UNH Professor Discusses Hip-hop as Tool for Social Change at Landmark College, March 5

The Spring 2019 Landmark College Academic Speaker Series continues with a talk by Marcos Del Hierro, entitled “The Use of Hip-hop Rhetoric to Combat the Criminalization of Black, Brown, and Red Youth” on Tuesday, March 5, at 7 p.m. in the Brooks M. O’Brien Auditorium, located in the East Academic Building.

During the talk, Del Hierro will provide insights into how hip-hoppers produce sustainable models for recycling knowledge and technology to produce art, criticism, and pleasure, allowing these artists to respond to social discourses that represent young people of color as inferior and deviant.

Update on Brattleboro Town School Board Budget, Act 46, Concerns About Delays

Greetings, Brattleboro! My name is Jill Stahl Tyler, and while I am the chair of the Brattleboro Town School Board, I send this information out personally.  It’s a broad update on the status of our budget/Act 46/delays in moving forward.

Our Brattleboro Town School Board has always tried to “prepare for every eventuality” while going through almost four years of Act 46 discussion.  In the hopes that you will feel more informed about the process, I have gathered this information.  Feel free to share widely!

Why the Town School Board Election on March 5 is NOT a Referendum on Act 46

I am taking the time to clarify one thing about the choice voters face for the three-year seat on the Brattleboro Town School Board on Tuesday, March 5.

This vote is NOT a referendum on Act 46. The group that I have worked with – in Brattleboro,
across our county and the state – has consistently fought for provisions in the Act 46 law itself
known as “Section 9: Alternative Governance.” This section was put in the law because of
concerns in the legislature that there would be some form of off-ramp for communities that would
not be well served by the so-called “preferred merger” with a mega-board.

On Education II

After taking my seat on the Brattleboro Town School Board for the first time I took up as an early task the reading of the responsibilities of a school board member. Not surprisingly number one was to see to the education of the children. That suggested that I learn something about education. I remembered my father writing a paper on John Dewey in the 50’s when, after two and a half decades, he had the motivation to finish his Masters in education. So I read a teeny bit about Dewey, and a smattering of Piaget, Montessori, Bruner, Skinner and a few others.

Why Andy Davis Is Running for the Brattleboro Town School Board

I have taught in Brattleboro public schools for over 25 years. Our two children went to Brattleboro schools, BAMS and BUHS. Even though I retired from teaching in June of 2018 I continue to contribute to area schools and to speak out for quality public education. I am committed to promoting equal access to a quality education for children of all abilities. I have lived in this town for over 30 years and believe I have a sense of our community values… diversity, creativity, compassion, sustainability.

Introducing Jill Stahl Tyler for Brattleboro School Board Three-year Term Slot

Happy February! As a member of the Brattleboro Town School Board since 2011, I’ve seen first-hand the extraordinary work done by dedicated professionals.  I’m running to continue to ensure that excellence, particularly as we move towards a merged entity under the state-mandated Act 46.

To comply with Act 46, I have led our board through reviewing all options, including the alternative governance plan.  I could not support the alternative governance option because legal and financial experts had serious concerns of its legalities, particularly regarding sharing of staff.

“Stories” By The Numbers

There are many ways of finding out the “Gematria” of a word,name or phrase. These different ways are called “ciphers”. They are all inter related. I will use the four base ciphers and the “S” exception. The English Ordinal is the alphabetic order. A=1 B=2 C=3..Z=26. Simply add the numbers together to find the Gematria of a word. The word “Fox” for example. F is the 6th letter, O is the 15th and X is the 24th. Added up it equals 45.

Get Started on Your Marketing Plan: Free Workshop

Join local author Barbara Morisson on Saturday, September 15th, from 11 am-1 pm for a FREE workshop, designed to help you learn how to strategize develop a marketing plan for your business! She will guide you through the questions necessary to solidify  a basic plan, and discuss the pros and cons of the most effective marketing tools available today.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Teacher Curriculum Committeewill meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS #6 Planning and Policy Committeewill meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, July 16in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, June 4 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS #6 Planning and Policy Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 4 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Planning and Policy Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21 in

the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 21, 2018 in the

WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Extreme Cut Out Jeans and Gematria

I saw this article the other day and had to laugh. Carmar Denim just announced the “extreme cut out jeans”. It sells for $168 and is of course sold out. $168 is 123 pounds in English currency. . This story was posted on 5/3 the 123rd day of the year. “Extreme cut out jeans”=247 in Reverse Ordinal (22+3+7+9+22+14+22=99(extreme) 24+6+7=37(cut) 12+6+7=25 (out) 17+22+26+13+8=86 (jeans)=247. 247 is 19 x 13.

Get Your Feet Wet: Introducing VCE’s Vermont Vernal Pool Monitoring Project and Vernal Pool Conservation for Landowners

MARLBORO –Are you a landowner with a vernal pool on your property? Do you want to contribute to Citizen Science and learn more about the importance of vernal pools? Get your feet wet with the workshop, Vermont Vernal Pool Monitoring Project and Vernal Pool Conservation for Landowners, co-sponsored by the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, the Vermont Woodlands Association, the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum, and the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area. The workshop will be held Sunday, May 13, from 12:30-3:30PM at the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum in Marlboro at the famous Hogback Summit.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 23 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS #6 Finance Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 25 in the WSESU James E. Kane Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 23, 2018 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Marlboro College’s Teaching with Technology Masters Program is Going Fully Online Beginning in Fall 2018

I’m excited to report that the graduate program I work in at Marlboro College is going all online! 

I’m here for any questions or feedback.

Here are the details and a press release. 

The curriculum has been updated to focus on human-centered learning experience design and increased student advising.

The name of the program is now Master of Arts in Teaching: Learning Design and Technology. This is the standard name for most programs like this. 

12 Senators On The 12th Write a Letter to the FCC

Recently, I saw a story about 12 senators sending a letter to the FCC about the Sinclair Broadcasting company..

This article is full of coincidences. 12 Senators on the 12th of April. April 12th is the 102 day of the year. 102 is 12 in numerology. In Gematria,  FCC=12 in English Ordinal. F is the 6th letter, C is the 3rd. 6+3+3=12. Think of the symbolism of the number 12. 12 months in a year. 12 disciples of Jesus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12  signs of the Zodiac. Time is measured in 2 groups of 12, the 12 labors of Heracles. The 12 step program. 12 is the square root of 144. 144,000 is a significant number for religious people.

The Numbers Behind the Story of Juli Briskman Flipping Off President Trump

Gematria is the practice of coding numbers into words.  In the beginning, according to the Book of Formation, which is similar to the story in Genesis, God merged the word and letter with the number. In Genesis, each verse begins: “And God said”. God speaks the world into existence over the course of six numbered days, before resting on the seventh day and making it holy.

The Coincidence Numbers

Gematria is the practice of coding numbers into words.  In the beginning, according to the Book of Formation, which is the story of Genesis, God merged the word,letter with the number. In Genesis, each verse begins: “And God said”. God speaks the world into existence over the course of six numbered days, before resting on the seventh day and making it holy.