WSESD Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of June 7, 2023 were approved.

On a motion by Anne Beekman, the committee accepted the recommendation of administration to hire Kerri Beebe, WSESU PreK Coordinator.

On a motion by Anne Beekman, the committee accepted the recommendation of administration to hire Tara Sullivan, BUHS Special Education teacher.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – June 27, 2023

SUMMARY: The WSESD Board and members of the Vernon School Board and Administrators attended a retreat together on June 26 to develop goals and priorities for the Continuous Improvement Plan. Administration will begin developing budgets without the support of ESSER funds in September. All schools held graduation ceremonies including BUHS, which was the final one on June 16. There was a discussion of how board members should attend when seating is limited due to holding the event indoors. The board considered new policies regarding the dress code, fire and emergency preparedness, access control, and leadership councils. The report on the sexual abuse investigation has been delayed due to new information received by the investigator. The Board adopted a set of norms to inform their meetings. The Board has not yet received any applicants for the vacant Brattleboro seat but hope to appoint someone at their next meeting on July 25. Administrators will be holding a planning retreat on August 7 and the Board hopes to hold one later that month. Tim Maciel was added to the Social Justice Committee.

WSESD Policy Warnings

Windham Southeast School District has read the following three policies at two regular meetings, and anticipates adopting them at the Board Meeting of July 25, 2023.

The policies are attached below; please post for a warning period of at least 10 days prior to the potential adoption date of 7/25/2023. 

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee – Meeting Minutes

Chair DS convened the meeting at 2:32 pm and read hybrid statement.

I. Approval of Minutes and confirmation of next meeting date

The minutes of 06/05/23 meeting approved by assent.

A discussion took place on whether the Policy and Amendments Committee will meet during the summer. It was agreed that there will be one meeting in July, specifically focused on planning a calendar and setting priorities for which policies to review in the coming school year.

WSESD Board Meeting – Draft Minutes June 13, 2023

…”Now, therefore, we, the New Brattleboro Mascot Oversight Committee of the Windham Southeast School District, do hereby recommend that the Board of School Directors officially adopt Bears as our new school mascot and identifier for the purpose of enabling a unified and spirited school community….”

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Draft Meeting Minutes


DS: Subcommittees are being asked to review their mission statements.

Committee agreed to DS suggestion to put this on hold for now.

DS announced that people have come forward with requests for new policies. Michelle Green is bringing forward a district school choice policy request and a staff member is bringing forward one on gender freedom. These are on hold for now. Drafts will be circulated to everyone.

WSESD Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee Meeting Minutes

It was decided that Ruby would be the chair and Kim would be the clerk.

The mission statement was discussed. Does this committee need to exist? Is everything already happening/being taken care of by the administration? How do we make sure all schools feel served?

Liz discussed how this committee was previously tasked with examining Title IX in regards to sports at the High School.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call To Order – 6:00pm – Kelly Young, Board Chair
A. Executive Session under 1 VSA § 313 (a) (7) Student Matters / The academic records or suspension or discipline of students – Action Required
B. Executive Session under 1 VSA § 313 (a) (7) Student Matters / The academic records or suspension or discipline of students – Action Required
III. Student Matters (5-10 Minutes)

WSESD Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY23 Fiscal Year to Date Financial Statement Review
3. School Funding Formula, Legislative Session Impact
4. Capital Project Implementation update (Oak Grove School Renewable Energy Improvement project, BUHS/Guilford/Academy HVAC project updates)

History of Andrews Inn, First Gay Bar in Vermont, Final Chapter Premiere at Stage 33 Live with Gail Golec

Gail Golec will premiere the final episode of her audio podcast series about the first gay bar in Vermont, Andrews Inn in Bellows Falls, on Friday, June 23 at 7:00 PM at Stage 33 Live, 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls. Limited seating, reservations by 6/22 are recommended; the event will be recorded and filmed.

Gail is a professional archaeologist and the creator, writer, editor, researcher, producer, and host for a podcast called The Secret Life of Death. A cemetery nerd, the podcast is a way for her to draw lines from the past to the present by showcasing the life of a random regular person buried in one of the thousands of historic cemeteries throughout New England.

Lately, however, she’s taken a deep dive into the history and times of the Andrews Inn, which from 1973 to 1984 was located in the current Hotel Windham in Bellows Falls. It was the first gay bar in the state of Vermont.

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors
II. Establish chair, clerk & minutes expectations
III. Re-establish mission:Mission: Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.
IV. Centering social justice in our hiring process, what specifically to focus on.

WSESD Policy & Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes

DST discussed how new policies should come to the committee.
They should come directly from the community to the P&A Committee.
Only time a new or revised policy goes to the full Board for discussion is when it is ready for 1st or 2nd reading for readoption.
All policies up for readoption need to be warned.
Policies are under constant scrutiny and may be revised at any time the P&A Committee decides they should be reviewed.

WSESD Board Meeting Draft Minutes May 23

SUMMARY: The board heard a presentation by the Superintendent on administrative goals, and a presentation by three principals on the teacher peer observation program that was piloted this year. BUHS administration gave an update on the school branding process: a screening committee composed of students and staff has narrowed down 132 submissions for a new team name to three finalists, which students will be voting on this week. The Finance Director provided an update on the grant application process for funding the Oak Grove School capital improvement projects, which include installing a heat pump, insulation, PCB remediation and window replacements. The board shared news that the sexual abuse investigation will soon be closing the information gathering phase and encouraged anyone who has been considering reporting to do so as soon as possible. The Superintendent provided information on possible improvements to Natowich and Tenney Fields, and the Board voted to direct the administration to resuscitate Natowich as a natural field.