150 Years Ago (1864 9/9)
Clifton Farm, Va. Sept. 9th, 1864.
Dear Cousin:-
Here I am, just about 1 ½ miles north of Berryville, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. I promised to write to you when in Washington, but have had so much to do that until within the past two weeks have had time to write to anyone, except my wife. I will give you a history of our movements since joining the regiment. Passed the Casey Board in Washington as first Lieut. for colored troops June 12th, went to Camp Distribution June 14th, drew arms and equipment that night (mine had been turned over at Brattleboro) next morning took a transport for Bermuda Hundred, reached there the third day after leaving Alexander. We went to City Point and the 6th Army Corps had just crossed the Potomac and were in front of Petersburgh. Went up there and reported June 20th for the places I shall mention. I will refer you to Leslie’s Illustrated Paper for Sept. 10th.