1916 Tech Mystery in Downtown Brattleboro

As I sometimes do, I was reading the old newspapers of Brattleboro and came across this little bit of tech news from 1916 in the Phoenix. It’s a story of a mysterious sound that was interfering with a downtown Brattleboro business.  Vaughan & Burnett had a jewelry store on Main Street and were innovators in that they installed special equipment to accurately set clocks and watches.

Today In History – Samuel Wells

Events for Nov 27
At a secret session, the United States Congress ordered the arrest of Col. Samuel Wells forcing him to flee Brattleboro.

Seems that Colonel Wells, an early developer of Brattleboro and a loyalist to the King, had to escape to Canada during the Revolutionary War.

Historical Info Appreciated

I just wanted to pop in to thank Chris for continuing to run the Historical events. I read them almost daily and enjoy them very much. I’m young enough that some of the “olde tyme” terms are unknown to me, so I look them up, adding to the vast array of almost useless knowledge I carry around in my head. When I looked up ‘peripatetic’ today, it struck me that a thank you was in order, so thank you!

Vermont’s Harris Hill Ski Jump Releases Commemorative Historic Book for its 100th Anniversary

Brattleboro, Vermont (November 16, 2021) — Harris Hill Ski Jump, home of New England’s only Olympic-sized, 90-meter ski jump, is kicking off its 100-year anniversary with the publication and release of its history, “Harris Hill Ski Jump, the First 100 Years.” The 120-page soft cover book is narrated in a storytelling cadence by Vermont-based journalist Kevin O’Connor.

This book chronicles the colorful history of Harris Hill Ski Jump in Brattleboro, a celebrated winter sporting event that has attracted athletes and spectators from near and far for 100 years. The history is told in a photo-rich, engaging story format. It is broken up into segments through the years and features many aspects of Harris Hill including a colorful background on its founder Fred Harris, the history of the jump’s coveted Winged Ski Trophy, how Harris Hill helped pave the way for women in ski jumping and much more.

Online Auction To Benefit The West River Railroad Museum

The West River Railroad was established in 1880, ran from Brattleboro, Vermont, to South Londonderry, Vermont, and was discontinued in 1936. The Newfane Depot was one of ten on the line and had been used for different purposes through the years until the Historical Society of Windham County was given the opportunity to purchase the Depot in 2014.

The Historical Society set about to restore the Depot and make it a museum for the West River Railroad. The Museum opened in 2017 and has been open every year to the public free-of-charge on weekends from Memorial Day to Columbus Day.


Today is September 11th, AKA 9/11, the 20th anniversary,
Let us take a few moments to reflect on this day of tragedy and the many innocent people who gave their lives.
I don’t pretend to know what really happened that day, but it’s different from the “Official Story”.

Vietnam Moving Wall Public Forum at the Brattleboro VFW

Tuesday September 7th, the Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road is proud to host a Vietnam Wall Memorial question and answer forum where the public is invited to attend. There will be speakers to offer their perspective on the Wall, then a question and answer session after their presentations. All are welcome to attend. We ask that people are respectful during this time, and realize some emotions may run high.

Wonder What This Is About…

Today In History
Events for Jul 23
“Committees from neighboring towns and from Springfield and Weathersfield, assembled in convention at the house of Colonel Sargent in Brattleboro for the purpose of concerting measures to protect themselves and their constituents from the indignities to which they were subjected by the authorities of Vermont.”

A Good Time To Die

Today In History, April 28:

Coffins. A Very Large Assortment of all sizes, at A. Van Doorn & Sons, at reduced prices.

Does anyone else find it strange to advertised that there is a large supply of coffins at bargain prices? I would think that no one will be induced to purchase a coffin because the price is good, but that a person would only buy a coffin if it is needed, at whatever price it might cost.

“Town… Voted to get Mr. Reeve’s fire wood by rate.”

Today In History is on of the most interesting  ibrattleboro feature, even though it is almost never mentioned in stories or comments.

The April 3, 1775 news report fascinates me, even though I only have a hazy notion of its meaning.  I wonder if anyone can translate the 1775 language to make it more understandable in 2021:

Doctrine of Discovery of 1452

Watching this video is the first time during my 75 years (during most of which I have thought of myself as an informed person) that I have heard of the Doctrine of Discovery of 1452, even though it provided the ideological justification for colonialism and the enslavement of indigenous people.

Because this Doctrine was issued as a Papal Bull, it became the guiding principal for all European countries.

Times Change

From the 1950’s film “White Christmas”
• What would be a novelty up here in Vermont? (Bing Crosby)
• Who knows? Maybe we could dig up a Democrat? (Danny Kaye)
• They’d stone him (Crosby)

2021 Putney Historical Society Calendar

The 2021 Putney Historical Society Calendar is now available at the Putney General Store and the Putney Coop!  Lots of wonderful photos from the Corser collection of turn of the 20th century glass plates.  Only $15 and they make great gifts for everyone!

The Evolution of the Brattleboro Colonel

Colonels 1958

The Brattleboro Colonels’ mascot is again being questioned. As it currently exists, it is a cartoonish characterization of a southern colonel, along the lines of something you’d see at a fried chicken franchise. It should be retired and replaced.

That said, the current version is not quite what was originally intended.

Joe Rivers, local history teacher and a president of the Brattleboro Historical Society, explained that for the first half of the high school’s existence there was no sports team name or mascot. “When the school was located in what is now the municipal center the sports teams were just known as Brattleboro. The sports editors assigned nicknames, often associated with the last name of their coach, but there was not an official name until 1950.”

The Business of America

President Calvin Coolidge once said “The business of America is business”. He really meant it. Everything else is window dressing.

There’s an elite class of business people who control things (and have forever). Their interests dominate all others. They can’t be voted out. (Most of them work behind the scenes and hold no office at all). Money is speech. All we can do is roll with the punches.

NCUHS 1970 50th Class Reunion

(I graduated from North Country Union High School Newport, Vermont 50 years ago this June. The following is a letter to my old classmates. In March I called my old school to see if a 50th reunion was planned and the school secretary told me that due to lack of interest the reunion committee had been discontinued some time ago. “People don’t seem to care about their 40th and 50th reunions so much these days”.)

Growing Up in Vermont

Growing up in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s was an exhilarating experience! Being born only six years post World War II, I found that life in America was a special privilege. We had been ushered into the greatest generation imaginable! In reality rural Vermont of the North East Kingdom was my home but America of the 50’s was booming and moving. Moving fast away from old traditional values.