Independence Day in Brattleboro, 1858

A report on plans for Independence Day celebration in Brattleboro of July 3, 1858, written in The Phoenix. (It was celebrated on the 3rd of July back then…)

“INDEPENDENCE – The celebration on the 3rd by the fire department of Brattleboro and the several companies from abroad will be one of more than ordinary magnificence. The number of firemen who will be present, the reputation of the companies into which they are organized, and the arrangements for the occasion all give evidence of an unusual and unprecedented display. Information has been received by the committee of arrangements of the attendance on Saturday of Companies from Claremont, Keene, and Hinsdale in New Hampshire, from Greenfield, Holyoke, Chicopee, Springfield, South Royalston and Baldwinville, in Massachusetts. These with our own excellent companies will make a special pageant.

Laugh Out Loud! Screwball Comedy Film Series at the Brooks Library

Beginning Wednesday, July 9th and continuing through November 12th, the Brattleboro Film Festival and Brooks Memorial Library will present free afternoon screenings of nine Hollywood classic screwball comedies from Tinseltown’s Golden Era.

A film by renowned Director Preston Sturges whose comedies mix the sensibilities of “a lowbrow aristocrat” with a that of a “melancholy wiseguy” will kick-off the five month-long series on July 9th at 2 p.m. in the library’s Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor. Eight other comedies will screen on select Wednesdays through mid-November. 

Spark a Reaction! 2014 Teen Summer Reading Program at Brooks Memorial Library

Want to read this summer? Want to win a prize? Start reading now until August 9, and track your reading online. Share what you are reading with your fellow teens at .

Check out books, magazine, or audiobooks from the Brooks Memorial Library’s Teen Collection on the Main Floor. We also have a display of graphic novels and audiobooks. Those count too!

Ramshackle Glory Play Brattleboro

I remember a friend telling me, a long time ago, that I should go hear this band called Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains who were playing in a parking lot on Elliot Street that afternoon. I had doubts about the venue and didn’t go. My loss. Last night, Johnny Hobo was back, or at least, his inventor, Pat “the Bunny” Schneeweis, with a new band, Ramshackle Glory. As it turned out, their homecoming show at the Church Saturday night turned out to be the highlight of my weekend if not the whole month of June.

DJ Flashcube on WVEW!

Its time for another experience that you won’t soon forget… join DJ Pockets, this tuesday the 1st of July, as he welcomes internationally known and unknown, musician, poet, songwriter, producer, etc.. DJ Flashcube.

tune in 6pm-8pm on Brattleboro Community Radio
107.7fm and

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 6/30/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 6-30-14

                   Monday June 30    

12:00 am      Energy Week Extra: Steve Reucroft, CERN – 6/12/14

1:00 am       2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Fest. – Meet the Artist: Linda Oh

1:45 am       Nicaragua Pueblo Project: Nicaragua Pueblo Project

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Marita’s France Travelogue: D-Day Part 2

150 Years Ago (1864 6/30)

On the Petersburgh & Weldon Railroad

10 miles from Petersburgh, June 30, 1864.

Dear wife,

I came in here last night. The whole 6th Corps is here. We have been at work all the morning
intrenching. Our regiment has just finished. I can tell you just how we lie. The Station is called Ream’s or [indecipherable]. The 6th Regiment is about ten rods south of the station, see backside. I am well. Have seen Zopher this morning for the first time. He is now in the tent here. The tenth Vermont lies up on the right of the line. This paper is dirtier than some I have, but I must keep it for better occasion. I just write this to let you know where I am. I am well. Lie right in the dirt. Have washed up my face and hands this morning, but water is scarcer than dirt.

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn presents The Chris Kleeman Band Sunday, June 29

Twilight Music continues its 12th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk, world beat, rock, jazz, zydeco, Celtic, swing, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, June 29 with an evening of hard driving, house rocking, in your face blues by The Chris Kleeman Band. The seven concert series continues every other Sunday through August 24. All concerts begin at 6:00 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in case of rain. The series is sponsored by the Town of Putney, Soundview Paper Company, Next Stage Arts Project, The Stockwell Brothers and many other Putney businesses and organizations. The concerts are free to the public (donations are accepted) and food will be available.

Weekend Concert Series: Neil Diamond 1971

Here is Neil Diamond performing live at the BBC in 1971, not long after he reached the top of the charts with songs such as Sweet Caroline, Cracklin’ Rosie, and Song Sung Blue.

Some interesting things you may or may not know about Mr. Diamond. It’s his real name. He’s from Brooklyn. Sweet Caroline is about Caroline Kennedy. He once opened for the Who. Rick Rubin produced a 2005 album. He just signed (2014) a new deal with Capitol Music Group.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BUHS District #6 Finance Committee will meet at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, June 30 in the WSESU James E. Kane Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 7 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Six UFOs over Brattleboro Vermont Airspace

Shortly after taking off from Brattleboro-West International Airport ( BWI) these ufos ripped by our window. Faster than you could say, “Soyuz Spacelab!”, they were gone.

Experts at the University who have examined the photograph have assured us that this photo was taken while our aircraft was still in Vermont airspace. The same experts have authenticated the photo as genuine.

Brattleboro’s Wildest Arts and Music Organization, The Future Collective, Launches Online Fundraiser

The Future Collective launched their online fundraiser on June 25, 2014 through the website INDIEGOGO.

The Future Collective is a non-profit, volunteer-run group of Brattleboro young people founded in January 2012. They have hosted many events ranging from all-ages music shows, community art openings, a weekly radio show, dance parties, ice cream giveaways, outdoor cabarets, child art and music making, outdoor adventures, peer-supported mental health workshops, community art nights, collaboration with other local organizations, and our annual 3-day music and arts festival, Future Fest.

150 Years Ago (1864 6/26)

Sunday June 26th. I had to pick up in a hurry yesterday, as the enemy were reported advancing in heavy force on our left and we went out and were posted on the extreme left, and here I am this morning. There have no rebels made their appearance yet. I guess there were a few down on the rail road, though, there was quite a piece torn up yesterday by the cavalry by the sound. The enemy have enough to do on the right. The firing last night was very heavy. Our picket post is near a small house with a fine well of water. The women folks are at home. It is a real snug place, with a large apple orchard, the apples just about large enough to stew and they have to take it.

Movie Monday at Brattleboro Senior Center

Brattleboro Senior Center offers Free Monday Morning Movies.  The June 30th movie will be “Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner”.  The movie starts at 10 am.  Come and enjoy a movie with snacks and please stay after the movie for lunch at Brattleboro Senior Meals all are welcome.  For information please contact Jessy at 802-257-7570.

150 Years Ago (1864 6/25)

On the left flank of the army of the Potomac.

June 25, 1864.

Dear wife,

My last letter was dated near the railroad; while I was writing there were some skirmishers thrown out on the road, and the pioneers were tearing up the rails. Among them were companies F, L, K, and one other of the 11th Vt. and the 4th Vt. 4 Companies of the 11th and a part of the 4th were taken prisoners. There are a few left from each company. I saw what is left of Company F, Willard Morse, Elbridge Varnum, Charlie Brooks have gone to Richmond. I found but two left that I knew, David Morse and Henry Dawson. Saw Charles Dolloff. He was drawing rations at the time; they were taken pretty slick. We were but a little ways from them. Them that got away talk about firing several vollies, but they did not make much noise. I do not believe they fired a shot. I heard a few scattering shots, but no more than I had been hearing all the time.

The Estey Organ and the Emergence of Capitalism

The Estey Organ Museum will sponsor a presentation titled “The Estey Organ – Its Place in the Emergence of American Capitalism” at its Engine House Gallery, 108 Birge Street, on Sunday, June 29, at 3:00 PM. Kit Barry, curator of The Ephemera Archive for American Studies in Brattleboro will lead the presentation.

The Estey Company, along with 1,000’s of other 19th century companies, was both a part of, and the epitome of the single driving force determining the personality, the very being of the United States – American Capitalism.

“Reading” Places: Art, Architecture, and Gravestones in Early Vermont

The Historical Society of Windham County (HSWC) will be hosting a presentation on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at the Moore Free Library (23 West Street) in Newfane at 7:30PM.

Bill Hosley, an historic resources and education consultant from Enfield, Conn., will demonstrate how art and artifacts can be used to understand historical experience while surveying the extraordinary visual allure of historic Vermont.

According to Mr. Hosley, in developing their towns, early Vermont settlers created a wide range of things that spoke to their values, background, skills and cultural attitudes.  Their architecture, gravestones, furniture, ironwork, paintings, pottery, and textiles are evocative of specific people, places, and situations. 

Galactic Historian -Andrew Bartzis on WVEW

Join DJ Pockets this tuesday the 24th of June for another experience that you won’t soon forget,,this one features Andrew Bartzis.

Andrew has been an active healer and psychic reader for nearly 20 years. He is a Reiki master and Shaman with many talents in the spirit world.

Andrew grew up in north east Ohio. He is a active rock hound and Gemstone and mineral collector. He has nearly 2,000 different crystals, gemstones and meteorites in his personal collection.

Evening of American Roots at Sandglass Theater with Martin Grosswendt

PUTNEY- Thursday, June 26th at 7:30pm, Martin Grosswendt will bring his masterful take on American roots music to the intimate stage of Sandglass Theater in Putney, VT. In this rare appearance, Martin is accompanied by guitarist and singer Susanne Salem-Schatz. Tickets are $16 general, $13 for students and seniors and can be reserved by email at or by calling 802-387-4051. 

Martin Grosswendt is an extraordinary instrumentalist and powerful singer. He draws from a wide range of American roots music and is particularly well known as an interpreter of country blues of the 20’s and 30’s.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 6/23/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 6/23/14

Monday June 23          

12:00 am      Ethan Allen Homestead: Gen. Burgoyne’s March

1:19 am       2014 Burlington Discover Jazz Fest. – Meet the Artist: Linda Oh

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Solar Energy: Imagine The Possibilities

6:00 am       The Artful Word: Fascism and Immigration – Italy and the U.S