WSESD Social Justice Meeting Agenda and Minutes

WSESD Social Justice Committee (note: previously the Board’s Diversity and Equity Committee) – Mission: Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.

We will meet without a formal, developed agenda in order to begin the process of discourse. Our goal is to explore ways that the Social Justice Committee can support District-wide concerns and goals. At this initial meeting we will create an agenda that is sensitive to the needs of students, parents and guardians, staff and teachers, administrators, community members, and the Board itself.

Brattleboro School Board Candidate Interview – Jaci Reynolds

Jaci Reynolds is running for a 3 year Brattleboro seat on the School Board.

Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running for the school  board?

I’m Jaci Reynolds. I own two local small businesses and I have children at two district schools. I served on this board in 2021 and 2022 and we got some important work done. After a year away, I have gained more insight from lots of community members on what their expectations of our board are and I will bring that back with me.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. STUDENT MATTERS (5-10 Minutes)
III. PRESENTATION – Outdoor classrooms, school gardens, play based PLC’s
• CLERK’S REPORT – Approval of Minutes – January 18, January 24, January 26, January 30

Eduardo Melendez on “Here We Are”

Eduardo is doing “the good work” at our Multicultural Center – helping to re-settle and assist refugees and asylum seekers while bringing their skills, culture and talents into our community – all with an amazing staff and many local volunteers.

WSESD Meeting Agendas

I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:15 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1VSA §313 (a)(4) a disciplinary or dismissal action against a public officer or employee

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Mindy Haskins Rogers of Northampton (MA) and an alumna of BUHS, mentioned the policy of reporting unprofessional conduct by a licensed teacher to the Vermont Agency of Education, which has a state-level review panel. She cited the statute supporting this. Ms. Haskins Rogers asked Superintendent Mark Speno if he was aware of this requirement, and if he had issued these reports in a timely fashion. Mr. Speno replied “yes” to both questions.

• Mr. Schoales asked if the investigator had received more support to complete the interviews and research. KY responded: she was unsure but will follow up. Mr. Speno noted the investigator has not requested more support.

WSESD Finance Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

• The total FY24 proposed budget is $62.9 million, which is up 3.2-percent.
• Revenues are expected to be $11,181,775, and Mr. Rucker mentioned some revenue sources.
• The budget minus revenues equals the education spending figure, which is $51.7 million.
• The equalized pupils figure — 2,206.9 — is very close to last year’s figure.
• The education spending per pupil figure is $23,455.

WSESD Board Meeting Agendas for Executive Sessions

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Monday,
January 16, 2023 remotely via Zoom. Purpose: 1VSA §313 (a)(4)
Note: The Zoom link for this meeting will be provided by a separate party to those
involved in the Executive Session.