150 Years Ago (1864 6/6)
Washington, June 6th, 1864.
Dear wife,
I did not finish my letter yesterday, so will write a little more today. You ask me about the length of time I must serve. I feel a little delicacy about talking to anyone about what I have not got, but it is this way, it is for life or during good behavior, but there is no doubt but I can get out of it at any time I can give a good excuse for resigning it is the same as in the volunteer service. The government is not obliged to receive a resignation, but they do it. I should not feel like resigning during my term of service if the war lasts. If it does not last, I shall, but I must get my commission first. I think then I shall have you with me if it is a possible thing. It will depend upon where I may be, if in a fort then you can be with me, if in the field, I shall not try it.