The Vermont Jazz Center Presents: A Tribute to Howard Brofsky

The Vermont Jazz Center will be presenting an evening dedicated to the memory of former board president, trumpeter and educator, Howard Brofsky on Saturday, April 19th at 8:00 PM. This special tribute will include performances by his close musical colleagues and family. In every community that Brofsky settled, be it Queens College, the Louis Armstrong House, the Vermont Jazz Center, or Brattleboro, Vermont, the people have benefited from his wisdom, charm and generosity. Like a single pebble in the water, his spirit lives on through the actions of his family, colleagues, students and friends who continue to channel his enthusiasm and his dedication to the spreading of jazz.

This Saturday evening concert will celebrate Howard’s life through music. Performers will include New York-based musicians Jay Clayton, Cordelia Tapping (voice), Alex Brofsky (horn), Tim Armacost (saxophones), Ray Gallon, Jorn Swart, (piano), Curtis Ostle (bass); local musicians will include Scott Mullett, Sherm Fox (saxophone), Draa Hobbs (guitar), Eugene Uman (piano), George Kaye (bass), Jon Fisher, Claire Arenius (drums). It is likely that surprise guests will appear at the last minute. It will be limited to two-hours.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/14/14

Channel 8, Monday April 14

12:00 am        The Cody & Aaron Show: Cody & Aaron: Ep 2 – Awkward Moments

12:10 am        Landmark College Presents: Landmark College -Virginia Prescott 3/31/14

1:30 am          The Artful Word: Irish Heritage Celebration – 3/17/14

2:00 am          FSTV Overnight

4:00 am          That Was The Week That Was: Educational Governance in Vermont

National Library Week: Take a Selfie @ Brooks Memorial Library!

Celebrate your library! For National Library Week, April 13-19, 2014, take a selfie in your favorite spot at Brooks Memorial and post it to your social media (or ours) to show the world the truth of the National Library Week slogan: lives change @ your library. Read on for more information on how it works–and to see more fabulous library selfies!

Take a selfie, alone or with friends, in a favorite spot at Brooks Memorial Library. We recommend filling out a National Library Week thought bubble to include in the picture. It will telegraph the important idea to all the friends who spot you on Facebook, Twitter, or your other favorite social media site.

Estey Organ Museum Receives Important Collection

Lee Chaney had a life-long love of musical instruments, especially those with keyboards.  Over the years he built a sizeable personal collection of instruments of a wide variety, even setting up a small museum in his home so that others could view his collection.  Formerly a Professor of Educational Psychology at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama for over 40 years, Chaney retired to Clinton, NC. He died there on March 4, 2012.

Recently, his son, John Chaney, decided that the Estey Organ Museum in Brattleboro was an appropriate home for a number of these instruments.  In addition to several Estey reed organs, the collection included instruments by other builders who had a historical relationship with Estey, notably Riley Burdett of Putney, as well as instruments illustrating the development of the American reed organ. Further, the collection consisted of framed posters about organ building and other important archival memorabilia.

Brattleboro Estey Organ Tour

The Estey Organ Museum will host a Tour of Estey Organs in Brattleboro, VT on Saturday, May 17, beginning at 1:00 PM. The tour will begin at the First United Methodist Church (home of Estey Opus 1 from 1901) on Putney Rd and conclude at the Museum, 108 Birge Street. Eight pipe organs will be visited, most of which are in playing condition.

The event will include brief demonstration programs on most of the organs. Participants will receive handout sheets describing each instrument and its history. Refreshments will be served at the Museum, and visitors will see and hear the Estey “walk-through” pipe organ as well as other reed organs on display.

1:00 First United Methodist Church, Putney Road
1:30 St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 47 Walnut Street

Weekend Concert Series: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, 1978

It’s the very end of 1978, verging on 1979. We’re in Santa Monica, CA at a club. The doors open, and we all rush in to get good spots near the stage. It’s New Year’s Eve and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are touring on their second album. They take the stage and start in on their fresh sounding twist on southern rock.

Tom Petty is one of the few things Florida can be proud of beyond beaches and theme parks. He’s from Gainesville, as any good Floridian will tell you. Bad Floridians will tell you he’s the only good thing about Gainesville, but that’s another tale.

Handle with Care

If you travel to skateparks, as I do, it’s impossible to not notice the trend- younger and younger users are appearing in greater numbers. The prevalence of scooters is undeniable. Many scooter users begin their riding careers soon after they get solid on their feet as walkers.

If you travel to a city, it’s striking how many youth travel the sidewalks, often rolling alongside their parents pushing a sibling in a stroller. There are adult scooters too, and it wouldn’t be exaggeration to speak in terms of an army of scooters flooding a street.

On Exhibit at the Brooks Library: Saxtons River Art Guild & Liza Woodruff

On exhibit for the month of April at the Brooks Library: Liza Woodruff (In the Children’s Illustrators’ Book Cases, 2nd Floor Hallway, across from the Children’s Room) and t(in the Main Room). 

The Saxtons River Guild was established in 1976 for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating the cultural growth of the arts locally. The Guild is very active and new members are always welcome. Members meet during the fall and winter months at Open Studio to collaborate working in various media of watercolor, oil and pastels, as well as acrylic, collage and drawings in pen/pencil.

Reading and Discussion Series: Muslim Journey: Literary Reflections on Islam: The Arabian Night

The series will begin on Wednesday, April 9, 7 PM  with a discussion of The Arabian Night , edited by Muhsin Mahdi, translated by Husain Haddawy. Please join Marlboro scholar and Professor of Religious Studies, Amer Latif, in a journey through the literature of Islam.

The evening reading and discussion series will focus on five books. The Arabian Nights (anonymous), edited by Muhsin Mahdi, translated by Husain Haddawy; The Conference of the Birds by Farid al-Din Attar, translated by Dick Davis and Afkham Darbandi; Snow by Orhan Pamuk, translated by Maureen Freely;  Dreams of Trespass by Fatima Mernissi; and Minaret by Leila Aboulela. Islam has long provided a source of inspiration through which Muslims experience, understand, and guide their everyday lives.

Top 5 Reasons To Come Out For The Kurn Hattin Jazz Invitational!

Kurn Hattin holds its 7th Annual Jazz Invitational TONIGHT at 7 PM in the Higbie Auditorium in the Mayo Memorial Center at Kurn Hattin in Westminster, VT. With performances by several special guests and area youth jazz ensembles, it’s sure to be an amazing evening of swinging entertainment! AND…admission is FREE with a canned food donation for Our Place Food Shelter in Bellows Falls.

Need more encouragement? Here are our top 5 reasons why you ought to be there!

1) You’ll enjoy the sultry New Orleans sounds of local jazz singer, Samirah Evans, up close and personal!

2) Scott Mullett and the Keene Jazz Orchestra really know how to bring the swing!

3) Master of Ceremonies, Eugene Uman of the Vermont Jazz Center, makes everything go down smooth.

Blanche Moyse Chorale: Make A Joyful Noise!

Sacred Works of Schütz and Mendelssohn
Directed by Mary Westbrook-Geha 

This weekend, the Blanche Moyse Chorale will make a joyful noise with performances of sacred works by the German composers Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) and Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847). The concert will be performed twice: at 8:00 P.M. on Friday, April 11, at the Immanuel Episcopal Church in Bellows Falls, VT, and at 3:00 P.M. on Sunday, April 13, at Centre Congregational Church, in Brattleboro, VT.

Under the direction of Mary Westbrook-Geha, the Chorale will treat its audience to a rich selection of a cappella works by Schütz , from the heart of the Baroque period, and by Mendelssohn, from the heart of the Romantic period. The selected texts used by both composers are similar — either psalms or shorter biblical excerpts — but their musical settings are strikingly different. The contrast between their dynamic, harmonic, and polyphonic treatment opens a fascinating window into the cultural evolution that took place over the two centuries between the composers’ births. The concert’s title, “Make a Joyful Noise”, is derived from the text of Psalm 100, which appears twice in the program, in contrasting musical interpretations by both Mendelssohn and Schütz. 

Helping Adolescents Cope With Loss

Hospice Foundation of America’s Annual National Living With Grief Program, sponsored by Brattleboro Area Hospice and The Retreat, Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014, 1:00-4:30. This educational event is free of charge to attend.

This program focuses exclusively on the issues that adolescents face as they cope with death loss, and explores ways that professionals and other adults who work with adolescents can help them cope. The format for the afternoon is an archived webcast featuring national experts as well as a live discussion led by local professionals who have expertise in this area.

The teleconference will be held at the Brattleboro Retreat Education Center. Refreshment will be provided. Continuing Education Credits are available through Hospice Foundation of America.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/7/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 4/7/14

                   Monday April 7                

12:10 am      Windham Orchestra: Bratt Senior Meals Benefit – 3/20/14 at Latchis

1:30 am       The Artful Word: Irish Heritage Celebration – 3/17/14

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       That Was The Week That Was – Educational Governance in Vermont

5:30 am       Abolition and the Underground Railroad in Vermont

Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Spring Book Sale

This year’s annual Friends of Library Big Book Sale is coming early with Spring flowers. Join your fellow community members and sift through the thousands of  paperbacks, DVD’s, and audio books for the Big Spring Book Sale, to raise funds for the support of the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library.

The sale is scheduled for Friday, April 11, 10 to 6 and Saturday, April 12, 10  to 2. Books and other items are piling up for this important annual event. Come early for the best selection! Remainders will be on sale during the month of April during regular library hours.

5:45 Live: 4/4/14


A shooting at America’s Best Inn, petition to send the Bratt Town Budget back to the voters, and Gallerywalk at its best, and just some of the stories packed into BCTV’s first media round-up of the spring.

New Sessions: Adult Daytime Music Programs


A singing program for Seniors

Brattleboro Music Center choral director Susan Dedell leads “ Singing Strong,” a new chorus specifically designed for seniors. Singing has been making big headlines in the health field for the last decade, as multiple studies conclude that singing in a group is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy, alert, and happy throughout the course of a life time. Among its many benefits,  singing boosts the immune system, improves heart health, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Best of all, it makes you happier! Susan will lead everyone in songs chosen from a variety of musical styles, mostly from the great song repertoire of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. Absolutely no prior singing experience or music reading skills necessary! 

Weekend Concert Series: Doobie Brothers

Grab your suntan lotion – we’re going to Santa Barbara, California.

The year is 1982 and yacht rock has peaked. Yacht rock is a sort of relaxed beach music, seemingly created for being on a yacht in warm waters, surrounded by tropical drinks, bathing suits, and cocaine. Think Toto, Kenny Loggins, Gerry Rafferty, and those smooth-sounding rock bands from that time and place.

The Doobie Brothers, once a country rock sort of band, had completely transformed itself into a yacht rock leader with Michael McDonald at the helm, to the point of super-popularity and extinction.

150 Years Ago (1864 4/3-4/4)

Brattleboro, April 3rd, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

I believe I was in Washington, when I quit writing there I was within a few hundred yards of Jacob I suppose and could not go and see him. That came of being trustworthy. Had to take charge of the men, keep them from running round. I could have fixed them, for I could have taken them to the barracks and I should have laughed to have seen them get out before I or the Captain came, but that would not be doing as I would be done by. At 8 o’clock the Captain came and we took the cars for home. Got into New York the next morning about 8 o’clock and stopped until the next day at 11, and in that time we all had the chance to go where we pleased. I was glad to lie still. I was as tired as I ever was in my life feet so sore that I could hardly step.