Brattleboro District 9 Forum

Brattleboro residents of District 9 are invited to attend a District 9 forum where we will hear your questions and concerns in advance of Brattleboro’s Representative Town Meeting; District 9 RTM members are encouraged to attend to hear from their constituents. The forum, organized by Robert Oeser and David Levenbach, will be held in the Community Room of Brooks Memorial Library at 6:30 pm on Wednesday 19 March. (The Community Room is on the third, top floor of the library, near the Children’s Reading Room. There is an entrance to that area from the Municipal Building parking lot and attendees might find that a more convenient way in light of another event to be held in the Main Reading Room that evening.)

Death By Medicaid Cuts

Cutting social support programs that help the most vulnerable in our society has always been a Republican blood sport. Most of those rich old white men have contempt for “those people” who live on handouts because they deem them too lazy to help themselves. It is an old trope. But now things have gotten worse.

The current Republican budget plan which looks likely to pass includes massive cuts to the Medicaid program.

Here is some context from the Center for American Progress. “Last week, House Republicans passed a budget resolution directing Congress to make cuts that would slash Medicaid funding and threaten health care access for millions in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Medicaid is the largest single health insurance program in the United States and covers 72 million Americans, including low-income kids and adults, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities.”

The Zelensky- Trump Setup

If you think that the shouting match that unfolded between Zelensky and Trump in the White House was some sort of spontaneous, unexpected event then I have some oceanfront property in Nebraska I can sell you for a very low price.

Trump never intended to make a deal with Ukraine’s leader so he used his usual grifter/bully tactics to stage an event that would allow him to withdraw U.S. support from Ukraine. At least in his twisted, devious mind he would now be able to throw all support behind Russia.

The entire scene in the White House was bizarre from the start. It was billed as a deal-making event where Ukraine would agree to sell rare earth minerals to the U.S. in exchange for concessions in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Local Solutions Protect Us All – Windham County Heat Fund Benefit at Vermont Jazz Center

On Saturday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. the Windham County Heat Fund will hold a benefit concert in conjunction with the Vermont Jazz Center. It is 20 years since we started the fund and the need never diminishes. This concert is not so much of a celebration but more of a lamentation of the fact that the fund still needs to exist. On a hopeful note, we do not rely on any government funding for our efforts and that means our money is local and it stays local.

This has been an unusual year for the fund. Although it is still February our statistics put us at the end of the season, meaning we are very low on funds because about 100 individuals and families have been provided with $48,850 in fuel while we have received $45,503 from individual donors, local businesses, churches and grantees. The surplus we had at the end of last year has made a big difference.

Interfaith Youth Group Sets Sights on Spring Service & Learning to Asheville, NC

A multicultural community of idealistic teenagers and young adults, the Brattleboro Area Interfaith Youth Group comes together monthly to develop friendships, to have fun and to provide service to others. Twenty-one members of their group, ranging in age from 13 to 22, are busy fundraising to make their dream of a service and learning trip to North Carolina a reality this spring.

Brian Remer, one of the adult leaders describes the group as being made up of young people who are interested in sharing their life experiences and cultures and providing each other support while doing community service that helps others. Nearly half of the group are young newcomers from Democratic Republic of Congo, refugees who were resettled in the area in the last several years.

“We first got the idea last fall when we heard about the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene on the area surrounding Asheville, North Carolina, as it was eerily reminiscent of the damages we experienced from Hurricane Irene in the Windham County area,” Remer said.

A Bigger Prize

I told myself I was going to try to keep away from writing about the madman who is running this country. All of us have to figure out a way to preserve our sanity for the next four years and retreat has become an option for many. But the future that I see unfolding demands to be talked about because all of our lives may be transformed in ways we do not welcome.

I got a call from a woman in Florida who is married to a Puerto Rican man and they have two small children. They are living in a state of heightened fear every day and they are looking for a safer place to live. She knew nothing about Brattleboro but happened upon our little town in the cybersphere and wanted to talk to someone who lives here.

Do Voters Voting as a Group Support Democracy?

The Planet Hank Live Show streamed live on January 16, 2025 and is available on YouTube

Starting around 33 minutes, there is a section which I would like to point out. Here is the text, courtesy of the YouTube generated transcript:

Is It Time To Change Tradition?

Many years ago there were poor farms run by local towns where the needy people in a community would find help and shelter. I have also heard stories from older Vermonters that when the legislature had House members elected from every town that some towns would elect the most indigent among them to be legislators so they could be safe and cared for during the winter.

Another tradition started, and I don’t know when, but it has persisted in many communities in Vermont. I suspect other places around the country may have some variation of this. In Brattleboro, Vermont we have a Human Services Committee that reviews applications from local non-profits and then allocates funding from the town budget. There has been wide support for the town using tax money to support non-profits.

Vermont Homelessness Press Release For Monday 12 23 2024

A group of current and former legislators who have worked on housing issues (former Sens. Illuzzi, Will Hunter, Jim Leddy, current Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky and Rep. Kate Logan) will hold a press event MONDAY at 10:30 at Delta Hotel, 1117 Williston Road, South Burlington to request Gov. Scott declare a state of emergency regarding the homelessness crisis and they will suggest some short-term solutions that should be promptly considered and enacted.

Attached is an introductory document to provide the theme and basis for the request for an emergency declaration, which has been done by one state and several communities across America.

Free Luigi

The cops could not get their story straight about the weapon &/or “silencer”.   At one point it was a farm instrument.   They had a Starbucks cup with “latent” prints and came up empty.  As a “retired software developer” with keen interest in legal details regarding “expert” technology, the facial recognition concerns me not.

The cops could not get their story straight on what was “meticulously” written using a Sharpie on the three recovered shell casings.   They “corrected” once and then “corrected” again.  The words–all alliterative, all duosyllabic–could have been quoted from a toddler.

The Power of the Press

After the presidential inauguration the entire press machine of the United States will probably come under attack. This is a battle we all need to fight and, no matter what our point of view, we have to make sure that the media can operate unencumbered by threats from an aspiring dictator.

Some newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times have already succumbed to possible threats by taking the cowardly position of not endorsing a candidate in the November election, fearing later retribution. This is clearly a sign of what is to come and it is especially troubling because the press has decided to self-censor in advance of any real threat.

The first amendment to the constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It does not say that the President cannot try to muzzle the press with intimidation and threats and that is what is so scary.

I Discussed The Ongoing Homeless Crisis With Artificial Intelligence “ChatGPT”, and Here Are It’s Suggestions!

Message to: ChatGPT

Cris Ericson said:
Hi! ChatGPT, I went to a news link because I want to know if the Governor of Vermont is following through with his idea to let homeless children stay in the State Police Barracks in Williston, Vermont but when I clicked on the link, all I got was this … (deleted)
ChatGPT said:
It sounds like you’re encountering some confusing content. I couldn’t find specific updates on the Governor of Vermont’s proposal about homeless children staying in State Police Barracks. If you want, I can help look for more recent news articles or summarize related information.

Will Jail Time Be A Deterrent?

A lot of people in Brattleboro are agonizing over how to make our downtown safer. There has been no lack of suggestions. I have done a little bit of research into how other communities deal with similar problems and, once again, there are no simple solutions.

Yet, I am beginning to think that we need to use a tool that has been rejected by most communities as being too cruel. That is having police and the court system lock people up who are breaking the law, no matter what level they are operating on.

Windham County Heat Fund Update

The Windham County Heat Fund is strong and thriving as we move into the 20th year of the non-profit’s life at the beginning of the next heating season. That might seem like good news, but when Daryl Pilsbury and I started the organization we thought it would only be needed for a few years. We had no clue how much people were suffering at the lower end of the economic scale and we were under the delusion that the cost of heating fuel was the most important factor putting pressure on needy people and families.

We have been given a glimpse into the complexity of people’s lives and the pictures are not pretty. The heat fund has been a godsend to many people who might have suffered through a winter living in one room with the thermostat at 50 degrees. Then there are the families who really can’t make ends meet at the end of the month but somehow find a way to pay rent and buy food but they have to put heating fuel at the bottom of the list.

Then there are those people who thought they were doing well until they got a diagnosis of cancer. They often lose their jobs and their health insurance. When the got their diagnosis they thought their lives couldn’t get any worse.. Then they found out they couldn’t pay for treatment and they couldn’t pay their rent. Imagine what it’s like for a person who has an aggressive cancer eating away at them, or a severe chronic illness to have to live on the streets. It happens; and more often than you might think.

Nothing to Sneeze At

Remember when separation of church and state was a thing?  The original ‘build a wall’. Of course none of us were around when the deist founders wisely inserted that anti-persecutional notion into our country’s foundational documents. For two hundred and fifty years, the concept of a secular society in lieu of a religious one has been the official guiding principle of civic order.

But a tug of war, and erosion of this boundary has always been underway. ‘In God We Trust’ printed on money and statehouses…  Prayer and benediction at inaugurations, and openings and closings of Congressional sessions…Tax free churches…And now in Louisiana, an official declaration that the ten commandments must be printed and displayed in every classroom.

The Killing Continues

Despite the fact the world opinion is increasingly hostile to the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the killing continues.

Despite the fact that Spain, Norway and Ireland have recognized a Palestinian state, the killing continues. Despite the fact that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is requesting arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, the killing continues.

There are many international organizations making statements about the continuing atrocities being committed by Israel and Hamas and worldwide college protests only reinforced the polarization that has been created over the war in Gaza.

What good are all of these efforts if they only produce talk and more talk while the leaders of countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Israel and a host of other smaller countries waging wars, as well as terrorists groups such as Hamas, do not stop fighting?

DÉJÀ VU 1969

It’s starting to look like the late 60’s and early 70’s across America and the world. An unpopular war is raging, thousands of people are dying and the people who are making this war happen are not listening to the rest of the world, asking them to put a stop to the madness.

This time the war is in Gaza and the state of Israel is incurring the wrath of much of the civilized world. The U.S. has become an enabler and many people feel that Biden is not doing enough to prevent Israel from killing more Palestinians and destroying their land. Senator Bernie Sanders is calling for the withholding of support to Israel if there are not strict conditions on how the aid is used, but his common sense pleas are falling on deaf ears.

It seems that although people of all ages are outraged at the behavior of Israel, it is mostly the young people of the world who are showing their displeasure at events and putting themselves at risk by protesting on college campuses. This is similar to what happened during the Viet Nam War.

Medicare Advantage Fraud In Plain Sight

The federal government may be finally realizing just how fraudulent the insurers are who provide Medicare Advantage policies. According to the Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP)”… federal administrators stood by their initial 3.7% increase, sending a message to corporate insurers that the Medicare Advantage gravy train may finally be slowing down.”

That would be something close to miraculous considering that many Advantage insurers have been found to be acting fraudulently and that most studies indicate that the Advantage program is draining money from the Medicare program at an alarming rate.

Five of the top 10 Advantage insurers have been accused of fraud by whistleblowers as well as the federal government.