BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/25/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 8/25/14

                   Monday August 25          

12:00 am      Craft in the Southern Half – A Look at the Arts in Southern VT Ep.1

12:30 am      Jenni Johnson and the Jazz Junketeers

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Car Tour of Fort Ticonderoga Military Road History

5:00 am       Vermont Musicians on the Air: Ep.1 Mark Shelton

Andrew Bartzis on WVEW

its time for another experience that you won’t soon forget..this tuesday on “buttahmilk” its galactic historian, Andrew Bartzis.

Andrew Bartzis is a Reiki master and Shaman with the unique ability of being able to access multiple Akashic Records at will. Known as the Galactic Historian, he is able to read and share individual, cultural, global, and galactic histories with those who come to him.

West Brattleboro Association Reschedules Free Movie Night

On Thursday, August 28th, the West Brattleboro Association will present its first free movie night.  “Triplets of Belleville” (appropriate for families) will be shown at dusk outdoors next to the West Brattleboro Fire Station after being rained out on the 21st. There will be movie shorts beginning at 7:30 followed by the main feature at 8.

At 7 pm bike-powered smoothies from the Bellows Falls Community Bike Project will be for sale. 
There will be music and circus toys.  There will also be ice cream donated by the Chelsea Diner and free
popcorn.  There may also be a Listening Booth!

Nye Ffarrabas: A Walk On The Inside

Still time to see this unforgettable exhibit at the CX Silver Gallery in West Brattleboro. There is no admission fee. Nye has been there to meet visitors Thursdays through Sundays, 3 pm to 8 pm. The exhibit ends next week, Sept. 7.

Nye is easy to talk to. She sees connections in “ordinary” things. I found the opportunity to share in her unique perspective to be eye-opening. 

Weekend Concert Series: Billy Bragg

By informal request, Billy Bragg is our featured performer this weekend. Here he is playing live for a small audience in Austin in 2013 on radio station KEXP during a SXSW.

I chose this one because it was filmed quite nicely, but better performances can be found elsewhere on the internet. Consider this a simple introduction that can lead to further study.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/22)

Bolivar Heights, (Md),

Aug. 22nd, 1864.

Dear wife,-

Accept this. We have been in a hard skirmish. I am all right. Alva Warren badly wounded. Our regiment lost 35 men in killed and wounded. Our regiment. Col. Hale and Maj. Dwinnell both wounded. We held the Rebs though all day.

Come Play At The BMC This Fall!

Brattleboro Music Center Fall Lessons & Classes

If you’ve always wanted to play an instrument, take voice lessons, or return to an instrument you put down long ago, this fall at the Brattleboro Music Center is the perfect opportunity to do so.  

The BMC’s fall semester begins the week of September 8th and offers individual lessons, as well as classes for kids, teens, and adults; instrumentalists, singers, and non-musicians; absolute beginners and accomplished musicians.  

Tony Trischka Band and Hot Mustard at Next Stage Friday, August 22

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present International Bluegrass Music Association Banjo Player of the Year Tony Trischka and his band, plus and double banjo bluegrass quartet Hot Mustard at Next Stage on Friday, August 22 at 7:30 pm. In a consistently adventurous musical career that spans nearly half a century, Tony Trischka has established himself as one of America’s foremost visionaries of the five-string banjo and perhaps the most influential banjo player in the roots music world. Widely regarded as the most innovative banjoist of his generation, Tony’s dexterity and restless creative spirit have inspired generations of fans and acoustic musicians, including Bela Fleck – one of his early students.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/19)

  Aug. 19th. Near Charlestown, Va. I have just heard that the mail was going out. I must send this unfinished, as you probably wonder why you do not hear from me. We are going towards Harper’s Ferry now. Have had a very hard march from where I commenced this letter. The rebs have got their heads rubbed pretty hard in this valley. What has been going on in the balance of the world I know not, as we have not heard one word. Have had but one mail, and no newspaper. In that I will give an account of the march when we get to a place where I can write. Came through Winchester. None of the second or third division have seen any fighting since we left Middletown. Have not seen Zopher but suppose he is all right.

Fall Into Music!


enriching lives through music

Does this cool weather have you thinking about fall?

We have many opportunities to enrich your life and help you enjoy something new this September.

Below, please take a look at our Music School offerings for all ages. Then next week, I will share news with you about the really spectacular concert season we have coming up. If you can’t wait, please visit  where you can always find the most up-to-date concert and program information as we post it.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/18/14

BCTV Channel 8 schedule Week of 8/18/14

                   Monday August 18              

12:00 am      Jenni Johnson and the Jazz Junketeers

1:30 am       Craft in the Southern Half – A Look at the Arts in Southern VT Ep.1

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Southern Vermont Dance Festival at Latchis – 7/17/14

5:05 am       Upstaged – Episode 2

Write Action Picnic in Guilford

We hope you can join Write Action for schmoozing, good food, the open reading, and more at our annual potluck picnic. It is at noon on Sunday, Aug 17.

Write Action is southern Vermont’s non-profit that promotes and strives to inspire writers, with workshops, open readings, writing contests and more. www.writeaction.org. We hope to see some of you there.

West Brattleboro Association Offers Free Movie Night

On Thursday, August 21, the West Brattleboro Association will present its first free movie night.  “Triplets of Belleville” (appropriate for families) will be shown at dusk outdoors next to the West Brattleboro Fire Station. There will be movie shorts beginning at 7:30 followed by the main feature at 8.

At 7 pm bike-powered smoothies from the Bellows Falls Community Bike Project will be for sale.  There will be music and circus toys.  There will also be ice cream donated by the Chelsea Diner and free popcorn.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/15)

  Aug. 15th. Here in the same spot. When we came in here the supply trains were just coming
in. The report was that the whole of the cavalry train of thirty-five wagons had been captured by guerillas that came through Snicker’s Gap. Our train was in the rear, the cavalry train in the center of the train guarded by hundred days men. They run without firing a gun, in fact, there was no firing on either side. That was all true, but last night we heard the rest of the story. Our cavalry in small force came up before they had time to remove the wagons or the supplies. There was a paymaster and his wagon, and money with the train. They had got the paymaster and had just got the money out and were opening the box but got none of the money. Others were taking off the mules. The cavalry retook all except the paymaster and a few of the mules. My informant said that he saw 16 of the guerillas that were captured and that there were others, so that and that Snicker’s Gap region is an infernal one. They care but little for anything but the plunder.

August 1914: In Witness. Speak for Peace


A moment to remember WWI. In the darkness of the wars in the Middle East, the insane invasion of Gaza, and the random madness and
war, we send this prayer for peace.

In whatever way we can speak out for peace in our lives, in our communities,
and yes speaking out against the estimate $1 trillion dollar US Military budget. 

 Last week, Zoe and I were at Universal peace day in NYC. It was
beautiful to perform the poem PALESTINE that said, “Peace, shaalom,
saalam” as over 50 flags of Israel and Palestine were knotted together
and raised high as a prayer for peace.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/14)

New Middletown, Va. Aug. 14th, 1864.

Dearest Wife,

I hardly know at which end of this march to commence this letter, but think I will begin where I left off. Well, in a few minutes after I sent off my last, Aug. 9th, went on picket. Did not go back to camp, but started to go up the Shenandoah Valley. I had a paper put up to send and told you where we were going, but had no chance to send it until yesterday. We followed and the rebels retreated, the cavalry occasionally skirmishing, occasionally a reb killed or wounded and quite often a few captured. Came through Charlestown, where John Brown was hung on the 10th. On the 11th in the forenoon left Berryville about a mile on the left.

LOL Screwball Comedies of the 30’s and 40’s Continues August 13 at 2 PM

Escape the rain today and join us for a screwball comedy film that swept the 1934 Academy Awards and is still as breezy and beguiling today as when it debuted 80 years ago. Brattleboro Film Festival Advisory Board member Tim Metcalfe and journalist Tom Bedell will host post-screening discussions in the Brooks Library Meeting Room – covering a wide range of topics related to the screwball comedy era, film-making and Hollywood trivia in general.  For more information call 802-254-5290 or email info@brookslibraryvt.org.