Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BUHS Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 7 in the Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS District #6 Finance Committee will meet at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 9 in the WSESU Central Office Conference Room, 53 Green Street.

Host An International Exchange Student

It is that time of year !!! Planning your summer? Got an idea for you. Host
an exchange student from Spain in July…just 3+ weeks. Bring an international dimension to your life and share Vermont with an eager teen. For more info contact Ann, 802-257-4710, Host families also needed for the coming school year for kids from around the globe.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 17 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.


It is important that newly elected Board members have completed the taking of the oath of office prior to participation in this meting.

Voices of Fukushima 2014

On Tuesday, March 11 the Safe and Green Campaign invites you to join us to commemorate the beginning of a man-made permanent crisis for the entire planet: the meltdown of multiple nuclear reactors in Japan. From 6:30 – 8:30PM in the Brattleboro Food Coop Community Room, we will host “Voices of Fukushima 2014,” an evening of short documentaries on Fukushima followed by a discussion with Chiho Kaneko about her recent visit to the Fukushima region.

Last year the Safe and Green Campaign organized the first “Voices of Fukushima.” People in seven towns
around Vermont Yankee “adopted” their counterpart towns in Japan. In Brattleboro, we studied what life is like for the 21,000 residents evacuated from the town of Namie, five miles from the nuclear reactors.

Kurn Hattin Celebrates 120 Years, Looks Forward to a Sustainable Future

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of Kurn Hattin Homes for Children. The non-profit is located in Westminster, Vermont and serves as a charitable year-round home and school for boys and girls ages 5-15, who are in need or at risk. It is the oldest childcare organization in the northeast to be continuously supported solely by philanthropic donations.

While working with homeless youth in Boston during the late 1800s, Kurn Hattin founder and Westminster native Charles Albert Dickinson developed his vision to create a place where children in need could experience the kind of childhood he himself had enjoyed in Vermont, believing that rural New England life instilled the values, skills, and character necessary to lead a successful, productive life.

Windham Regional Career Center Offers Spring Community Education and Training Programs

The Windham Regional Career Center at Brattleboro Union High School is pleased to announce their Community Education and Training Programs for this spring. Betsy Gentile, Workforce Development Manager and Adult Education Coordinator has developed 18 community education and training programs to meet the needs of area employers and their employees as well as providing personal and professional enrichment opportunities for all community members.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The 2013-2014 BUHS District #6 Finance Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 5 in the WSESU Central Office Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Brattleboro Town School District – Notice of Availability of Auditors’ Report

Notice is hereby given that the Brattleboro Town School District Auditors’ Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, is available upon request and may be picked up at the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office, 230 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont, or the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union (WSESU) Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro, Vermont.

Persons interested in obtaining a copy of said Auditors’ Report should contact the Brattleboro Town Clerk (251-8157) or the WSESU Central Office (254-3730). Copies are available on the WSESU website: or for pick up, and may be transmitted electronically or sent via first class mail.

Sanders Testifies at Statehouse on Education

MONTPELIER, Vt., Feb. 19 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) provided an overview on federal education policy in testimony today at the Statehouse before the Vermont House and Senate education committees.

Sanders, a member of the Senate education committee, focused on ways to expand pre-kindergarten and make college more affordable.

“There is perhaps no issue more important than how we educate our youth,” Sanders said. “I am very concerned that, on many levels, we are failing our youth. We must do away with the archaic notion that education begins at 4 or 5 years old. For far too long, our society has undervalued the need for high-quality and widely accessible early childhood education.”

Town School Board To Discuss Public Forum

The Brattleboro Town School Board rescheduled last week’s cancelled board meeting for today, February 10, 2014 at 5:00 pm at Academy School.  It is expected that the Board will discuss the first public forum which was held in January, among other topics.

Interested members of the public are welcome to attend.  If you do, please post comments here for the benefit of those of us who are unable to be there.

Half-Day Kindergarten Returns to Local School

Neighborhood Schoolhouse revives “kinder” program for ages 4-1/2 to 6

Brattleboro, Vt.—When education pioneer Friedrich Fröbel invented the nurturing “garden of children” we now call kindergarten, he never dreamed that rigid literacy training, minimal recess, and a controversial “Common Core” curriculum would one day bear its name.

Kindergarten just isn’t what it used to be—many educators recommend starting at age six because the school day is so demanding—and some parents are seeking alternatives.

FY15 BUHS Budget – Public Forum Scheduled

In anticipation of the BUHS District #6 Annual Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11 in the high school gymnasium, the BUHS District #6 Annual Reports are available at all WSESU schools, Superintendent’s Office, Brooks Memorial Library, District Town Offices (Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, Vernon), and .

A Public Forum to discuss the proposed FY ’15 budget will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, 2/3/14 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BUHS District #6 Finance Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5 in the WSESU Central Office Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will hold a Public Information Meeting about the FY 2015 Proposed Budget at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room. The regular meeting will immediately follow.

Innovative Language School Launches in Brattleboro!

Express Fluency language school launches this week with a free intro class in Brattleboro.

Express Fluency (formerly Escuelita Spanish School) teaches Spanish (other languages coming soon) in the way our brains are designed to acquire language. Their classes are lively and engaging, and 100% comprehensible– allowing students to acquire Spanish naturally and effortlessly. Their methods resemble the way in which we call learned our first language. There will be a free intro class in Brattleboro this Thursday, January 30th at 5:30 pm at the Neighborhood Schoolhouse. A new beginner session begins the following Thursday, Feb 6th and runs for 7 weeks from 5:30-7:30.

School Board Forum Dreams Up Better School System

Over 40 people showed up for the Town School Board Public Forum ‘Learning in the 21st Century’ to participate in discussion and contribute ideas.  When all was said and done, the list of improvements alone, if enacted, would make the Brattleboro Public Schools cooler than most, and probably more effective, which says something about the ideals of those involved.  But as was reflected in the discussion, this is an era of standardization and assessment, data and budgets.

Attendees included members of the Town School Board; Principals Paciulli and Reid, of Academy and Green Street Schools respectively; an assistant principal; Lyle Holiday and Ron Stahley of WSESU; a number of teachers, including high school teachers; some parents; and members of the public and press.

Brattleboro Town School Board Surveys

The Brattleboro Town School Board recently sent surveys to parents, staff, and students as part of their community outreach effort. Below are the questions that were asked of each group. I thought the surveys might be of interest to those who don’t have children attending any of these three schools, but are interested in education.

School Officials Respond To Questions About Brattleboro Schools, Public Education

Recently, I submitted a list of questions to the Brattleboro Town School Board with regard to standardized testing, federal education programs, teachers’ concerns,  and a range of other topics.  I received a response from Town School Board Chair Margaret Atkinson today, with answers to most of them.  

Margaret Atkinson explained that she “worked with [WSESU Superintendent of Schools] Ron Stahley and District Curriculum Coordinator Lyle Holiday” in preparing the answers.

She stressed that the answers were not intended to represent the views of the Town School Board, who, she said, have not voted on it and have no declared position on most of these issues.  

As many in town grapple with the sense of cognitive dissonance that comes from hearing multiple conflicting views about our schools, it’s helpful to have concrete statements of position to evaluate.  The questions and answers below shed light on the administration’s view of the issues, and provide important background into how our school administrators see education today.

Testing the Test Hypothesis

Here’s a link to a that challenges the benefits and virtues of testing.

“I happen to believe that efforts to raise test scores dramatically and in mass, such as is called for by NCLB, is a fool’s errand that can only end in failure or (more likely) fraud.” 

As a parent who has sent two kids through the system, and former educator myself, I submit this article as one who no longer has ‘skin in the game’. However, I believe all of us have a flesh and blood investment in this issue, because the corporate mindset and methods that now so heavily dominate education, inform almost every aspect of our lives.

Free Intro Spanish Class

Free Demo Spanish Class with Escuelita Spanish School. Wednesday, January 22nd 5:30-6:15 pm. Experience a new approach to language acquisition that is easy, fun, and truly effective. Winter schedule available online

Beginner class begins Jan 30th. Weekend classes Feb 1-2 (intermediate) and 8th-9th- Family class.

To register, please email or call 802-275-2694

First School Board Public Forum

The Brattleboro Town School Board, which governs the town’s three elementary schools, has announced the agenda for their first outreach session with the public on the topic of education.  This meeting, which is scheduled for January 22, 2014 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at the Academy School, will focus on what people like about Brattleboro’s public schools.  Details from the flyer are below.

Topic:  Learning In the 21st Century – the first in a series of community conversations with the Brattleboro Town School Board

January 22, 2014
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Academy School