WSESD Finance, Amendment & Policy Meeting Agendas


The Windham Southeast School District Amendment and Policy Committee will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5 at the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro.


I. CALL TO ORDER – 9:30 a.m. – Kristina Naylor

II. Approval of October 15, 2019 Minutes

World Polio Day is October 24

The Rotary Clubs of Brattleboro mark historic progress toward a polio-free world while urging the community to help end the paralyzing disease 

Airing informative show on BCTV is among thousands to be held by Rotary clubs around the world on World Polio Day, Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rotary members in Brattleboro are taking action on World Polio Day to raise awareness, funds, and support to end polio, a vaccine-preventable disease that still threatens children in parts of the world today.

WSESD Committee Agendas


The Windham Southeast School District Personnel Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 24 at the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro

BUHS Turf Field Discussion

On Wednesday, October 16th at Dummerston School at 6:00 p.m., the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) School Board is scheduled to discuss the resurfacing of Brattleboro Union High School’s (BUHS) Natowich Field. The focus of the field portion of the meeting will be on BUHS’s proposal to resurface the field using artificial turf.

Gail Grycel Brings Woodworking to Women at HatchSpace in Brattleboro

HatchSpace woodworking shop and school in Brattleboro, VT welcomes Gail Grycel to their teaching staff and board of directors.

Gail Grycel, owner of Twin Birch Woodworking in Westminster West, Vermont, has been a custom cabinetmaker since 1984. The balance of beauty and function exists in her cabinetry and furniture throughout New England.  For over twenty five years, and in three states, Gail has empowered women and girls through her class offerings in adult learning programs, woodworking courses in her studio, Rosie’s Girls summer camp sessions, mixed gender workshops, and one on one tutoring. She is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and experience to all who want to explore the love of making things out of wood.

Brattleboro Town School Board Dissolution and Next Steps

Because of school district consolidation under Act 46, the Brattleboro Town School District’s five-member school board was dissolved on June 30th. As of July 1st, the board of the merged district, the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD), will make policy and budget planning decisions for Academy School, Green Street School, Oak Grove School and Early Education Services, as well as the five other schools of the merged district.

Information about times and locations of WSESD meetings, along with contact information for board members, is available on WSESD Board’s page on the Supervisory Union (WSESU) website at under the school boards menu. Meetings will rotate between schools. The next WSESD meeting is at 6pm on July 24 at Putney Central School. The next WSESD meeting taking place in Brattleboro is scheduled for August 7 at 6pm at Academy School.

The Best Investment You Can Make 

AAUW Tag Sale

By Helen Wachtel 

Twenty years ago when my eldest daughter started college, the cost of tuition, fees and room and board at a non-profit private university was $31,590 per year, or $126,360 for four years. The cost of tuition and fees at a four-year public non-profit college was $5,020 per year or $20,080 if the student finished in four years. These sums seemed astronomical then, as they still do now. We worried about how we’d be able to afford this on our modest Vermont incomes since our youngest was to begin the following year as well. Both girls wanted to go to school in Boston and had been accepted to the colleges of their choice. This was a new experience for us, sending our children away to college. 

Monday June 10 – Dining for a Cause – Support Local Scholarships

The Brattleboro Rotary Club Gateway Foundation is hosting its “Dining for a Cause” fundraiser at the 99 Restaurant on Putney Road in Brattleboro.

The Brattleboro Rotary Club is an active community service club of about 70 members. Its members engage in community and human service projects locally and internationally. Since 1985, Gateway Foundation has awarded close to $500,000 in scholarships.

WSESD New Merged School District Warns $50,000,000 Combined Budget for Guilford, Brattleboro, Dummerston and Putney Schools

Residents of Putney, Brattleboro, Dummerston and Guilford are invited to join the new merged school board, Windham Southeast School District Board, for our 2019-2020 Budget Process.

The first annual meeting of the new merged board will be held on Tuesday, June 25th. Voters present at the WSESD annual meeting will vote on the new merged budget. This budget is a compilation of the five independent district budgets developed by the Guilford, Dummerston, Putney and Brattleboro Town School Boards and the BUHS District #6 School Board (Brattleboro Union High School, Brattleboro Area Middle School, Windham Regional Career Center).

Merged School Board Election – Helpful Information

Below is information that might be helpful to know for May 21stspecial elections.

Attached is a sample ballot for all four towns – Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney. All towns’ ballots are the same, and voters from each town can vote on all races. Absentee ballots are currently available at the Town Clerk’s Office and may be requested until 5:00 pm on Monday, May 20. Sample ballots can also be found on our website under Elections.

Timeline for Windham Southeast School District Merger

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) (Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney) Current Timeline for Merger (without legislative or court action)

Merged Board Elections

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Election for representatives to the WSESD School Board, by Australian ballot. Polls open in each Town 8am-7pm. Registered voters in each of the four towns will cast ballots to select school board members for all four towns. Each town will have two voting members on the merged board. Merged board members from the four towns will represent everyone in the merged district. Early voting begins May 1, 2019.

Free Foundation Fundraising Workshop

Join us at 1 pm on Thursday, April 25th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Richard Wizansky of Bold Moves Consulting joins our own Jeanne Walsh for a FREE public program about foundation fundraising…

One Scholarship for Pottery Class Starting April 10

Wheelhouse Clay Center recently opened at 48 Harmony Place in downtown Brattleboro. It’s the vision of two local potters and former members of Brattleboro Clayworks, Shari Zabriskie and Teta Hilsdon.

Wheelhouse’s four basic offerings are rentals for potters, classes, special events, and a gallery. As classes begin to roll out, Teta Hilsdon is offering one scholarship to her Beginner Wheel Throwing class, an 8-week course covering the basics of wheel throwing technique, trimming, decorating, and glazing.

Brattleboro Town School Budget & Chair Resignation

To Brattleboro Town Meeting Reps & those who have expressed a special concern about education:

I write to officially inform you all that I am resigning my position on the board, effective immediately.

My primary concern is—as always—our students’ education.  I have grave concerns about the actions taken at last week’s attempt at the transitional board meeting.  I do not see how it is possible to serve our students, and to continue to be in full compliance with the law.

Update on Act 46 Process: Judge Issues Denial

Good evening.  Still sending out information from me personally, not as chair…  As of late today, Judge Mello issued a ruling; see link:

As before, please feel free to contact me with any questions, and if I can find answers, I will.