WSESD Board Meeting Agenda


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair


• CLERK’S REPORT – Approval of Minutes – October 11, 2022 / Motion to Amend Minutes from the August 9, 2022 Meeting

III. PRESENTATION: Student Issues (10 minutes)

IV. PRESENTATION: BUHS Administration Team and Faculty Council RE: the First Weeks of School

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

I. CALL TO ORDER—6:00 p.m. — Michelle Luetjen-Green, Board Chair
III. New Business
A. Board Development Workshops Update/Scheduling
B. Superintendent Evaluation Rubric
• Review and Steps Forward with Sue Ceglowski, Executive Director of VSBA
C. Code of Ethics Discussion

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

“III. Parliamentarian
• Motion: Shall the WSESD Board employ Deborah Lee Luskin to serve as Parliamentarian to help the WSESD Board learn Robert’s Rules of Order?

IV. PRESENTATION: Trauma Informed Practices / Social Emotional Learning”

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Chair KY called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.

KY turned over the leadership of this meeting to DSC, who is Vice-Chair.

DSC announced amendments to the agenda, as follows:
• Agenda item II is not an executive session, but a presentation on executive sessions.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(F) Confidential Attorney-Client Communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body

WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes


I Approval of Minutes from 9/6/22

II On 9/13/22 the following policies were successfully re-adopted by the Board

F12 – Transportation
F23 – Policy on the Prevention of Harassment, Hazing and Bullying of Students
F26 – Participation of Home Study Students in School Programs and Activities
H1 – School-Community Relations

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. 6:05 – EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(F) Confidential Attorney- Client Communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body
III. 6:15 – Middle School Leadership Team / Youth Council Presentation – Cassandra Holloway, Diana Wahle, Students

WSESD Board of Directors – Help Wanted with School Abuse Investigation

BRATTLEBORO—The Windham Southeast School District is asking past and present members of our communities to come forward with any information they feel may help our investigation regarding sexual abuse of students and/or harassment or abuse of power by current or former faculty, administration, and staff of the WSESD, including Brattleboro Union High School, Brattleboro Area Middle School (formerly Brattleboro Junior High), and any of our district elementary schools. You do not need to be a victim of abuse or harassment to help. Any information you share could help our investigation. Visit; call 802-451-0905; email

If you would like to speak with an investigator, please provide your name and contact information. Any information provided, including names and contact information of those reporting information, will remain confidential unless disclosure is required by mandatory reporting laws in Vermont, in which case, information will be reported to Vermont’s Department for Children and Families, as required, and that agency’s privacy protocols will take precedence.