Book Series: Two Hundred Years of Pride and Prejudice: A Look at Jane Austen’s Endurance

Two Hundred Years of Pride and Prejudice: A Look at Jane Austen’s Endurance: A Two Book Reading Series

The reading/discussion series: Jane Austen Endures will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice and explore Austen’s publishing staying power. The two-book series sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council will also examine Austen’s universal appeal, her talent for capturing the time she lived in, and her comic, satiric tone, among other aspects of her writing.

Thursday April 4, 2013 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM
Richard Wizansky will lead a discussion on April 4, 2013, beginning at 1:30 PM in the Library’s meeting room on Pride and Prejudice.

Escape the Snow: Film Festival: Travel to Vacanza in Italia

Vacanza in Italia Film Festival: Contact Library for this week’s film title, Wednesday March 20, 20136:30 PM until 9:00 PM

What causes people to travel to Italy? Is it the food, the pace of life, the sun? Or is it the civilizing influence of all of this. Do they always find what they think they should?

Please join fellow cinephiles at Brooks Memorial Library for a series of films that will make you want to “vacanza in Italia.”

The Lonely Heartstring Band at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Saturday, March 23

Twilight Music presents The Lonely Heartstring Band, a dynamic new quintet of Berklee College of Music students who share a love of bluegrass and acoustic music, as well as the music of the Beatles, at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Saturday, March 23 at 7:30 pm.

George Clements, Matt Witler, Gabe Hirshfeld and Louis Fram play traditional and original songs as well as the songs of the Beatles, which they play as close to the original arrangements as possible, while adding their own influences. They create a new and unique sound using the standard bluegrass lineup of instruments – guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo and acoustic bass.

Pedagogy of the Poor Book Tour- Weather Update

The Pedagogy of the Poor Book Tour event in Dummerston has been cancelled due to the weather.

The event at the First Baptist Church from 12:30-2:30 is still happening.

At this event Pedagogy of the Poor co-authors Willie Baptist and Jan Rehmann will discuss their book which highlights stories of poor people organizing alongside one another, building leadership, and raising consciousness through political education. 

Windham Orchestra: Pathways to Imagination & Performance

On Sunday, March 24 at 3 pm, the Windham Orchestra, under the direction of Hugh Keelan, continues its commitment to offering extraordinary opportunities for young artists and music lovers with “Pathways to Imagination & Performance” at the Latchis Theater in Brattleboro, VT.

Anchoring Sunday’s performance is Dmitri Shostakovich’s 1945 Symphony No. 9. Although originally intended to be a celebration of the Russian victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

From masterwork to the local works of our community’s young composers, the Windham Orchestra performs a medley of original compositions by elementary and middle school students. This unique opportunity creates a pathway for bringing the artistry and imagination of young composers into reality.

Thoughts on the Women’s Film Festival

Thoughts on the Women’s Film Festival:

The differences are starkly noticeable, in both breadth and depth. Instead of a long span of many days’ worth of films in multiple venues along Main Street, there are two weekends in only one location. Instead of each film being shown twice so the viewing public can get multiple opportunities to see the favorites, each is shown once. Instead of the highest quality films for and about women, we get some good ones and some mediocre ones. Logistical glitches abound (like the single movie in one of the time-slots being only 30 minutes long).

On Exhibit at Brooks Library: Student Art Month

On Exhibit: Student Art Month   
March is Student Art Month in Windham County, and the library hosts exhibits of artwork by Brattleboro elementary school children. Two-dimensional art can be seen on the main floor, and three-dimensional creations are found in display cases in the second-floor entryway and the north side of the mezzanine.    

HIDE film screening

New documentary film “Hide” takes us inside the daily lives of several migrant dairy workers from Latin America who sustain Vermont’s iconic dairy farms and working landscapes. “Hide” illuminates the feelings and experiences of the hidden lives of migrant farmworkers–feelings of isolation, fear, lack of recognition and sometimes hope. Using an unusual narrative form, the film combines original music, obscured images, and multi-voiced narration to provide an intimate glimpse at the daily lives of migrant workers and their fight for dignity.

Pedagogy of the Poor Book Tour in Brattleboro, Guilford & Dummerston

The Vermont Workers’ Center is hosting the Poverty Initiative on their nationwide Pedagogy of the Poor book tour. 

Based at New York City’s Union Theological Seminary, the Poverty Initiative is an organization dedicated to raising up generations of religious and community leaders committed to ending poverty. Pedagogy of the Poor, co-authored by Poverty Initiative’s Willie Baptist and Jan Rehmann, examines the root
causes of poverty and considers the role of faith leaders in building a social movement to end it. The authors highlight stories of poor people organizing alongside one another, building leadership, and raising consciousness through political education.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 3/18/13

BCTV Ch 8 Schedule for the week of 3/18/13

Monday March 18                  

12:00 am      Inside Your Statehouse: Rep. Bill Lippert & Rep. Ann Pugh discuss Vermont’s drug abuse problems

12:30 am      ORCA Media Pres: State House Coverage: Pre-Kindergarten Education Bill Pt 1

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Vermont National Guard – Change of Command Ceremony

5:15 am       Vermont Right to Know GMO’s

At The Right Hand of Einstein

“I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own — a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism.” [Einstein]

Life in One Vermont Town: A Genealogy & Local History Workshop

Life in one Vermont Town: A Genealogy & Local History Workshop
Saturday March 16, 2013
10:30 AM until 12:30 PM

Brooks Memorial Library will host a Local history/genealogy workshop with Linda Hay, former Academy School Librarian, on Saturday, March 16, at 10:30 AM in the Library’s meeting room.

Whether one is a family historian, a researcher into local history, or just curious, the daily lives ordinary people lived in the past can seem a mystery.

Weekend Concert: the Buzzcocks, Auf Wedersehen, 1981

The old guard was the Who (two week ago’s concert).

Punk’s vanguard was the Sex Pistols (Americans could argue for the Ramones & the New York Dolls, but Britain had far and away the more vibrant movement and the Pistols were its undisputed leader and last week’s

This week our concert band is a member of punk’s rearguard: the Buzzcocks. This 1981 concert was the band’s last till they reformed in 1989.

It’s amazing to me now that such a good band would have failed. However, the punk & new wave movement spawned more bands than could be supported and many good ones fell by the wayside and others never got the recognition they probably deserved (XTC and Husker Du come to mind).

5:45 Live: 3/12/13


Summary : Leahy and Sanders take Chuck Hagel to
task over the distinguished warfare medal, the weekend’s gun show and
Fukushima rally make the headlines, Jamaica talks an LED overhaul for
the town, and much more.

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Higher than 3 mbps (3000 kbps)- High Def Link

Lower than 3 mbps (3000 kbps)- Standard Def Link

Sandglass Theater’s D-Generation at the New England Youth Theatre, March 22-23

Sandglass Theater brings it’s newest piece to the New England Youth Theatre in Brattleboro for a special two-night limited engagement to kick off our national tour. D-Generation: An Exaltation of Larks is a full-length theater piece based on stories written collaboratively by groups of people with late-stage dementia. The work is performed by three puppeteers (the caregivers) and five puppets (the residents of a care-facility). Set to a compelling original score and striking animated video segments, D-Generation takes us into a world that is all too much a part of our lives.

Windham Regional Career Center Offers Spring Community Education and Training Programs

The Windham Regional Career Center at Brattleboro Union High School is pleased to announce their Community Education and Training Programs for this spring. Betsy Gentile, Workforce Development Manager and Adult Education Coordinator is presenting 17 community education and training programs to meet the needs of area employers and their employees as well as providing personal and professional enrichment opportunities for all community members.

“We’re extremely excited about two new technical training opportunities, Certified Fiber Optic Technician training and Intermittent Electrical & Drivability Diagnostic Strategies training.”