150 Years Ago (1864 6/30)
On the Petersburgh & Weldon Railroad
10 miles from Petersburgh, June 30, 1864.
Dear wife,
I came in here last night. The whole 6th Corps is here. We have been at work all the morning
intrenching. Our regiment has just finished. I can tell you just how we lie. The Station is called Ream’s or [indecipherable]. The 6th Regiment is about ten rods south of the station, see backside. I am well. Have seen Zopher this morning for the first time. He is now in the tent here. The tenth Vermont lies up on the right of the line. This paper is dirtier than some I have, but I must keep it for better occasion. I just write this to let you know where I am. I am well. Lie right in the dirt. Have washed up my face and hands this morning, but water is scarcer than dirt.