WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes
I Approval of Minutes from 1/23/23
Confirm date for next meeting
II Update
F21 – Policy on the use of Restraint and Seclusion re-adopted as of 1/24/23
Education section
I Approval of Minutes from 1/23/23
Confirm date for next meeting
II Update
F21 – Policy on the use of Restraint and Seclusion re-adopted as of 1/24/23
1. Call to order
2. Upcoming election/budget vote
3. Communication council next steps/recommendations
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business.
6. Adjourn
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes from January 27, 2023
III. Review Work to Date on Sections and Give Feedback
IV. Other Business (as required)
I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. Warning Article for School Director Elections – Action Needed
Eduardo is doing “the good work” at our Multicultural Center – helping to re-settle and assist refugees and asylum seekers while bringing their skills, culture and talents into our community – all with an amazing staff and many local volunteers.
I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:15 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1VSA §313 (a)(4) a disciplinary or dismissal action against a public officer or employee
Mindy Haskins Rogers of Northampton (MA) and an alumna of BUHS, mentioned the policy of reporting unprofessional conduct by a licensed teacher to the Vermont Agency of Education, which has a state-level review panel. She cited the statute supporting this. Ms. Haskins Rogers asked Superintendent Mark Speno if he was aware of this requirement, and if he had issued these reports in a timely fashion. Mr. Speno replied “yes” to both questions.
• Mr. Schoales asked if the investigator had received more support to complete the interviews and research. KY responded: she was unsure but will follow up. Mr. Speno noted the investigator has not requested more support.
I. Call to Order
II. Attend WSESD Finance Committee FY ’24 Budget Meeting
• The total FY24 proposed budget is $62.9 million, which is up 3.2-percent.
• Revenues are expected to be $11,181,775, and Mr. Rucker mentioned some revenue sources.
• The budget minus revenues equals the education spending figure, which is $51.7 million.
• The equalized pupils figure — 2,206.9 — is very close to last year’s figure.
• The education spending per pupil figure is $23,455.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes from January 13, 2023
III. Review Work to Date on Sections and Give Feedback
IV. Other Business (as required)
V. Adjournment
I Approval of Minutes from 1/3/23
II Update
F38 Prevention of Sexual Harassment as Prohibited by Title IX (Readopted 1/10/23)
Policy for full Board Re-adoption on 1/24/23:
F21 – Policy on the use of Restraint and Seclusion (2nd Reading 1/10/23)
The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Monday,
January 16, 2023 remotely via Zoom. Purpose: 1VSA §313 (a)(4)
Note: The Zoom link for this meeting will be provided by a separate party to those
involved in the Executive Session.
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda Additions (if needed)
III. Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2023
IV. Discussion/Vision for Final Document Outline
I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. STUDENT MATTERS (5-10 Minutes)
Discussion of Budget. Highlights:
a. “Budget season” is misnomer since budget development is year-long process and Board members always have a fiduciary responsibility with every decision made. Steps taken today are not set in stone. Goal is always what’s best for our students.
b. Review of same budget doc presented last week showing a $31,253,290 m budget for SU down 3.2% from last year
I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1VSA §313 (a)(4) a disciplinary or dismissal action against a public officer or employee
WSESD CFO Frank Rucker shared and reviewed a document: “Windham Southeast School District: FY24 Proposed Budget Summary.” He noted this document is on the website, and he will distribute copies to all WSESD Board members at their meeting tonight. Mr. Rucker also distributed a document, “WSESD FY24 Budget Detail,” to attendees, and indicated he had already emailed it to Board members. Highlights of Mr. Rucker’s budget presentation included:
• The total “general operating expenditures” portion of the proposed budget is $62,944,634, which reflects an increase of 3.2% over the previous year’s budget.
I Approval of Minutes from 12/12/22
II Policies for full Board consideration
F38 Prevention of Sexual Harassment as Prohibited by Title IX
(1st reading as of 12/13/22)
F10 – Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
I. CALL TO ORDER—5:30 p.m. — Kerry Amidon, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(1)(A) – Contracts
Approval of Minutes – December 14
Approval of Superintendent’s Goals
The Windham Southeast School District Independent Budget Review Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room and remotely via Zoom: