1887 Emerson & Son Advertisement

You will want to get down to Emerson & Son on Main Street this 1887 holiday season to take advantage of the great deals they are offering.

Bargains include rocking chairs priced $1 to $6, an easy chair for $5, a sled for fifty cents, easels, ottomans, work boxes, music racks, and more. Get an entire parlor set for $30 if you have the money.

$1.50 buys you a foot rest and a portable desk can be had for a dollar.

With such good prices, I wonder if this store will be able to last?

1883 Advertisement for Van Doorn & Son

Another in our series of old December ads from the Phoenix.

This is for that popular downtown store in the Crosby Block, Van Doorn & Son. Have you been there recently?

This holiday season they are offering special bargains on silverware, as well as decorated tea, breakfast, and dinner sets. They also have fancy wares and novelty items, and both hanging and table lamps.

Cheney & Clapp 1881 Advertisement – Holiday Bazaar and Christmas Museum

In December 1881 we see an ad for Cheney & Clapp announcing their store as a “Holiday Bazaar and Christmas Museum,” which is quite a boast.

They can make the announcement, though, because of the wide range of items available for you to buy from them, including Teaching Bibles for the teachers out there that you know, a “bewildering variety” of cards from the best makers, diaries, books, statuary (who doesn’t need a statue?) and work baskets. They also have dolls and toys.

1889 Advertisement for Mexican Feather Cards

It is the Christmas fad this year, after all, so why not stop downtown and pick up a Mexican Feather Card for someone you love? They are very affordable, and everyone wants one.

While there, you might consider a celluloid booklet or two as well.

At Geo. A Briggs & Co.’s, for the 1889 holiday shopping season.

1869 Advertisement for Clark & Willard, Druggists

Here is an ad that tells us much about its time and place. It’s December 1869, and Clark & Willard have opened up at a new location. They have holiday goods, confectionery and fruit, and unsettled accounts to announce.

The new location is a result of a fire at the previous location, and the ad uses quite a bit of valuable space to mention a reward for returning a “valuable cat.”

Sleighs & Carriages – 1874

Continuing our look at December advertising in Brattleboro, we now check in with an ad from a newspaper in 1874.

Mr. J. T. Hildreth on Elm Street in Brattleboro is offering deals on sleighs and carriages. You can stop in to get a new one, or bring in your current model for a tune up and some repairs. Buggies also available.

Testament of Santa Claus, 1881

Ever wonder where Santa buys his watches, clocks, jewelry and plated wares? In Brattleboro, of course, at the store owned by U. W. Frink at 10 Main Street, opposite the Brooks House. You’ll recognize it by the gilt letters on the door.

This clever ad appeared in December of 1881 in the Vermont Phoenix. Instead of simply listing items for sale, it comes in the form of a testimonial from Santa Claus himself who explains that Mr. Frink is reliable and offers free engraving.

Mr. Claus, we are informed, will make Mr. Frink’s his headquarters for the holidays.

The 1876 Christmas Season – Cheney & Clapp Advertisement

Cheney & Clapp ran a bookstore in downtown Brattleboro in the 1800’s. They specialized in books, periodicals, and paper goods, but if you look at their Christmas advertisement in the Vermont Phoenix for 1876, you can see they have a lot of other items.

The ad is a bit hard to read, but you can see items such as Alphabet Blocks, Brushes, Collar & Cuff boxes, Checkers, Dominoes, Drums, Flutes, Easels, Faber pencils, Hymn books, Iron toys, Jerusalem Olive wood, Knife baskets, Mottoes, Microscopes, Necessaires, Puzzles, Pocket Knives, Razors, Rubber Toys, Sycamore goods, Transparent Slates, Teacher’s Bibles, Watch Stands, and Zoetropes.

The Pre-Christmas Toymaking Rush


S.A. Smith & Co. begin running on 12 hour time today. The men go into the factory at 7 o’clock and work until 9 at night, with an hour at noon and another hour out for supper.


S.A. Smith was a toymaking company in Brattleboro from the late 1800s through the early 1900s:


American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: PFC Joseph Rhuben LaRose

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honored local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, included students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, are being posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website and here at iBrattleboro.

Today we remember PFC Joseph Rhuben LaRose.

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: SP4 William Wayne O’Neil

SP4 William Wayne O’Neil

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember SP4 William Wayne O’Neil.

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: 1LT Jan Alan Ulmer

1LT Jan Alan Ulmer

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember 1LT Jan Alan Ulmer

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: SP4 William Wayne O’Neil

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 honored local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, included students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website and here on iBrattleboro.

Today we remember SP4 William Wayne O’Neil.

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: SP4 Darwin James “Tim” Delano

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr.
Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember Darwin James “Tim” Delano.

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: PO3 John Charles Blake

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember PO3 John Charles Blake.

American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: PO3 Ernest Eugene Sanville

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember PO3 Ernest Eugene Sanville

Comet Holmes


It will interest many of the possessors of small telescopes that the comet recently discovered can be observed by them, and perhaps may be seen with the naked eye. Its position is near the Great Nebula in Andromeda, and 2 1/2 degrees south.



American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: SP4 Paul Richard Dartt

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted on the Brattleboro Historical Society website, in succession, in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember SP4 Paul Richard Dartt.

Standard Time


The adoption of the new standard time on Sunday and Monday next will be universal in Brattleboro. The employees of the railroad companies are under orders to take the new time at the telegraph office at noon on Sunday. Estey & Co., Smith & Hunt, Crosby & Co., and the Asylum will all set their clocks and blow their whistles by the new standard on Monday.



American Legion Post 5 Honors Soldiers Killed in Action in Vietnam: 2LT Stanley Baker

On Saturday, November 21, Brattleboro’s American Legion Post 5 will honor local soldiers killed in action during the Vietnam War.

A ceremony, at the post home on Linden Street, will include students from Brattleboro Union High School reading the names and a brief biography of each of the 11 men, followed by a brief address by Dr. Robert Tortolani, a combat battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War.

The soldier biographies, along with family photos, will be posted in succession on the Brattleboro Historical Society in the days leading up to the November 21 event.

Today we remember 2LT Stanley Martin Baker.