1903 Village Meeting in Brattleboro

To add to our continuing look at town government and annual town meetings, let’s head back to see the news of May 8, 1903. From the Phoenix:

Village Meeting as Exciting as a Quaker Meeting – Tax of 40 Cents Voted With About 30 Present

Thirty men transacted the business of the annual village meeting Tuesday, with the exception of the election of the officers, making provision in three minutes for the expenditure of about $20,000, which is at the rate of over $6,500 a minute. Stated another way, each man voted away over $650, provided all voted.

150 Years Ago (1864 4/30)

(Just a printed form)



1210 Chestnut St.

John H. Taggart, Preceptor, (late Col. 12th P.R.V.C.)

Philadelphia, April 30, 1864.

Only 15 Voters Attend First Daytime Town Meeting in Brattleboro, 1893

We often curse low turnout at the polls. “How could it be that only 1,200 people came out to vote?” we ask, usually when the vote goes against us. Why can’t it be like the olden days, where everyone turned out to participate in civic affairs?

Here’s a story from May 5, 1893 Phoenix about the incredibly low turnout for the first town meeting to be held in the daytime. – there were more election officers in the room than citizens. Maybe our numbers aren’t so bad?

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 5/5/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 5/5/14

Monday May 5              

12:00 am      Will Miller Social Justice Lectures: Native Rights v. Tar Sands

1:30 am       Hunger Free VT: Medical Professionals and Hunger in VT

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Jericho Historical Society: Who Was Here First

Municipal Power Generation In and Around Bratttleboro

Municipalities and public agencies across America (and elsewhere) are investing in renewable energy generation to offset some of the costs of purchased energy. A penny saved, is a penny earned, and we’re not talking about pennies! At times, these efforts result in surplus energy, for which there’s always a market. Funds thus generated can significantly defray taxes.

Brattleboro has significant opportunities to benefit from renewable power. In fact, we have already embarked upon this path.

Weekend Concert Series: The Upper Crust

Okay. Here’s an obscure one. Ever hear of the Upper Crust? I didn’t think so.

The Upper Crust was sort of a joke band. They dressed as 18th century nobleman, complete with powdered wigs, and played heavy metal songs about being the upper crust of society.

They had songs such as ‘We’re Finished with Finishing School,’ ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy,’ and ‘Let Them Eat Rock.’

Unspeakable Saturday Night

Tomorrow evening, sixteen local residents will perform a public reading of “Project Unspeakable” at 7pm New England Youth Theater.  A facilitated discussion of the play and the issues, questions and feelings it raises for the audience will follow.

The script, with the exception of two Narrators and a young seeker of truth, is made up of actual quotes attributed to each of the dozens of characters portrayed. Saturday’s cast includes Sophie Bady-Kaye, Frederic Noyes, Daniel Cantor Yalowitz, John Ungerleider, Bob Bady, Leo Schiff, Gary and Leslie Sullivan Sachs, Mary Kay Sigda, Greg Moreau, John O’Neal, Paula Green, RylandWhite, Tim Bullard, Debbie Lynangale and Amilcar Shabazz.

After three rehearsals and indivdual sessions with the director and principal playwright Court Dorsey, we are eager to share this moving and motivating story with the public.

Things For The Village Meeting To Take In Hand, 1885

From the Vermont Phoenix, May 1, 1885, an article discussing matters that should be discussed at the upcoming annual village meeting.

Things For The Village Meeting To Take In Hand, 1885

A matter of the first importance, which should receive attention at the annual village meeting next Tuesday evening, is the sanitary condition of the village. With a cholera invasion threatened, and all the great cities of the country fearing an attack of the scourge, more importance will attach to sanitary matters in every community the coming season than ever before.

While Brattleboro as a rule is in clean, wholesome condition, and enjoys a remarkable degree of freedom from epidemic disease, there are plague spots in the village which are too obvious to need pointing out.

Annual “Taste of the Town” Feeds the Winston L. Prouty Center

The Winston L. Prouty Center for Child Development is pleased to announce that its 25th Taste of the Town fundraiser, will take place May 10th, 6:30-10:30pm at the International Center on the World Learning Campus (One Kipling Road) in Brattleboro.

The $50 ticket to The Taste of the Town gives one a delectable sampling of culinary delights donated from the best chefs and caterers in the area. Once again, the sought after bouquets and arrangements donated by area florists and nurseries that help transform the International Center to the idyllic setting of a spring garden will be given away as door prizes. The silent and live auction will offer great services from area merchants and businesses. There will be musical entertainment provided by the Butterfly Swing Band as well.

Author Tracey Allyson on “Dying & Living in the Arms of Love” and Her Pilgrimage to Tibet

Join clinical psychologist Tracey Allysson in a talk about her book, Dying & Living in the Arms of Love; One Woman’s Journey around Mount Kailash, at Brooks Memorial Library on Wednesday, April 30, 7 PM in the meeting room on the 2nd floor. Alysson circumambulates Mt. Kailash through prostrations and records her life-altering sojourn at the center of the spiritual universe. Tracey Alysson has a  Ph.D.  and is a clinical psychologist with a passion for the spiritual in human experience and the human in spiritual experience, records her pilgrimage to Tibet in her book.

Alysson’s work is an autobiographical travel book reminiscent of Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer’s bestseller “Seven Years in Tibet.”“I was not aware that circumambulating Mt. Kailash is called khora, and that a very small number of pilgrims will do khora with prostrations,” Alysson recollects.  “It was from within my heart that there arose a fierce longing and devotion to go to Kailash, to lie on the land of Tibet with my heart open wide.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BAMS Committee will meet at 7:45 a.m. on Monday, May 5 in the BAMS Conference Room.

The BUHS Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 5 in the Cusick Conference Room.

Open Source Seed Initiative Includes Vermont’s High Mowing

Here’s something people interested in GMOs and Vermont farming might want to take note of – an open source seed intiative.

You might be familiar with free and open source software. Coders give away the program and underlying source code with the stipulation that others using it do the same. The open source seed initiative is similar. They are releasing seeds in such a way to “make sure that the genes in at least some seed can never be locked away from use by intellectual property rights.”

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/28/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 4/28/14

Monday April 28               

1:00 am       The Climate Show – Vermont Gas Pipline 3/6/14

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Organic Politics – The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

5:00 am       Green Mtn. Vets for Peace – Ep.131 – Military Sexual Harrassment

6:05 am       The Folklorist – Ep.7

Weekend Concert Series: Ian Dury and the Blockheads

This week we set the time machine to Christmas 1980 at the Dominion Theatre to catch a show by Ian Dury and the Blockheads. As is often the case with the Weekend Concert Series, this is not for everyone, but for those who like Mr. Dury it is sure to be a treat.

Ian Dury was king of naughty new wave. His songs praised sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and frequently took a form similar to dirty limericks you might hear at the pub. The music is often very danceable and had a funky, soulful element. (He worked with Chas Jankel, a british keyboard player who had nightclub hits of his own.)

Brattleboro Historical Society Talk on Slavery in Vermont

The Problem of Slavery in Vermont 1777-1810 is the subject of a talk to be presented on Tuesday, May 6, 7:00pm, at the new Brattleboro Historical Society History Center located in the Masonic Center building, 196 Main Street.

The speaker will be Harvey Amani Whitfield, an associate professor of history at the University of Vermont and author of a book by this title published recently by the Vermont Historical Society. The program is co-sponsored by Brattleboro Historical Society and Vermont Historical Society with support from the Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation.

Vermonters have long been rightly proud that our state was the first to outlaw slavery in its Constitution of 1777.

Nye Ffarrabas’ 50-Year Retrospective: Book Launch and Exhibition Opening

Brattleboro resident Nye Ffarrabas’ 50-year retrospective of her work is being celebrated in a new exhibtion and book just published through C. X. Silver Gallery.

C X Silver Gallery presents Nye Ffarrabas: A Walk on the Inside, an exhibition May 2 to Saturday August 23, 2014. The accompanying publication, with the same name as the exhibition, is part catalogue, part memoir, part monograph, a tribute to an artist and poet whose creative works span more than fifty years from the heyday of Fluxus Art of the sixties and seventies and continue to the present day. Please join us for the opening reception and book launch Sunday afternoon May 4th, 2014, 1-4pm, at the Gallery, 814 Western Avenue, Brattleboro, VT. Some improvisation, readings, and performance pieces may be part of the event.

The Vermont Jazz Center Presents: Bob Stabach’s CD Release Party

Bob Stabach, a “local treasure,” to release his first jazz recording as a leader

On Sunday April 27, at 7:00 PM, Bob Stabach will be celebrating the release of his first jazz CD as a leader. The project, entitled “Light Forms” has been a labor of love for Stabach and his working quartet who include Stabach on saxophone, Eugene Uman on piano, George Kaye on bass and Jon Fisher on drums; the group has been playing together for about 5 years. They have been a kind of “house band” at arts presenter, Wendy Redlinger’s home where she has graciously offered the quartet and other high-level artists an opportunity to present their music in a great sounding, comfortable, welcoming space with a fine acoustic piano. For jazz musicians, Wendy’s Soirees attract a dream audience: listeners who thrive on hearing new compositions and observing the creative process in action. Bob has chosen to release his CD at Wendy’s because her home has been the workshop space where much of the music, now etched on his brand-new recording, was performed for the first time. The concert begins at 7:00; all are welcome to a 6:00 community potluck to meet and greet the artists.