Sanders Testifies at Statehouse on Education

MONTPELIER, Vt., Feb. 19 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) provided an overview on federal education policy in testimony today at the Statehouse before the Vermont House and Senate education committees.

Sanders, a member of the Senate education committee, focused on ways to expand pre-kindergarten and make college more affordable.

“There is perhaps no issue more important than how we educate our youth,” Sanders said. “I am very concerned that, on many levels, we are failing our youth. We must do away with the archaic notion that education begins at 4 or 5 years old. For far too long, our society has undervalued the need for high-quality and widely accessible early childhood education.”

5th Annual Brattleboro Rotary Club “International Film & Food Festival” Set for March 2nd

The Brattleboro Rotary Club is raising money to help upgrade the radio station KILI, a non-profit radio station broadcasting to the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Indian Reservations, part of the Great Sioux Nation in South Dakota.

On Sunday, March 2, 2014, from 4-8PM at the New England Youth Theatre, the Brattleboro Rotary Club will be sponsoring the fifth annual “International Film & Food Festival,” with proceeds benefiting KILI which serves 30,000 people on the three reservations and seeks to preserve Native American culture and instill pride in the peoples’ unique heritage.

Lucy Terry Prince & “The Black Man in Song” includes Local History

Guilford, Vt. – On Saturday, February 22, at 3:00 p.m., Friends of Music at Guilford presents “Lucy Terry Prince & The Black Man in Song” at Guilford Community Church (snow date: Feb. 23). Co-sponsored by Guilford Historical Society, this Black History Month event includes a talk by Linda Hecker on early Guilford resident Lucy Terry Prince (1730-1821) and a concert of works by ten African-American composers featuring tenor Irwin Reese and pianist Julia Bady.

African-born Lucy Terry grew up as a slave in the Ebenezer Wells household of Deerfield, Massachusetts. Considered the earliest African-American literary figure, she authored a poem about a 1746 Indian attack on Deerfield that was handed down orally for many years before its first publication. She married Abijah Prince, a free Black man from nearby Northfield, and raised a large family on land they bought in Guilford, Vermont. Lucy’s skills as an orator were legendary.

Poet Federico Garcia Lorca in Vermont

Because of snow (again!) the Garcia Lorca program scheduled for Wednesday evening has been postponed to Saturday, Feb. 22, at 3:00 p.m. in the meeting room. See you then!

Please join independent scholar, Patricia Billingsley for a richly illustrated slide talk with vintage photos, maps, and other related images about the friendship between Spanish poet Federico García Lorca and Vermont poet Philip Cummings in the Library’s meeting room.

150 Years Ago (1864 2/18)

U.S. Barracks, Brattleboro, Feb. 18,

Dearest Abiah,

Well, here I am in the old spot all well and sound. Went on guard yesterday morning, it was horrible. The wind blew so that the old guard house cracked. It kept growing colder all day. I slept until half past two, then took charge of the guards until 8, but it was quite different from standing on post. I feel much better doing something than in staying in the office, but I have a nice chance to think sitting up alone. How much I thought of home you may guess. That is a place that is ever present with me. How the heart will yearn to embrace you and the children. I feel great anxiety for you all. I am afraid that your health will suffer taking so close care of the children.

Chile Human Rights Arts Project. B4 Peace

Human Rights Arts Project in Chile by Namaya, Zoe Kopp, & B 4 Peace Team

The Vermont based artist and poet Namaya,and Zoe Kopp the Program Director for B4 Peace presented a multimedia performance art project at a Peace Park  in Santiago Chile from December 21 through the January 21, 2014t.  “MEMORIA. HABLAR.DIGNIDAD. 40,” to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the coup d’etat on September 11, 1973 that lead to eighteen years of a brutal dictatorship. 

Starry Mountain Singers at Sandglass Theater

Don’t miss this rare treat!  On Friday evening, The Starry Mountain Singers (featuring members of the beloved Sweetback Sisters) will grace the Sandglass stage with their gorgeous and intoxicating harmonies!


Friday, February 21st, 7:30 pm

Suggested Donation $10 – $15

At Sandglass Theater

17 Kimball Hill, Putney, VT

to make reservations (highly recommended!)
By Email:
or by phone: 718-916-1544

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 2/17/14

BCTV CH.8 Schedule for the week of 2-17-14

                   Monday February 17

1:30 am       Nuclear Free Future: Talking with Maggie Gunderson

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Tar Sands Exposed – Exploring the Human and Environmental Costs

6:15 am       Ray Shadis: Nuclear Decommissioning Outcomes

8:00 am       Democracy Now!: LIVE coverage

9:00 am       Agape Christian Fellowship: Mind Your Morals

Weekend Concert Series: Sheila E, Pete Escovedo, and Tito Puente

Most of us became familiar with Sheila E via Prince and her album The Glamorous Life.

The “E” in her name comes from her family name Escovedo, and the family is best known for afro cuban latin jazz percussion. Her father, Pete, is a percussionist. Tito Puente is her godfather. The musical family (brothers, uncles, cousins, etc.) has ties to Santana, and they’ve played and collaborated with numerous other artists.

150 Years Ago (1864 2/14)

Feb. 14th. I have had a hard spell of the head ache. I have got to go to work. Shall go on dress parade this afternoon and go on guard as corporal of the guard. Shall not have to stand guard. There are two corporals detailed every day and one Sergeant. The corporals have to post the guards, but one is up at a time in the night, so it is not very hard and there is a chance to learn something. I tell you, there is a great deal to learn sometimes. I think I shall never be able to get through with it. There are others that think if they can explain a right face they are ready for an examination, but to go through it in shape will require a great deal of study and pains taking.

WPTZ News: “Shumlin On Heroin”

If one is in need of a good laugh, check out the caption under the overlaid image of Governor Peter Shumlin reportedly aired recently on (Burlington, VT/Plattsburgh, NY: i.e., “Shumlin on Heroin”), via Haik Bedrosian, .

Either the folks at WPTZ must know something the rest of us don’t or they’re just plain dopey.


Brattleboro Music Center Launches 
New “Healthy” Adult Daytime Programs

In March, the Brattleboro Music Center will begin offering a new series of adult education programs during the day. The adult daytime series launches with monthly music appreciation gatherings, a chorus for seniors, and a beginning adult violin class.

The launch of the BMC’s new adult daytime track is a direct response to the region’s decidedly older adult population, and the mounting evidence that engagement in music as we age has significant positive health benefits.

Winter Carnival Murder Mystery Dinner

My Guilford friend Belinda, who’s a prime mover for Brattleboro Winter Carnival, asked me to help get the word out about this evemt, so of course I immediately tuned into ibrattleboro. dm

What happens at the Legion, stays at the Legion… well at least when this year’s theme is ‘Murder in Las Vegas’! Take a roll of the dice and see if you can figure out who the murderer is before all is revealed! You can bet it’s going to be a great dinner, with lots of friends and a fabulous show! The Vermont Theater Company will be our entertainment and dinner will be served by Brattleboro’s One and Only BMH Ladies Auxiliary. Get your tickets early to be sure you get a seat for this evening of fun, you won’t want to miss it!!

150 Years Ago (1864 2/11)

U. S. Barracks, Brattleboro, Vt. Feb.
11, 1864.

Dearest wife –

I shall endeavor to write you a longer letter than the last, you need not count that anything. Of news I have none. It is very quiet here. The recruits have all left, or nearly all. There are a few for the 9th, 7th, 8th, and the Batteries here. I have not been in town until last night. It is all still and quiet here. I started to go and see Mrs. Richard Chaplin, but she had got better and gone to a Mr. Miller’s to board in town. Started to hunt up the place: got into the wrong pew, the wrong Mr. Miller, but it was good luck. They were related to Jesse Miller of Coventry, acquainted with the Wrights, Baldwin’s, Berry’s, Thrasher’s, Flander’s, etc. etc.

The Intercept – First Look Media’s 1st ‘Digital Magazine’ Is Launched!

Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Jeremy Scahill have launched The Intercept, the first ‘digital magazine’ to be published by First Look Media. Here’s the link:

Greenwald & Scahill’s first article is “The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program” and is based on first-hand accounts from a ‘former drone operator’ as well as previously unreleased Snowden documents. 

Town School Board To Discuss Public Forum

The Brattleboro Town School Board rescheduled last week’s cancelled board meeting for today, February 10, 2014 at 5:00 pm at Academy School.  It is expected that the Board will discuss the first public forum which was held in January, among other topics.

Interested members of the public are welcome to attend.  If you do, please post comments here for the benefit of those of us who are unable to be there.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 2/10/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 2-10-14

                    Monday February 10

12:00 am      Brattleboro Time Trade Annual Mtg- 1/24/14

1:22 am       The Ethan Allen Institute’s Rob Roper on The Morality of Free Market Capitalism

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       UVM Comm Med School: Who Owns Your Genes

5:30 am       Tar Sands Exposed – Exploring the Human and Environmental Costs