150 Years Ago (1864 9/9)

Clifton Farm, Va. Sept. 9th, 1864.

Dear Cousin:-

Here I am, just about 1 ½ miles north of Berryville, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. I promised to write to you when in Washington, but have had so much to do that until within the past two weeks have had time to write to anyone, except my wife. I will give you a history of our movements since joining the regiment. Passed the Casey Board in Washington as first Lieut. for colored troops June 12th, went to Camp Distribution June 14th, drew arms and equipment that night (mine had been turned over at Brattleboro) next morning took a transport for Bermuda Hundred, reached there the third day after leaving Alexander. We went to City Point and the 6th Army Corps had just crossed the Potomac and were in front of Petersburgh. Went up there and reported June 20th for the places I shall mention. I will refer you to Leslie’s Illustrated Paper for Sept. 10th.

New Spanish Class Session Begins Week of Sept 23. Free Class on Tuesday

Express Fluency begins a new session of Spanish classes the week of September 23rd. More information can be found at www.ExpressFluency.com.

Come to a free class Tuesday, Sept 9th

Experience a radically fun and effective way of acquiring language! Express Fluency is offering a free intro class at Brattleboro’s Brooks Memorial Library this Tuesday, September 9th at 7:30pm. Whether you are interested in learning Spanish or another language, this class will help you know what to look for in a language program.

Please contact Elissa McLean with any questions. elissa@expressfluency.com, 802-275-2694.

150 Years Ago (1864 9/8)

Thursday morning, Sept. 8th. I am here still in the old place, after cleaning up our company street, carrying off beef bones, scrap of beef that could not be eaten and bushels of cobs, husks, apple pearings, and had bean pods (you see there is plenty to eat). Those of us that could not draw the charges from our guns went out and fired them off. Was wiping out the gun when Zopher came over to see me. He is looking extremely well. Looks fresh and in good flesh. Was very glad to see him. The report is that the Johnnies are reported to have left, but I never put any confidence in reports after the fight on the 21st of August I was quite unwell until the next Friday morning. That morning I got up all right. My legs were so sore that I could hardly step.

Vermont Weaving School Weekly Classes Begin Sept 17

Weaving is the perfect balance between creativity, mathematics and fun! Beginning floor loom weaving classes will be on Wednesdays from 10:30-1 and can accommodate beginning and experienced students. Classes are taught by Dena Gartenstein Moses and the school is located in downtown Putney. Cost: $250 plus materials for a ten week series. A three day Beginning Retreat will happen from Oct 24-26 and Advanced Beginning Retreats are offered Oct 27-30 and Nov 9-14. All equipment is provided. 802-387-2656, dena@vermontweaver.com, www.vermontweavingschool.com

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 9/8/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 9/8/14

                   Monday September 8       

12:00 am      Road to Recovery: Peer-Oriented Housing

1:00 am       Salaam/Shalom – Gaza: The Real Story

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       UVM Comm Med School: Triggers of Sciatica

5:04 am       History… Where it Happened – Delwood Cemetery

150 Years Ago (1864 9/7)

  Camp-near Berryville-Sept. 7, 1864.

Dearest Abiah –

It is sometime since I have written, but it would have made no difference, as there has been no chance to send out letters since we came here until last night, and then I was away after some water and a few apples to stew. We have to go some distance for green corn and apples now. We will soon clean out a hundred acres of corn. We came here Saturday morning. I had just before written to Mary Ann and to Father. Since we came here have been pretty still. Have worked one night building breast works and then were marched back. The breast work was built on our right facing Winchester. I have not seen Zopher since I wrote to Mary Ann, but the 3d Division has been in no fights since the first was in, the night we came here expected to have to go out, but the Rebs ran their heads against something that hurt them and hauled off.

5:45 Live: 9/5/14

Get all the latest from a Friday Gallerywalk edition of 5:45 Live packed with footage from the Selectboard’s skatepark decision, I-91’s gas tanker shutdown, Temple Grandin’s Landmark visit, and much much more.

Weekend Concert Series: Fishbone in Amsterdam 2002

This weekend we present the ska-punk-funk-rock of Fishbone, live in Amsterdam at the Melkweg Theatre in 2002.

They first caught my eye with a video for a song called Modern Industry. The group was literally bouncing off walls to a reggae-ska dance number, and shouting out names of radio stations. Very unusual, I thought.

I first saw them live in the 1980’s in Cleveland opening for the Beastie Boys, who were touring to promote a new record called Licensed to Ill. Before the show, Angelo Moore, Fishbone’s singer, wandered the big hall carrying a cane with him as he slowly made his way through the audience. None of us knew who he was, but we all noticed the well-dressed cane-carry gentleman. A while later, he was on stage. Great show.

Registration Continues for Brattleboro Women’s Chorus

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus has openings for its 19th fall session. A new Thursday morning rehearsal time is being offered to accommodate women who might not be able to participate in the evening.

Registration is still open for the 2014 fall session on Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at All Souls Church in W. Brattleboro or alternatively on Thursday mornings from 10:00-12:00 at the Centre Congregational Church in Brattleboro.

All women and girls over 10 are welcome, and there are no auditions. Songs are learned mostly by rote and by ear, and music is an eclectic mix from around the world that is spirited and spiritual. The theme this session is songs about travel, both near and far and staying home.

Screwball Comedy Films At Brooks Library – Join us Wednesday Sept 3 at 2 pm

The Brattleboro Film Festival and Brooks Memorial Library will present free afternoon screenings of nine Hollywood classic screwball comedies from Tinseltown’s Golden Era.

On Wednesday 3 Sept at 2 pm, join us for one of the landmark “screwball” comedies of the 1930s, a film that offers the radiant Carole Lombard in her definitive performance as flighty young heiress Irene Bullock, who on a society scavenger hunt stumbles on an erudite hobo residing in the city dump. 

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 9/1/14

BCTV Ch. 8 schedule for the week of 9/1/14

                   Monday September 1       

12:00 am      Helping Seniors Understand Reverse Mortgages

1:00 am       Car Tour of Fort Ticonderoga Military Road History

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Craft in the Southern Half – A Look at the Arts in Southern VT Ep.2

4:40 am       Vermont Musicians on the Air – Ep.2: Diane Huling

Theodore Roosevelt’s Visit To Brattleboro

If you were in Brattleboro on September 1st, 1902, there is a good chance that you might have worked your way downtown to the train station late in the afternoon in expectation of the arrival of a notable visitor.

Arrangements had been in the works for months for a visit to Brattleboro by President Theodore Roosevelt. The Young Men’s Republican club had sent an invitation and had been forming committees to schedule the visit, arrange a program of activities, decorate the parade route, and welcome him to town. As the President’s plans changed (his time available was increasingly short), so did Brattleboro’s. The reception banquet was cancelled and a more simple ceremony substituted.

The visit, Roosevelt’s welcome, and his speech made headlines, and he spoke to those assembled on the topic of good government and Abraham Lincoln.

Brooks House – The One and Only

In additional to its historical Importance and preservation, one of the prime movers behind the redevelopment and renovation of the Brooks House is the economics of Brattleboro’s daily life. Historically, Brooks House was, and remains, the largest commercial structure in Brattleboro.

In the midst of The One and Only the Brooks House continues to be an important visual symbol of what makes Brattleboro so unique. Of all of Southern Vermont’s noteworthy landmarks none capture the quintessential past and renewed hopes for the future as this Main Street frontage in the center of downtown Brattleboro.

Weekend Concert Series: Steve Earle

Let’s check in with Steve Earle, shall we?

Here he is with his guitar in 1991, live at McCabes. Where is McCabes? I do not know. Oceanside? Austin? I suppose it doesn’t matter much.

I’ve never seen Mr. Earle perform, but have heard a few of his albums, all of which seem smart, interesting, and worthy of multiple listens. He’s a good counterpart to Billy Bragg in many ways. They would make quite a pair for a double bill.

49th Labor Day Weekend Festival: Organ Recital & Orchestra Lawn Concert

Guilford, Vt. – Friends of Music at Guilford’s 49th annual Labor Day Weekend Festival presents organ music in an intimate rural barn and orchestral works on the lawn just outside by composers from five countries who span four centuries.

The Festival opens on Saturday evening, August 30, at 7:30 with “Bs of the Baroque & More” on the Guilford Tracker Organ by William McKim, who has performed a number of past recitals of solo and ensemble works on this instrument. McKim has been organist for Friends of Music’s annual Community Messiah Sing in Brattleboro for 28 of the past 32 seasons and also performed as featured pianist or piano accompanist for several other Friends programs.

150 years Ago (1864 8/27)

Hall Town, Aug. 27th, 1864.

Dear Wife,-

I received a letter from you yesterday Hope you received my last. It was short but it was good, was it not? Warren’s wound was not considered dangerous, though it was very severe. My old bunk mate at Brattleboro was wounded. The shot came from a flank fire and in some way passed between the heel cord and the bone without touching either. We fought all day. We drove the rebels back. Drove them up a long slope of a hill side, through a corn field; after getting up the hill the land was in ridges. About two hundred yards from the crest of one hill to another. We drove them one ridge too far. They were not driven back immediately on our right, and there was a wooded ridge that came in between in this shape. 

Future Fest 3 Brings End of Summer Art, Music, and Fun To Brattleboro

The Future Collective is throwing its third annual music and arts festival this weekend, August 29 – 31, with a summer’s worth of live music, dance, art, games, and even a carnival.  If you haven’t come out for a Future event recently (or yet), then this is your chance with shows scheduled day and night at a variety of venues.

On Friday, come out to the Stone Church for the kickoff show with a silent auction and live performances from the likes of Wooly Mar, The Grudges, And The Kids, and many more.  Music starts at 7:00 pm.

Brattleboro School of Dance Class Registration, Sept 5-7

Applications for scholarships due September 1

Brattleboro, VT — (August 25, 2014 ) — Brattleboro School of Dance classes for the 2014-15 season begin Monday, September 8. Individuals can register online at the Brattleboro School of Dance web site or visit the studio, located at 22 High Street in downtown Brattleboro, the weekend of September 5-7.

An Open House will take place from 5:00-8:00pm on Friday, September 5 offering dancers and their families a chance to tour the studio and meet members of the faculty. Free pizza and beverages will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration continues on Saturday, September 6 from 1:00-6:00pm and Sunday, September 7 from 12:00noon-2:00pm.

Movie Monday

Free Monday Morning Movie Brattleboro Senior Center

September Schedule:

Monday Morning Movie “Goes International”

Persepolis – Sept. 8th – 10 am