Exploring the Future of Local Journalism: A River Garden Brown Bag Lunch Session

Four local media professionals will present a panel discussion on the future of local journalism at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden at noon on Thursday, August 14.

The session, which is part of the Brown Bag Lunch series presented by Strolling of the Heifers, includes Ed Woods, publisher of the Brattleboro Reformer and its regional sister publications, Jeff Potter, interim editorial and operations director of The Commons, Tom D’Errico, editor of the Reformer, and Martin Langeveld, a media observer and former newspaper executive.

Brattleboro Women’s Chorus Adds New Morning Rehearsal Time

After eighteen years of rehearsals only on Wednesday nights at 7:00, the Brattleboro Women’s Chorus is adding a second time on Thursday mornings from 10:00-12:00 at the Centre Congregational Church on Main St. in Brattleboro. The nineteenth fall session begins on September 3rd and 4th. If you have never sung with the Chorus, join them for the first rehearsal to see what you think. All women and girls over 10 are welcome, and there are no auditions. Songs are learned mostly by rote and by ear, and music is an eclectic mix that is spirited and spiritual. As founder/director Becky Graber says, they are “good songs to live with” over the course of the session and beyond. 

Wake-up Call On Public Schools From Vermont Education Secretary

In a letter sent to the parents and “caregivers” of all Vermont schoolchildren, the state’s new Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe said in no uncertain terms that our public schools are not failing, despite declarations to the contrary from the federal government.  According to Holcombe, “every school whose students took the NECAP tests last year is now considered a ‘low performing’ school by the US Department of Education.”  But, she said, “The Vermont Agency of Education does not agree with this federal policy, nor do we agree that all of our schools are low performing.”

A.C.O.R.N. Nature and Music Festival 2014


Local Festival to Take Place at Guilford Fairgrounds on Sept. 27, 2014

The first ever A.C.O.R.N Nature and Music Festival (A Community of Resilient Neighbors) is now selling tickets to this exciting, family-friendly, local event taking place at the Guilford Fairgrounds on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014. During the day, participate in a myriad of workshops focused on nature, wilderness skills, and resiliency. In the evening, listen and dance to amazing music.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/7)

 Aug. 7, 1864. Here we are back in the same old place. West of Harper’s Ferry. We had our tents nicely
fixed and some had gone to sleep and all were congratulating themselves on having a good nights sleep, when we had orders to pack up and fall in and at about 11 o’clock we did fall in and marched to the Railroad near the City where from appearances we were to take the cars. The whole column laid right down in the road and slept for 4 hours, or I did for one, except twice, when a horse or mare that had got loose ran over me, but could not afford to keep awake long. At 10 o’clock we were making our coffee on the heights West of Harper’s Ferry. At about 12 noon we came here.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/5)

Monocacy Mill, Aug. 5, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

Another move, but a short one. We are now about seven miles from Frederick City, near a large grist mill. Came here the 3rd, and such a quantity of Griddle cakes and things of that kind as have been cooked since we came here! The flour and meal is not dear, meal 3 cents per lb. And a 3 quart pail full of flour a ½ of a dollar. I have a little frying pan, and it is in use most of the time, so is my pail. Hard tack is at a discount. I had some cheese yesterday. It is the first that I have had. Yesterday we expected to stop here some days and we had quite a time rejoicing. This morning at about 3 o’clock we were called up and ordered to pack up and move, at daylight. Got all ready. Daylight came, but we did not move.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/4/14

BCTV Channel 8 schedule for the week of 8/4/14

                   Monday August 4


12:00 am      BCTV Archives: Lisa McCormick in Concert 11/17/07

1:08 am       Howard Coffin: Vermonters at the Battle of Cedar Creek

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       UVM Comm Med School: Treatments and Risks of Sleep Apnea

5:30 am       Across Our Table – Ep.3

150 Years Ago (1864 8/2)

1 ½ miles from Frederick City, on the Harper’s Ferry road,

August 2, 1864.

Dearest Wife,

I think that the last letter was written on the Hills west of Harper’s Ferry. In a few minutes after it was finished we all started for Maryland, again marched all night or rather we were marching all night. It took a long time to cross the river. We had no cattle and came along as we were a mind, bathed in the Potomac and stopped where we pleased, calculating to keep near or division. That part of the 8th corps with us led the
column across the river, the 19th corps next, our Corps next, the first division of it leading the 2d ours next, the 3d bringing up the rear, the 2nd Brigade of the 2d, -the one Zopher is in were in rear of train as train guard. I believe the world knows nothing of the number of troops here, or what they are. No newspapers ever mention us.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Notes – July 25 – Climate Change: Fear or Hope?

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast                                            

July 25, 2014, Gibson-Aiken Center

Climate Change: Should we be Fearful? Or Hopeful?
George Harvey, General Factotum for the  blogging at   one of 

George Harvey was introduced and asked to react to a news  recently quoted in his blog that “No state has done more than California to fight global warming. But a deepening drought could make that battle more difficult and more expensive.” He stated that his pessimism around climate change is based on its effects on nature. Species are going out of existence at the rate of 200 per year and with the increase in global warming that increase in extinction rate is moving from one species every 40 hours to one every ten minutes to one every 50 seconds.

3 Minute History Lesson

This Land is Mine  “This Land is Mine” is a video from Nina Paley, originally posted on Vimeo. In the end of this video appear the text “Copying is an Act of Love, please copy and share. copyheart.org”. So, here it is.

150 Years Ago (1864 7/30)

2 miles Beyond Harpers Ferry, on the Virginia Side of the Potomac, July 30th. I did not have time to finish this before the troops were in motion. Crossed the Monocacy, went to Frederick City, then took the road to Harpers, got to Jefferson at 12 o’clock Midnight. You may guess we slept sound. Crossed the Potomac at the Ferry yesterday at about noon on a pontoon bridge, and came here on the Second ridge from the river. It is now 10 o’clock A.M. And have not moved yet. Hope we will lie still today. May move in the afternoon. The stragglers are coming in, limping along. The men need a little rest sadly. It is sore feet mainly. Health otherwise good. I am all right.

Carlos Morales on WVEW

Its time for yet another experience that you won’t soon forget..this time we go down the rabbit hole of Child Protective Services with Carlos Morales. Carlos Morales is a writer and podcaster at Truth Over Comfort. He’s a child rights advocate who’s spoken at Liberty Forum, Liberty Fest, and on a host of shows regarding his former work as a Child Protective Services Investigator and how to protect children from the state.

tune in this tuesday , July 29th from 6pm-8pm on Brattleboro Community Radio 107.7fm and streaming on www.wvew.org

150 Years Ago (1864 7/28)

Near Frederick City, July 28, 1864.

Dearest Wife,

Here I am out in orchard, a little west of the battle ground of Monocacy, pronounced Mo-nox-y. I received a letter from you yesterday and sent one. Had to send it by a citizen I met in the road. The last three letters I have sent to be mailed just as I could. One of them I am glad to hear you have received. We left Tenallytown day before yesterday a little afternoon. Came just through the town of Rockville; stopped over night, the country very fine. Yesterday came through Nielville, Clarksville to Hyattville to this place. The country yesterday was poorer and quite broken.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 7/28/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 7-28-14

                   Monday July 28
12:00 am      Crown Point Road 250th Anniversary End to End Hike: Pt1
2:00 am       FSTV Overnight
4:00 am       Green Mtn. Vets for Peace: Drone Warfare Pt.2
5:00 am       Morris Dancers in Brattleboro – May 24, 2014
7:00 am       Spotlight on Issues: Efficiency in Vermont’s Energy Future
7:40 am       TED Talks: Nicholas Negroponte: A 30-year history of the future

150 Years Ago (1864 7/26)

Tuesday morning July 26th.
Here we are yet. Things packed ready to move. Teams nor cattle not turned over, so it appears we are not going to Petersburgh again, just yet. Don’t fear up there in Vermont. Richmond has got to fall. Grant is working easy but sure. The rebels are as averse to charging as are our men. There is no use in it on our side now. The main thing is to bring the pressure on them and if there is any charging let the Rebs do it. Zopher went to see Jacob yesterday. Have not been up to the third division. I told him to tell Jacob to write for me, as it was so wet that I could not write. Night before last was a rainy one, and it rained all the forenoon. In the afternoon it cleared off and I got out my paper and commenced, and am now near the close. Is there anything doing up there in the way of recruiting? I tell you, if the men are forthcoming and of the right stamp, this rebellion must go up.

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn Presents Planet Zydeco on Sunday, July 27

Twilight Music continues its 12th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk, world beat, rock, jazz, zydeco, Celtic, swing, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, July 27 with an evening of high energy accordion/guitar driven dance music of Louisiana by Planet Zydeco. The seven concert series continues every other Sunday through August 24. All concerts begin at 6:00 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in case of rain. The series is sponsored by the Town of Putney, Soundview Paper Company, Next Stage Arts Project, The Stockwell Brothers and many other Putney businesses and organizations. The concerts are free to the public (donations are accepted) and food will be available.

Weekend Concert Series: Live Aid 1985, Wembley Stadium

Remember Live Aid? The dual-continent benefit concert to change the world?

Here, some kind person has assembled a rather complete playlist of the full show in England at Wembley Stadium. Get ready for bands and artists such as The Style Council, Boomtown Rats, Adam Ant, Ultravox, Elvis Costello, Sade, Sting, Phil Collins, Howard Jones, Brian Ferry, U2, Dire Straits, David Bowie, the Who, Elton John, and others. The set by Queen is regarded as one of the all time great live performances.

150 Years Ago (1864 7/25)

Tennallytown, D.C. Monday July 25, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

Came in Saturday night. Yesterday signed the pay roll. Were inspected, paid off, washed up, etc. etc., received this first mail that we have received since we left Washington. Received two letters from you. Saw Jacob. Mr. Baxter came down to see us, sent thirty dollars to father for you by Mr. Baxter. I have not yet all the pay. The next time we are paid shall square up for the year. I wrote you at Poolsville, again up in Snicker’s Gap. A few minutes I wrote here yet on the envelope of the last letter were ordered to cross the Shenandoah, did so and went about 1 ½ miles. Staid a short time and were ordered to start immediately for the Gap and to wait until the troops came up, then to start for Chain Bridge, so back across the river we went.