Innovative Language School Launches in Brattleboro!

Express Fluency language school launches this week with a free intro class in Brattleboro.

Express Fluency (formerly Escuelita Spanish School) teaches Spanish (other languages coming soon) in the way our brains are designed to acquire language. Their classes are lively and engaging, and 100% comprehensible– allowing students to acquire Spanish naturally and effortlessly. Their methods resemble the way in which we call learned our first language. There will be a free intro class in Brattleboro this Thursday, January 30th at 5:30 pm at the Neighborhood Schoolhouse. A new beginner session begins the following Thursday, Feb 6th and runs for 7 weeks from 5:30-7:30.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 1/27/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 1-27-14

                   Monday January 27              

12:00 am      Green Mtn. Vets for Peace Ep. 128

1:00 am       VT Works for Women Presents: Young Women and the VT Economy

1:43 am       ‘Putting On Our Finery’ – Jan 15, 2014 at NEYT

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       UVM Comm Med School: Patient Choices at the End of Life

5:30 am       Brattleboro Core Arts Panel Discussion: 1/11/14

Dr. Jerry Day on WVEW-LP

Dr.Jerry Day will be interviewed on DJ Pockets’ “buttahmilk” this tuesday night from 6-8pm pn Brattleboro Community Radio.

Dr.Day is a television/film producer and personal rights and freedom crusader on Smart Meters and other issues. The other issue in this case will be about CAFRs. (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports)

Tune in to find out..tuesday 6pm-8pm 107.7fm and on ther web at

—DJ Pockets

5:45 Live: 1/24/14


Check out Peter Welch’s visit to Brattleboro, the Selectboard’s latest option tax proposal, SeVEDS newest funding approval, Dummerston’s controversial re-zoning, the commuter visibility concerns at the I-91 Bridge construction site, and much more.

Upcoming Classes at Open Music Collective – Calling All Aspiring Jazz Vocalists, Musicians and Curious Guitarists!

Hello Everyone,

We have some great classes starting soon, but a few holes to fill

We have a vacancy in our monday vocal class – this is a very special class and we will be working on some really great under sung songs!

There is a possibility for a beginning adult ensemble with another person or two, start your next big step in jazz now!

Weekend Concert Series: Soul Train Line Dancing

Remember the early days of music television? It was typically regulated to late Saturday mornings after the cartoons were over but before the sports programs got going, or very late on weekend TV. If you wanted to learn what songs would be popular on the radio, you would tune in to Dick Clark and watch his American Bandstand. If you wanted to learn how to dance, though, you’d switch over to Don Cornelius and the Soul Train.

One of the highlights of the show (in addition to the funky animated train logo) was the line dance. Pairs of dancers would take turns dancing their way toward the camera while others stoof around, watched, and clapped while waiting for their turn to shine.

BCTV Video Calendar: 1/23/14 – Northern Roots, Garden Inspirations, Frogtown Mtn Puppets, and More

BCTV’s Jan 23rd edition of the video calendar includes all the details (okay SOME of the details) on the House Blend A Capella show at Next Stage Arts in Putney, Garden Inspirations workshop fundraiser for the Latchis, Northern Roots Festival from the BMC, and Frogtown Mountain Puppets performing at the Sandglass Theater.

School Board Forum Dreams Up Better School System

Over 40 people showed up for the Town School Board Public Forum ‘Learning in the 21st Century’ to participate in discussion and contribute ideas.  When all was said and done, the list of improvements alone, if enacted, would make the Brattleboro Public Schools cooler than most, and probably more effective, which says something about the ideals of those involved.  But as was reflected in the discussion, this is an era of standardization and assessment, data and budgets.

Attendees included members of the Town School Board; Principals Paciulli and Reid, of Academy and Green Street Schools respectively; an assistant principal; Lyle Holiday and Ron Stahley of WSESU; a number of teachers, including high school teachers; some parents; and members of the public and press.

Lunar New Year

Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT) presents the 11th annual Brattleboro Area Lunar New Year Festival of China, Vietnam, and Korea on Sunday, February 9, 1 – 3:00 pm, in downtown Brattleboro at the River Garden. Ushering in the Year of the Horse, this annual celebration begins with eating together: It’s a potluck; bring a dish or some refreshments to share. There will be a craft and coloring table for younger children, t’ai chi demonstrations, a group calligraphy mural, Chinese exercises, Lunar New Year songs, a Korean tug of war, and more. To culminate our celebration the giant Vietnamese Dragon leads us in a community parade along Main Street (participants should dress warmly for the weather).

Ben Carr Music Project at Whetstone Station

The Ben Carr Music Project performs original ‘ukulele inspired rock, reggae, funk and jazz at the Whetstone on Thursday, Jan. 23. The show begins at 8 pm and is free.

Visit the Whetstone at 36 Bridge St, Brattleboro, .

The band features Ben Carr on vocals and ‘ukulele, Jason Koerber on flute and saxophone, Josh Maiocco on guitar, Joel Eisenkramer on guitar, Pat Steven on bass, and Pete Biolsi on drums.

New Music Classes & Semester Starting at the BMC!

It may be freezing outside, but inside the Brattleboro Music Center’s spring semester starts next week. Get involved and let the music warm you! 

Consider starting that instrument you have always wanted to play! We offer lessons in 16 instruments & voice to all ages and levels. 

We also have classes for kids, teens & adults – including our new adult daytime programs, take a look:

Brattleboro Town School Board Surveys

The Brattleboro Town School Board recently sent surveys to parents, staff, and students as part of their community outreach effort. Below are the questions that were asked of each group. I thought the surveys might be of interest to those who don’t have children attending any of these three schools, but are interested in education.

School Officials Respond To Questions About Brattleboro Schools, Public Education

Recently, I submitted a list of questions to the Brattleboro Town School Board with regard to standardized testing, federal education programs, teachers’ concerns,  and a range of other topics.  I received a response from Town School Board Chair Margaret Atkinson today, with answers to most of them.  

Margaret Atkinson explained that she “worked with [WSESU Superintendent of Schools] Ron Stahley and District Curriculum Coordinator Lyle Holiday” in preparing the answers.

She stressed that the answers were not intended to represent the views of the Town School Board, who, she said, have not voted on it and have no declared position on most of these issues.  

As many in town grapple with the sense of cognitive dissonance that comes from hearing multiple conflicting views about our schools, it’s helpful to have concrete statements of position to evaluate.  The questions and answers below shed light on the administration’s view of the issues, and provide important background into how our school administrators see education today.

5:45 Live: 1/17/14

5:45 Live breaks down the Governor’s break-out State of the State, the VT ACLU presentation on drones in Bratt, the PSB’s VY v VT thoughts, Target’s massive data breach, and much more.

Northern Roots Traditional Music Festival Saturday

Southeastern Vermont’s Northern Roots Traditional Music Festival will take place on Saturday, January 25, 2014 in Brattleboro, Vermont.  Now in its 7th year, the Brattleboro Music Center’s annual festival brings together local and regional musicians representing the best of various northern musical traditions.  This year’s festival features over twenty musicians and the rich traditions of Ireland, Scotland, England, Scandinavia, New England and French Canada.

The annual Northern Roots Festival is a celebrated opportunity for Brattleboro’s vibrant community of traditional musicians to come together to share their music with each other and the community at large. The festival also draws on the richness of talent in the broader region, with players from throughout New England coming to perform, teach and participate in informal sessions.

Annual Brattleboro Film Festival Announces 2014 Festival Dates, Accomplishments and Goals for Year Ahead

Brattleboro Film Festival, Media Release
Contact: Lissa Weinmann (917) 239-8743

BRATTLEBORO, Vermont (January 20, 2014): On the heels of a very successful November 2013 event, the Brattleboro Film Festival (BFF) announced the 3rd Annual Brattleboro Film Festival will take place from Thursday October 31 to Sunday November 9, 2014 at the Latchis Theatre in downtown Brattleboro, Vermont.

BFF is a unique, all volunteer-led and -run festival. The 30 films and accompanying events of the 2013 festival were enthusiastically received by more than 2,200 festival-goers. Enough revenue was brought in by attendance to get a strong start to this year’s fundraising effort, which has already commenced.

Climate Woes

According , the U.N. says that a lag in confronting climate woes will be costly. It suggests that nations have so dragged their feet in battling climate change that the situation has grown critical and the risk of severe economic disruption is rising.

Another 15 years of failure to limit carbon emissions could make the problem virtually impossible to solve with current technologies, the experts found.

But…there’s a solution! (Yay). The article goes on to say:

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 1/20/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 1-20-14 

                   Monday January 20             

12:00 am      NECI Pastry Demonstration with Master Chef Francois Payard 11/9/13

1:00 am       Helping Seniors Understand Reverse Mortgages

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       The Artful Word – CAMP TA KUM TA Santa Run

4:15 am       VT Works for Women Presents: Young Women and the VT Economy

Testing the Test Hypothesis

Here’s a link to a that challenges the benefits and virtues of testing.

“I happen to believe that efforts to raise test scores dramatically and in mass, such as is called for by NCLB, is a fool’s errand that can only end in failure or (more likely) fraud.” 

As a parent who has sent two kids through the system, and former educator myself, I submit this article as one who no longer has ‘skin in the game’. However, I believe all of us have a flesh and blood investment in this issue, because the corporate mindset and methods that now so heavily dominate education, inform almost every aspect of our lives.