Brattleboro Solidarity With Palestine Hosting Another Event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro

Brattleboro Solidarity with Palestine is hosting another event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro (28 Vernon St. Downtown Brattleboro)

Gaza is still under siege. Over 5,000 homes have been destroy and people are seeking refuge in school, shelters and others’ homes. The infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed meaning that there is no water filtration for clean drinking water, no sewage systems, and no electricity. This then impacts the medical care that doctors are able to give. And these Israeli attacks would not have been possible without the military and financial support of the Unites States Government.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of August 3

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from the height of summer:


Reiki and Flower Essence Therapy
Sota Brand Bio-Turner
Light and Sound Meditation Mind Machines Available
Dr. Hudla Clark Frenquency Generator Available
InterPlay for Fun and [sometimes] for Performance
I’ll Be Your Walking Buddy
Shopping & Errands
Borrow My Post Hole Digger

Community Service Opportunity For Students

Do you know a student who needs to complete community service hours?

If so, Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity has such an opportunity that would take about three hours to complete.

Have them contact Curtiss at 254-2972. Thanks

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of July 13

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from a quiet evening:


Citizen’s Awareness Breakfast at the Senior Center July 25th
It’s all about the Bees! (Bee Projects and Education)
Spanish Camps and Classes this Summer
Advantech underlayment flooring FREE
Wood Stacking

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of July 6

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from the White Mountains:


Fresh Garden Produce
Live Music for Parties, Weddings or Concerts, Fundraisers
from Singer/Songwriter and Guitarist
French Tutor
Citizen’s Awareness Breakfast at the Senior Center 3rd
Friday of the Month
Child Care

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of June 22

Brattleboro Time Trade: Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from the longest day of the year: 


Fermentation Lessons
Garlic Scapes to Give Away
Reiki and Flower Essences Available
Organizing Computer Files and Emails
Computer Help and Services Offered
Gathering in Gratitude Camp for All Ages
Heirloom Tomato and Butternut Squash Plants
Resume Revision/Composition
Basic Waltz & Contra Lessons
Bicycle Tune-Up
Interior Design & Organization
Borrow my Canoe
Join us for the Monthly Citizen’s Awareness Breakfast at the
Senior Center!

Brattleboro Time Trade – Week of June 15

Brattleboro Time Trade: Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

This week’s listings, brought to you from a new office:


Backgammon Teacher
Indoor Vermicomposting Guidance
I’m Happy to Help with your Co-Op Member Hours!
Reishi And Chaga Tinctures Available
Bellydancer Available for Performances Or Lessons
Editor, Writer, Proofreader, Desktop Publisher
French Lessons

Compassionate Cities Campaign


The Brattleboro Area Interfaith Initiative is reaching out to invite you to become part of a broad spectrum of individuals and organizations to participate in a movement called the Charter for Compassion, to make Brattleboro a “Compassionate City,” Created by Karen Armstrong in 2008, it has been building partnership networks around the world. The Charter for Compassion calls all to work to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to honor the sanctity of every single human being, and to treat all with justice, equity and respect. There are116 Compassionate Cities in the USA including smaller cities in our area: Fitchburg, MA and Leominster, MA. Seattle, Washington was the first city to sign the Charter.

Brattleboro Time Trade – Week of June 8th

This week’s listings, brought to you from the edge: 

Make Dim Sum and Other Dishes for Potlucks and Other Events
Writing or Editing
Mediation and Conflict Coaching
Math Tutoring
Can Help You Weed Your Garden
Licensed Journeyman Plumber
100% Organic Body Healing Products
Learn to Sell on e-Bay
Veggie Garden — Seedlings of Kohlrabi, Chard and Summer Squash
Graphic Design: Business Cards, Layout, Newsletters, Fliers, Trifolds, etc…

Did You Hear About This?

In April the people REJECTED the budget in a referendum. The selectboard and town reps met and REAPPROVED THE SAME BUDGET on Monday.   Well, it was AROUND $16 million: now it’s ALMOST $16 million, and

                                           DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS ? 

At the meeting it was announced that anyone discussing the Police-Fire project  would be declared OUT OF ORDER. !!

Urgent! More Candidates Needed To Stop Nuclear Proliferation! Still Time To Get on Nov. 4, 2014 Ballot!

I have been giving a shout-out on facebook asking anyone and everyone to run for governor of Vermont and to run for  U.S. Congress, House of Representatives against incumbents Peter Shumlin and Peter Welch because they both asked the U.S. Air Force to bring the F-35 jets to Vermont and they did not tell you that the F-35 jets are designed to be able to carry nuclear bombs. I will be on the ballot myself for governor and for U.S. Representative to Congress.

Brattleboro Time Trade – Week of May 24th

This week’s listings, arranged without pejudice:

How To Add A Picture To Your Request Or Offer
Computer Assistance
French Conversation And Pronunciation
Health Coaching
Need Help With Your Knitting?
Need Transportation Locally?
Baking Available
Digital Projector Available
Wild Herb Meet Up
Personal Care For Children And Elders
Home Organizing
Pet Care
Plants For Your Garden
Administrative/NPO Support
Tutoring For English Reading And Writing

May Day: Is It Still Relevant 128 Years Later?

May Day Celebration

May 1, 2014 marks the 128th anniversary of a rally for the eight-hour day in Chicago’s Haymarket Square that ended with a police riot that left over a dozen dead. The political trial and hanging of four anarchists that followed sparked protests around the world and the designation by the Second International of May 1 as International Workers’ Day, more commonly known as May Day.

Morningside Shelter and Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center host 2nd Annual Camp for a Common Cause with Community Barbecue

BRATTLEBORO – On Friday, May 9 the Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center and Morningside Shelter will host the second annual Camp for a Common Cause on the Brattleboro Common. The collaborative fund- and awareness-raising event was a great success last year, with roughly $10,000 raised and evenly split between the two organizations working to alleviate homelessness in the greater Brattleboro area. Most importantly, last year’s participants and the community gained valuable awareness and perspective on homelessness in our community.

“It was chilly overnight – in the 30’s,” said Heidi Risner, a participant who raised almost $300 from family and friends to support last year’s event. “Luckily, I was warm in my tent and sleeping bag, realizing that these are not luxuries often afforded to the homeless. It was definitely a meaningful reminder of what some in our community experience on a daily basis.”

Hire Putney School Students to Work For You – Proceeds Go to Citta (An International NGO)

Charitable Work Day is The Putney School’s way of contributing to the global community by donating our labor towards a cause. This year’s Charitable Work Day will be Saturday, May 10th.

This year we have elected to donate the funds we raise to Citta, an organization dedicated to providing access to healthcare and education in some of the poorest and most isolated places in the world. Citta also works holistically with these communities to help them develop their prospects for sustainable economic development.

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of April 12th

This week’s listings, arranged spuriously but without impugnment:

Computer Help
Chinese Translating
Computer Assistance
Gardening Help

Need Carpenter to Shave Off a Few Inches from a Large Table
Yard Work
Home Repairs
Spring Garden Help

Brattleboro Area Overflow Shelter Needs Volunteers

Hello fellow Brattleboro and sorrounding areas….

I am Jennifer Haselton the brattleboro area overflow shelter coordinator.

I am looking to see if there’s anyone who is interested in some volunteer hours I am currently looking for 2nd shift which consists of 1 a.m. To 7 a.m. I have quite a bit of volunteer hours during that shift available if anyone is interested please email me at: 

Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of April 5th

This week’s listings, arranged hap hazard ly:

Car Pooling To Putney Community Supper
Clean Sod And Garden Soil Available
Need Some Heavy Duty Glue?
Offer Home Building, Energy Efficiency, Solar System/Site Consultation
Canoe Or Single Kayak For Use
Live Music For Parties, Weddings Or Concerts, Fundraisers
Hand Readings
Electrical Work
Need Some Help Getting Your Garden Ready?

Statement of Citizens Awareness Network on Vermont Yankee Certificate of Public Good

Citizens Awareness Network supports the Public Service Board’s decision to grant approval of the amended CPG that supports in total the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the State of Vermont and Entergy. While many have serious concerns about Entergy and its ability to live up to its commitments, the settlement reached between the state and Entergy is precedent setting. It is now up to the corporation to live up to its commitments and work constructively with the state of Vermont to achieve a safe and responsible decommissioning of the plant.