150 Years Ago (1863 10/10, probably received a few days later)

Slaughter Mountain, Va.

Oct. 10th, 1863

Mr. Charles Blake,

Dear Sir,

Your favor of Sept. 26th was duly received, and in accordance with your directions I forwarded $5.15 to your wife – the amount of my own and Charles Smith’s indebtedness to you as soon as we were paid off, directing her to write to my brother acknowledging its receipt, as I did not know where I should be at that time. I had some hesitation about sending it by mail, but the sum was so small that I did no think it was worth while to send it by express.

150 Years Ago (1863 10/10)

Brattleboro, Vt. Oct. 10th, 1863

Dear wife –

I have delayed writing until the present moment, that I might tell you where I was to remain. I suppose that my place is Company B, Capt Brannon. I have been trotting from Company A to Company B and from Company B to Company A without a musket or clothing. This morning I have come to Company B and expect to remain.

Creating a Royal French Capital: Paris As We Know It

First Wednesday Lectures return for 8th Season with talk on 16th-17th Century Paris. 
Wednesday, October 2, 7 PM, Brooks Memorial Library

Amherst College History of Art professor Nicola Courtright discusses how 16th- and 17th -century French kings, seeking national political unity, created a new image of Paris, building the magnificent residences, squares, gardens, and boulevards that endure today.

Nicola Courtright is the Professor of the History of Art and Chair of European Studies at Amherst College. She has taught at Amherst for the past 14 years. Her publications span a wide range of areas within sixteenth and seventeenth-century European art history, including the art and architecture of the Vatican, Bernini sculpture, Rembrandt drawings, and most recently the art and architecture of French royal residences. 

Vernon Flood, 1936

I just ran across this article


Vernon, VT Dam Burst & Flood, Mar 1936. Big Vermont Dam Goes Out; Deaths In Its Path Feared.

BOSTON, Mass., March 18, 1936 (AP).—A $1,000,000 dam at Vernon, Vt., went roaring out before the force of the flood swollen Connecticut River Wednesday night. State police announced as they ordered everybody out of the valley below.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/24)

Brattleboro, Sept. 24th,1863.

It is a mystery to me why I am here. While I was writing the foregoing sheet I received order to pack my knapsack and go to Brattleboro. In two minutes from that time I was on my way to the boat stopped over night in Boston reached here last night. The captain that came on with me knew no more about it than I did. He said Major Jarvis had orders from Major Austin to send me back.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/22)

Long Island, Boston Harbor,

Sept. 22d, 1863

Dear wife,

I received your letter this morning. I was truly glad to hear from you, for I had begun to feel uneasy about not hearing from you, but it made my heart jump when I received it, but when I perused it and found that you were all well I felt better, but do not sit up too late to write to me. I had rather not hear quite as often. I am so afraid that you will make yourself sick. I am on guard again so that I have time to write you this afternoon, but tonight comes the lonely time.

About those photographs, I had them taken from the old plate at Montpelier. I found Dr. Watson at work there and left the money with him and am glad he has sent them on so faithfully. I do not care who you give one of them to. I thought I would have him send two, as they cost but 50 cents apiece and the postage.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/17)

 Sept. 17th. My time was so broken up yesterday that I could not finish this and guard duty last night and this morning then the guard guns to clean, and this afternoon all is excitement. They are now paying off the men that are to leave in the morning. Things are assuming a different shape.

Rumor has it that all the men on the Island, except those that came down from Vermont with us, and those that have come since, about 40 men, and a few Massachusetts are to have undisputed possession of Long Island, Boston Harbor. So you see that I shall have a chance to see some of my friends from Vermont yet.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/16)

Long Island, Boston Harbor

Sept. 16, 1863

 Dearest Abiah,

I thought I would write you a long letter today, but I do not know as I can, for I am on guard today. It is very hot here today. I cannot but think of you every moment, and tonight as I pass my lonely – what thoughts of you and the children will be on my mind. I was on from 11 A.M. Until 1 P.M., on again from 5 to 7. The guard are excused from all other duty until tomorrow at noon. I shall then have a good time to write but I wish this to be on the way to you.

150 Years Ago (1863 09/13)

Camp on Long Island, Boston Harbor

Sept. 13th, 1863

 Dearest wife,

I commenced a letter to you yesterday. I believe that I dated it the 11th by mistake for the
days have all been so mixed up since I left home that I can hardly tell whether September or October. I had just commenced writing, when there was a call for Co. to fall in, every man to bring his blanket, where we were standing sometime and then dismissed. The trouble was a careless fellow had lost his blanket, then calling out
every man with his blanket left a good chance to search the tents, it was found. The same this morning, some fellow lost his cap, but there was not time enough left to write.

“What If” Brattleboro and Mary Cabot at Brattleboro History Center

The Brattleboro History Center invites everyone to come see new exhibits during Gallery Walk this Friday evening and throughout the month of September.

One new exhibit is a collaboration with the Brattleboro Planning Services called “What If” Brattleboro – An Exhibit of Unfinished Plans” and shows a collection of planning documents for Brattleboro projects that were never built or only partially completed.

Filmmaker Ken Burns to Appear at Latchis Theatre’s Grand Re-Opening October 19, 7:30 p.m.

Join renowned documentarian and filmmaker Ken Burns for the Grand Re-Opening of the Latchis Theatre following two and a half months of renovation and restoration in the historic auditorium.

Long-time friend of the Latchis Theatre, Ken Burns will preview an entire episode of The Roosevelts: An Intimate History Episode 5 1933-1939  “The Rising Road” which focuses on the late 1930’s (same as the Latchis!).  He will introduce the segment and answer questions afterwards.

This is a world premiere, as the series won’t be released until 2014. 

1791 Bullock House in Guilford Open to Visitors Sept. 7

1791 House Restored and Open to Tour in Guilford, Saturday Sept. 7, 1-3 pm

About five years ago the 1791 Bullock-Ashworth House on Ashworth Road was purchased by Sara Coffey and her husband David Snyder for the purpose of housing visiting artists who are working at the recording studios of Guilford Sound and Vermont Performance Lab (VPL). The public is invited to tour the house on Sept. 7 from 1 to 3 pm to see what has been accomplished.

“Growing Up in Windham County” Focus of Historical Society of Windham County Annual Meeting

The Historical Society of Windham County will hold its annual meeting on Friday, August 23, 2013 at the NewBrook Fire House (Route 30) in Newfane.

Following a business meeting and potluck dinner, the program will feature a panel of local residents sharing stories about growing up in Windham County. The panel will include Linda Hellus (Brattleboro), Bea McFarland (Newfane), Eli Prouty (Grafton), Bruce Chapin (Jamaica) and the Druke family (Williamsville). The audience will be encouraged to share stories as well.

Windham County Celebrates its Past on Saturday, August 17

Windham County will celebrate its past with the 4th bi-annual history fair on Saturday, August 17, 2013 from 10am – 4pm on the historic Common in Newfane, in front of the County Courthouse.

The event will feature exhibits by the Vermont Historical Society, the Historical Society of Windham County, and the Estey Organ Museum, as well as eight historical societies in Windham County, including those from Brattleboro, Dover, Grafton, Guilford, Jamaica, Putney, Townshend, and Wardsboro. In addition to their exhibits, many of the towns will have their published town histories for sale as well as other historic memorabilia (prints, cards, photographs) of the area.

Remembering Vermont’s Role at the Battle of Gettysburg on its 150th Anniversary

This 4rth of July, 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the battle of Gettysburg. It is worth noting the important part that soldiers from our state played in that battle.

I’m not a Civil War history buff, but I have read Howard Coffin’s Nine Months to Gettysburg. It is the account of the Second Vermont Brigade whose nine month enlistment was days from expiring when the fighting at Gettysburg began.

Miniatures and Models Added at the Brattleboro History Center

If you like miniatures and models, the Brattleboro History Center has a few new items you might want to see next time you come downtown.

Recent additions to the History Center include a large, colorful model of Ft. Dummer, a beautiful scale model of the covered bridge to Dummerston over the West River, and an HO scale model of the Newfane station and railroad buildings of the West River Railroad.

Brattleboro History Center Preview Opening June 7-9

The Brattleboro Historical Society will unveil its new downtown History Center with a preview opening featuring special hours during June’s first-Friday Gallery Walk and Strolling of the Heifers weekend.

The new center on the first floor of the Masonic building at 196 Main St. (with a separate south-side entrance and rear-door wheelchair ramp) will feature the first of a series of changing exhibits — starting with a look at local agricultural history, farm life and the former Valley Fair — on Friday, June 7, from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, June 9, from 10 a.m. to noon.

Windham County Historical Society Calls for Traditional Crafters

The Historical Society of Windham County invites traditional crafters to reserve booth space to sell their wares at the bi-annual Windham County History fair on Saturday, August 17th on picturesque Newfane Common.

The Windham County History Fair, held 10:00 – 4:00, features vintage exhibits and demonstrations by the County’s historical societies, walking tours of historic Newfane Village, the County Courthouse and County Jail, food, raffles, and much more. Admission to the fair is free.

Unstoppable Progress on the New Appian Way

Roughly two Millennia ago, settlers atop the high plateau of Masada, in the Judean Desert, saw the approach and intended siege by the Romans. The largest ramp in human history was erected before their eyes to breech the fortress.  Imagine the experience of watching one’s slow but inevitable overtaking by legions of warriors. Followed by the conqueror’s worldview being instilled unavoidably.

When the Romans finally succeeded and surmounted the peak, they found a surprise.

If you’re not familiar with the event, feel free to Google it.