Vernon Flood, 1936

I just ran across this article


Vernon, VT Dam Burst & Flood, Mar 1936. Big Vermont Dam Goes Out; Deaths In Its Path Feared.

BOSTON, Mass., March 18, 1936 (AP).—A $1,000,000 dam at Vernon, Vt., went roaring out before the force of the flood swollen Connecticut River Wednesday night. State police announced as they ordered everybody out of the valley below.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/24)

Brattleboro, Sept. 24th,1863.

It is a mystery to me why I am here. While I was writing the foregoing sheet I received order to pack my knapsack and go to Brattleboro. In two minutes from that time I was on my way to the boat stopped over night in Boston reached here last night. The captain that came on with me knew no more about it than I did. He said Major Jarvis had orders from Major Austin to send me back.

Author Elly Griffiths at Everyone’s Books

English author Elly Griffiths will be at Everyone’s Books on Monday, September 23 at 4:30 pm to discuss her new novel, A Dying Fall. With baby Kate in tow and Cathbad the Druid to help, Forensic Archeologist Ruth Galloway heads off to Lancashire to investigate the death of a friend as well as the momentous discovery he said he had made.

Ms. Griffiths will also be available to sign books.

Common Core Curriculum: National Standards or Corporate School Reform?

This year, Brattleboro’s schoolchildren and their teachers will be working within the new national curriculum, known by most as Common Core.  The Common Core Curriculum, or CCSS, has been adopted by 46 states, Vermont among them.  It will replace the regional and state curriculums now in place, and usher in a new era of standards-driven education aimed at creating graduates who are ready for “the global economy.”

What is this thing called Common Core, who created it, what are its goals, and why are so many people, including and especially teachers and parents,  against it?

150 Years Ago (1863 09/22)

Long Island, Boston Harbor,

Sept. 22d, 1863

Dear wife,

I received your letter this morning. I was truly glad to hear from you, for I had begun to feel uneasy about not hearing from you, but it made my heart jump when I received it, but when I perused it and found that you were all well I felt better, but do not sit up too late to write to me. I had rather not hear quite as often. I am so afraid that you will make yourself sick. I am on guard again so that I have time to write you this afternoon, but tonight comes the lonely time.

About those photographs, I had them taken from the old plate at Montpelier. I found Dr. Watson at work there and left the money with him and am glad he has sent them on so faithfully. I do not care who you give one of them to. I thought I would have him send two, as they cost but 50 cents apiece and the postage.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 9/23/13

BCTV Ch. 8 Schedule for the week of 9/23/13

                   Monday September 23                

12:00 am      ILEAD Summer Lecture Series: Hiding Behind my iPhone

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       The Road to Recovery: Young Adults in Recovery

5:00 am       Decommissioning Entergy Vermont Yankee

6:00 am       For the Animals: Blessing of the Animals

Weekend Concert Series: Blue Oyster Cult

Blue Oyster Cult are a lot like Babe Ruth – many home runs, and a lot of strike outs. When examining their musical output, you have to dig through a ton of dirt to get to the gold. However, when Blue Oyster Cult hit a home run, they hit it out of the park. 

Their origins date all the way back to 1967 and they have been recording and performing ever since. In fact, I had the opportunity of seeing them live when they played the Colonial Theatre in Keene a few years back. Blue Oyster Cult were intelligent, highly proficient musically, and at times, rocked harder than almost any other band. For this weekend’s concert, I have included Youtube cuts of 5 of my favorite Blue Oyster Cult ragers, enjoy:

Free Demo “Spanish Together” Class September 25th

“Spanish Together” classes are a great way to learn Spanish with your child. As a result of so many parents wishing that they could enroll in Spanish classes with their children, we’ve designed a class for children ages birth-5 and their parents!

Class is comprised of songs, movement, gestures, and music from Latin America.

It’s never too early (or too late) to start learning Spanish!

A Heavenly Report from the Latchis

The Latchis Theatre construction project is making great strides, with exciting developments everyday.

The Heavenly portion of the program is complete… and completely magnificent.

Before we leave The Heavens, here are some final images from above the staging.

The ceiling is smooth and whole.

New Class! Mini-Mozarts for Ages 5-7

Mini Mozarts is a composition and singing based theory class that focuses on learning the basics of rhythm, melody, and harmony through a hands-on, creative approach. The young musicians will experiment with sounds in order to achieve a deeper understanding of how music is constructed. We will march, clap, and play games to learn about how rhythm, tempo, and time signatures affect musical expression. Students will learn about scales by creating their own, then describing what those scales sound like. Students will also experiment with harmony by discovering how different notes sound while played together. At the end of each class, we will take time to write our own individual compositions based on what we learned that day. On the last day of class, each student will get to go home with a book of their original music!

New Journal of the Plague by Namaya

by Namaya

 New Journal Of The Plague on Amazon. Published by Unlimited Publishing.

 This book is a penetrating first person memoir by a male nurse and Vietnam era veteran who worked with AIDS patients at a Veterans hospital in NYC in the early ‘nineties. Though set in the first years of the epidemic, one reader has said, “This book will stand among the classic tales of illness and healing.”

Human Right Project in Chile – Can You Help To Support This?

HUMAN RIGHTS PROJECT in Santiago Chile – Need your support

Memoria. Hablar. Dignidad. 40 – An arts performance project to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the COup d’etat in Chile.

The B4Peace Project, and Namaya under the support of Grace Cares  has been invited to Santiago, Chile to the Villa Grimaldi, Park of Peace, for an arts and performance project called “Memoria.  Hablar.  Dignidad.”

Apron Theater Company presents Death of a Salesman

The Apron Theater Company and the Next Stage Arts Project present Arthur Miller’s Pulitzer Prize winning play Death of a Salesman directed by Carrie Kidd at Next Stage in Putney on October 10,11,12,13, and 17, 18, 19. Evening performances are at 8 pm. The Sunday, October 13th performance is a 2pm matinee.

An attack on the “American Dream” of materialism, Death of a Salesman is a three-act play (two acts and a “requiem”), centering on the main character, Willy Loman, (played by Arthur Pettee.) He dies as he has lived, a failure in the eyes of society. Arthur Miller wrote: “…to me the tragedy of Willy Loman is that he gave his life, or sold it, in order to justify the waste of it.”

150 Years Ago (1863 09/17)

 Sept. 17th. My time was so broken up yesterday that I could not finish this and guard duty last night and this morning then the guard guns to clean, and this afternoon all is excitement. They are now paying off the men that are to leave in the morning. Things are assuming a different shape.

Rumor has it that all the men on the Island, except those that came down from Vermont with us, and those that have come since, about 40 men, and a few Massachusetts are to have undisputed possession of Long Island, Boston Harbor. So you see that I shall have a chance to see some of my friends from Vermont yet.

Cheryl Wheeler and The Nields at Next Stage on Friday, September 20

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present folk singer, songwriter and comedienne extraordinaire Cheryl Wheeler plus folk/rock sister duo The Nields in concert on Friday, September 20 at 7:30 pm at Next Stage, 15 Kimball Hill in Putney, VT.

It has always seemed as if there were two Cheryl Wheelers, with fans of the New England songwriter relishing watching the two tussle for control of the microphone. There is poet-Cheryl, writer of some of the prettiest, most alluring and intelligent ballads on the modern folk scene. And there is her evil twin, comic-Cheryl, a militant trend defier and savagely funny social critic. As the poet and comic forces join, taking their separate turns and melding into the same artistic vision, Wheeler emerges as a delightful, gifted and openhearted performer.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/16)

Long Island, Boston Harbor

Sept. 16, 1863

 Dearest Abiah,

I thought I would write you a long letter today, but I do not know as I can, for I am on guard today. It is very hot here today. I cannot but think of you every moment, and tonight as I pass my lonely – what thoughts of you and the children will be on my mind. I was on from 11 A.M. Until 1 P.M., on again from 5 to 7. The guard are excused from all other duty until tomorrow at noon. I shall then have a good time to write but I wish this to be on the way to you.

Updating Our Config Files — A Dream About The Future

Last night, I dreamed I had to run around and update everyone’s config files.  Their settings were out of date.  I knew they would run better with new settings, and so I updated those files, one after another.  When I woke up, I realized that the dream wasn’t talking about literal config files — it was talking about something deeper, the underlying principles and rules by which most of us operate.  Something in our basic configuration as a society isn’t working anymore.

Before I lose you, a config file is really just an old school word for settings.  It’s the file where certain software stores the basic settings it needs to operate. But there’s a subtle difference. I work with web sites and I update settings all the time — but I don’t often update the config files which tend to stay the same except under unusual circumstances.  These are very basic settings that underlie everything the software does.  In a sense, they’re almost unconscious, which is what our own “configuration settings” tend to be.

Vermont Jazz Center Presents Steve Wilson/Louis Nash Duo with Bassist Nat Reeves

Steve Wilson and Lewis Nash to present a Musical Dialogue at the Vermont Jazz Center on September 21st, 2013 at 8:00 PM

The Vermont Jazz Center will kick off its 2013-2014 season on Saturday, September 21 at 8:00 PM with a performance by two of the most highly esteemed musicians in jazz. Along with their myriad other projects, saxophonist Steve Wilson and drummer, Lewis Nash have been performing together as a duo since 2001. At the VJC they will be joined by bassist, Nat Reeves.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 9/16/13

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 9/16/13

                   Monday September 16

12:20 am      TED Talks: Sleepy Man Banjo Boys: Bluegrass virtuosity from … New Jersey?

12:30 am      Health Exchange Info Session- 8/21/13 at BMH

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Instant Coffeehouse: Music Aboard the Ticonderoga

4:30 am       Danger Men Cooking Ep. 001

5:00 am       50 Years after the March on Washington: How Are We Doing?

150 Years Ago (1863 09/13)

Camp on Long Island, Boston Harbor

Sept. 13th, 1863

 Dearest wife,

I commenced a letter to you yesterday. I believe that I dated it the 11th by mistake for the
days have all been so mixed up since I left home that I can hardly tell whether September or October. I had just commenced writing, when there was a call for Co. to fall in, every man to bring his blanket, where we were standing sometime and then dismissed. The trouble was a careless fellow had lost his blanket, then calling out
every man with his blanket left a good chance to search the tents, it was found. The same this morning, some fellow lost his cap, but there was not time enough left to write.