the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the State of Vermont and Entergy. While many have serious concerns about Entergy and its ability to live up to its commitments, the settlement reached between the state and Entergy is precedent setting. It is now up to the corporation to live up to its commitments and work constructively with the state of Vermont to achieve a safe and responsible decommissioning of the plant.

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 29th

This week’s listings, arranged from Lion to Lamb:

Need Help Flyering
Piano Lessons
Help Us Plans our Garden/Landscape
Prep Work for Driveway
Landscaping Help
Assistance with Transportation
Gallery Greeter at BMAC
Hebrew Tutor for Bar Mitzvah

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 22nd

This week’s listings, arranged in Robert’s Rules of Order:

Gallery Greeter at BMAC
Events Security at BMAC
Moving Furniture with Truck March 22-23
Seeking Dog Trainer
Help Putting Up Flyers in Brattleboro and Surrounding Towns
Request for Special Diets Foods for April 11th Putney Community Supper
Help Me Find Alternative to my Current Windows XP!
I Need Some Ukrainian Easter Eggs (Pysanky), New or Old!
Repair Plastic Window Velcro-Backing on Yurt Wall
Some Lingering Questions Using my Windows 8

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 15th

This week’s listings, arranged non-randomly:

Help with Solarize Putney Event, Sat. March 15th, 5-10 PM
Help Me Make Kindling?
Need a Creative Carpentry Solution
Need a Trapeze!
Child Care While I’m at the Gym
March 28th 6-8 PM Event Support: Rich Earth Institute
Popover Pans

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of March 1st

This week’s listings, arranged in non-binary notation: 

Kombucha Mothers
Offering Postpartum Doula Support
Holistic Attachment Mom Available for Childcare
Private Prenatal Yoga Sessions
Membership Share to Costco
Minor Electrical Repair
Local Truffles!
New Yorker Magazines Available

Get Great Coffee as a Reward for Helping African Farmers Get Organic Certification.

A donation for as little as $7 can make a difference, and yes, you get a cafe drink as a reward. It really is that easy.

Mocha Joe’s has helped more than 50 farmers get organic certification.(To make the program sustainable they need to certify many more.)

Mocha Joe’s is also helping to set up a fund so that the farmers can avoid taking out loans at rates that are as high as 200%. How? By funding the local credit union. Every dollar we raise, helps create that fund, and help the farmers join the credit union. 

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of Feb. 22nd

This week’s listings, arranged in geomorphic layers:

Food Prep for weight Loss
Need haircut
Help Install Interior 2-Way Cat Flap Door
Drip, Drip, Drip! – help dealing with a leaky ceiling and falling plaster
Baked Goods Needed For Fundraising Table at CSA/Gardening Event
Homemade Salad Dressing
Help Shopping for Health Insurance

Paid Sick Days are a Vermont Value

By David Van Deusen*

We, in each of our towns, and throughout Vermont are, together, a community. As Town Meeting approaches, I trust that all of us, regardless of your particular political persuasion, agree. And as a community we do well to agree that one does well, when one’s neighbor does well. This commitment to our friends, family, and fellow residents is old one. When the Green Mountain Boys evicted New York land surveyors, tax collectors, and sheriffs, I do not doubt that they too were motivated by this notion of self-preservation as inalienably linked to community; Freedom and Unity. More recently, we saw this belief manifest during the crisis following Irene. Such acts of human solidarity will never be forgotten. In essence Vermont has a long and proud history of people reaching out in solidarity when their neighbors could use a hand. We are, in a word, a people who embrace and honor the core value associated with the very notion of community as the foundation upon which rests the prosperity of the individual.

Today We Fight Back

You may have noticed a new banner at the bottom of the page. Today, we’re using the site to help protest NSA spying on innocent Americans, weakening of encryption standards, being generally creepy without oversight, and making the internet less fun and less useful. It’s all a part of a day of action to let legislators know that they should work on reforms. You are invited and encouraged to participate.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of Feb. 8th

The Brattleboro Time Trade and iBrattleboro are exploring ways to advertise BTT members’ services & goods regularly on the iBratt website. We will start by simply submitting recent offers & requests as a story, and see what other mechanisms unfold or get developed.

Pickup truck for moving or errands
Eco Toilet Tours
One ticket to a VJC concert
Complimentary Adult Lift Ticket to Mount Snow
Graphic Design
Repair Lamps/Appliances
Solar Energy Site Evaluation

Voting in Brattleboro’s Annual Town Meeting

Fellow residents of Brattleboro,

It has come to my attention that at least two, maybe all three, of Brattleboro’s three election districts each lack a few candidates for election as voting Representatives to Town Meeting this year.

There is one more business day — tomorrow, Monday, January 27 — during which one might pick up a petition at the Town Clerk’s office, get only ten (10) signatures of registered voters in their district, and turn their petition in by the end of the day (5:00 PM).