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BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 3/11/13
BCTV Channel 8 Schedule for the week of 3/11/13
Monday March 1
12:00 am Community Medical School: Organ Transplants Pt.2
12:45 am Vermont Right to Know GMO’s
2:00 am FSTV Overnight
4:00 am United Way of Windham County Grant Seeker Forum
5:30 am Holistically Speaking: Episode #44
5:45 Live: 3/8/13
Weekend Concert: The Sex Pistols at Winterland, San Francisco, 1978
Last weekend’s performance was the Who from 1970, when they were in the midst of a run of highly successful albums that included Tommy (’69), Who’s Next (’71) and Quadrophenia (’73).
By 1977, the year before this weekend’s concert takes place the Who’s formidable energies were tied up in legal wrangling over royalties.
Finally, one night in March of that year Pete Townsend, the group’s guitarist and principal song writer and in this instance, negotiator walked out of an 11 hour meeting with a seven figure check in his hand.
He headed to a bar called the Speakeasy where a couple of his protégés were playing (John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett). He got drunk on only two shots of whiskey.
Voices for Fukushima: 5:45 Live Commemorative Special
‘s homepage and ) includes this special on the commemorative events happening in our community this weekend.
It’s A Mystery To Me
I grew up on a small farm not far from the western shore of the Chesapeake. Summers meant daily hard work, up before dawn and out long after dusk, until the mosquitoes mercifully carried us off the fields. There was little respite for working kids who lived on an organic subsistence long before we ever knew what the word organic meant.
Some leisure time, though, was to be had for me: down at the swimming hole, scampering after the ice cream truck, badminton nets on the grassy lawn, softball with the flirty girls and showoff boys, cookouts under the apple trees; laying on the still-warm grass gazing up at the carpet of stars that blanketed the night sky and using my imagination when my mind was not otherwise occupied with work and play.
A March Meeting, Without Even a Ripple of Excitement
Here is an account of Town Meeting in Brattleboro, as reported March 10, 1899 in an article from the Vermont Phoenix.
Read on for the election of our leather inspector, a defeat for increased Memorial day funds, tax exemptions for the new toy company, a discussion of electric lights on Western Ave., debate over school tuition, and more.
Without Even a Ripple of Excitement
The Old Board of Officers Re-Elected — the Regulation Tax Voted — the New S.A. Smith Company Exempted from Taxation by a Unanimous Vote
Kurn Hattin Homes for Children To Host 21st Annual Choral Invitational March 20th
On Wednesday, March 20th at 7:00 pm, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children welcomes the public to attend its 21st Annual Choral Invitational. The event is in celebration of “Music in Our Schools Month” and will feature performances from seven area choral groups and conclude with an audience sing-along of “America, The Beautiful.” Kurn Hattin Co-executive Director, Tom Fahner, will be Master of Ceremonies.
Town Meeting Play-Outs Have Begun on BCTV!
BCTV has begun play-outs of local town meetings on BCTV channel 10. Be sure to check for the latest scheduled times for your town.
Vermont News Article On My Involvement in Skateboarding, the Law and Punk Rock…
On Exhibit at Brooks Memorial Library: Award-winning author-illustrator D. B. Johnson
On Exhibit at Brooks Memorial Library: Award-winning author-illustrator D. B. Johnson, Children’s Illustrator Book Cases, 2nd Floor
March/April 2013
D. B. Johnson returns to the Children’s Book Illustrators case on the second floor during March and April. Author-illustrator of award-winning picture books, Johnson introduces young readers to notable figures from the literary and art worlds through delightful stories and amazing illustrations.
His latest is “Magritte’s Marvelous Hat,” inspired by the paintings of surrealist artist René Magritte and named a Notable Children’s Book for 2013 by the American Library Association. Subjects of some of Johnson’s earlier books are M. C. Escher, George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” and Henry David Thoreau as an adventurous bear in the popular “Henry” series.
Borrow Newspapers and Magazines at Brooks Library
Check out the New Magazine and Newspaper iPad at the Main Desk at the Brooks Memorial Library. Many magazines and newspapers have a digital edition available online and some titles are beginning to only be available digitally, such as Newsweek.
In an effort to keep afloat on the changing tides of periodicals, Brooks Memorial Library is offering borrowers access to digital editions of a handful of titles through a library iPad. Not only will this allow more access to popular titles in the library, such as the New York Review of Books, but it will also allow patrons to get to know iPad technology and digital media.
Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln
Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln Wednesday March 6, 2013 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Douglass and Lincoln—one born a slave, the other born dirt poor—became respectively one of the nation’s greatest orators and one of its greatest presidents. Harvard professor and leading Civil War scholar John Stauffer examines their friendship, the striking similarities in their lives, and their legacies.
John Stauffer is a leading authority on antislavery, social protest movements and interracial friendship. He is a Harvard University professor of English and American Literature and African American Studies, and Chair of the History of American Civilization program at Harvard.
New Filmmaking MFA in Vermont
The Vermont College of Fine Arts has just announced a new two-year MFA filmmaking program.
The program uses a “low-residency” format that brings students together for week-long on-campus residencies in Montpelier for workshops, presentations, screenings and chances for collaboration. The rest of the time, students work in their home communities with guidance from faculty.
What caught my eye was that animation is a featured focus of the curriculum.
Please Tune In! Kurn Hattin Homes Select Choir To Perform on 2013 Series Premiere of Public Television’s “Together In Song”
The Kurn Hattin Homes for Children Select Choir, the first Vermont music ensemble to compete on the WGBY Public Television series “Together In Song”, will be featured on the season premiere of “Together in Song’s” third season on Saturday, March 23, at 8PM.
“Together in Song” is hosted by Springfield Symphony Orchestra Maestro, Kevin Rhodes, and the children from Kurn Hattin Homes will compete with 37 other non-professional childrens’ and adults’ choruses from Western New England in ten categories according to age and musical genre.
BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 3/4/13
BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 3/4/13
Monday March 4
12:00 am From the BCTV Archives: The BCTV Jazz Cruise 1996
1:40 am Sufi Wisdom Series: The Chick Pea
2:00 am FSTV Overnight
4:00 am Resources for Hearing Loss – Subtitled Version
4:30 am Ethan Allen Homestead Enrichment Program: John Stark – Enigmatic Revolutionary
6:00 am For the Animals: Adam Steinberg Cooking Show
Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute To Be Interviewed on WVEW
Clifford Carnicom is an expert on geo-engineering, also known as “chemtrails.”
He will be on WVEW-LP, Brattleboro Community Radio Tuesday, March 12 from 6:30pm-7:30pm on DJ Pockets’ “buttahmilk” show. Tune in locally at 107.7fm, or on your android phone app, or on
DJ Pockets
Call for Singers: A Cappella à la Carte on June 8
Brattleboro, Vt. – Friends of Music at Guilford is beginning rehearsals next week for its “A Cappella à la Carte” concert season finale on Saturday, June 8, which follows its brief annual membership meeting and a community potluck dinner at Guilford Community Church in the Algiers village of Guilford.
The Guilford Chamber Singers will be led again by Tom Baehr, who conducted a group of nearly twenty singers for the organization’s Christmas at Christ Church program in December. Entitled “Melodies Steal Into My Heart,” the proposed spring program begins with madrigals, travels through 19th Century English Part Songs, and also includes some 20th Century tunes, a couple of 21st Century works, and even some Hoagy Carmichael.
Datura Trio with Silk Road’s Shane Shanahan
Brattleboro, Vt. – On Friday, March 8, at 7:00 p.m., Friends of Music at Guilford (FOMAG) presents a concert by the Datura Trio with guest percussionist Shane Shanahan, a founding member of Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. Proceeds from the concert and a pre-concert supper, both set at the Vermont Jazz Center on Cotton Mill Hill, will benefit FOMAG’s Music Enrichment Program at Guilford Central School, where the Datura Trio is in residence on March 6-8. Student participants in rhythm and vocal workshops may also make an appearance at the evening concert.
United Way of Windham County Grant Seeker Forum
BCTV producer Maria Dominguez brings us this informative forum, as Sue Degraff – Director of Community Investments of Windham County – explains, step by step, how to apply for program funding for non-profit organizations