Windham Southeast School District Board Encourages Action to Change Student Weighting Formula

On February 26th, 2020, the Windham Southeast School District school board (hereafter, “The Board”) unanimously passed a resolution calling on the Vermont Legislature to implement changes to the weighting formula used by the state to determine a district’s equalized pupil count, as recommended by a state-commissioned study. The equalized pupil count is used by the state to set education tax rates.

In December, 2019, a study group commissioned by the Vermont Agency of Education submitted a report to the House and Senate Education Committees (among other committees) examining the formula used by the state to determine per pupil spending. The formula gave varying weight to different types of students (e.g. a Pre-K student is counted as 0.46, a High School Student as 1.13). The report recommended a number of changes to the formula to reflect higher educational costs associated with English Language Learners, schools with higher poverty rates, and schools in rural communities.

WSESD Meeting Agendas

The Windham Southeast School District Board will hold a Public Information Meeting on the Proposed FY ’21 Budget at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in the Brattleboro Area Middle School’s Multi-Purpose Room, 109 Sunny Acres, Brattleboro. (Note: Childcare will be provided)

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 in the Windham Regional Career Center’s Cusick Conference Room, 80 Atwood Street, Brattleboro.


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kristina Naylor

II. CLERK’S REPORT – Approval of Minutes – February 26, 2020 (to be distributed)

WSESU/WSESD Looking for Volunteers for Superintendent Search Committee

The board of the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union (WSESU), the supervisory union made up of Vernon and the four communities of the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD), is seeking a diverse group of parents and community members to serve on our upcoming Superintendent Search Committees. The Superintendent Search Committees will work to screen applications and interview candidates with a goal of recommending a list of finalists for the WSESU board’s consideration. 

WSESD Committee Agendas

The Windham Southeast School District Amendment and Policy Committee will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, March 2, 2020 at the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro.

Two Contested Seats for Windham Southeast School District Merged Board

Early voting is open. In person voting is on March 3.

There are two  three-year seats that are contested for the merged school district. These seats will set the tone for the next few years. So far the merged (against our will) board has done a tremendous amount of work with much more to come. Seven of the eight members of the current board were strongly against merging which helped this first year of operation to be collaborative rather than contentious. This sense of collaboration is critical for our merged schools to not become like many other areas of the state.

AAUW Offers Scholarships

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. – The Brattleboro Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is again offering scholarships of up to $1000 each to qualified female candidates who are residents of Windham County.

Both graduating high school senior girls and mature women continuing their higher education are eligible to apply.  Applications will be judged on academic performance, extra-curricular activities, community involvement, and financial need.

AAUW Valentine Fundraiser at Welcome Center

GUILFORD, Vt. – Valentine treats are some of the items that will be offered by the Brattleboro branch of the American Association of University Women at their fundraiser at the Guilford Welcome Center Friday, Feb. 14.

Profits from the event will benefit the AAUW scholarship fund that provides annual scholarships for female high school graduates and mature women working on degrees.

Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, and Putney Citizens Invited to February 11th School Board Candidates Forum

The Windham Southeast School District (“WSESD”) school board will host a forum with candidates running for school board on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020, at 6pm, in the Multipurpose Room at Brattleboro Area Middle School (BAMS). BAMS is located at 109 Sunny Acres Road, Brattleboro. Enter via the main entrance and proceed straight ahead. 

WSESD Board and Committee Meetings

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 in the Windham Regional Career Center’s Cusick Conference Room, 80 Atwood Street, Brattleboro.


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kristina Naylor

Windham Southeast School District Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee Meeting Agenda

The Windham Southeast School District Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 in the WSESU James E. Kane Conference Room, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro.


I. CALL TO ORDER – Emily Murphy Kaur, Committee Chair

II. Approval of Minutes from January 6, 2020

Creating Good Governance for Our Local Schools

In June of 2019, the Putney, Dummerston, Brattleboro and Guilford School Districts were merged into the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD), a single district with nine schools.  
Brattleboro Union High School, Brattleboro Area Middle School, Dummerston School, Guilford Central School, Putney Central School, the Brattleboro elementary schools Oak Grove, Green Street, and Academy, and the Windham Regional Career Center are currently governed by a body of eight school board members (School Directors). As of November, 2019, two additional seats were added for School Directors residing in the town of Brattleboro, effective March 3, 2020.