WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Agenda


Mission : Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued, and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors
II. Clerk & minutes
III. Updates
IV. Resumes and Diversity questions

WSESD – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: 5:00 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair

On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of August 22, 2023 were approved.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon the committee accepted the recommendations of administration to hire Zoe Parker, Community Based Learning Teacher, BUHS; and Doyle Kemokai, Math Teacher, BUHS.

WSESD Board Minutes – Aug 22, 2023

● The superintendent updated the board on the Administrative Retreat and beginning of school year plans.
● The board asked administration for more details on the results of the previous school year’s Panorama surveys.
● The board announced that it expects to have information soon about the results of the sexual abuse investigation, and heard from community members about what they hope to see from
● The board voted to include two questions regarding candidates’ experiences and framework around diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice on all applications for certified staff and administrator positions.

Youth Services Hires Sullivan as Balanced & Restorative Justice Coordinator

Jacqueline (Jackie) Sullivan joined Youth Services as its Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Coordinator this past spring. The BARJ program is a supportive case management and restorative justice program for youth on probation, youth at a higher risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, and youth ages 10 and up with low school attendance—at risk for truancy.

According to Youth Services’ Youth Programs Director, Megan Grove, the agency’s BARJ program recognizes that many young people entering the criminal justice system have underlying factors that lead to the criminal misconduct.

WSESD – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: 5:45 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair

On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of August 9, 2023 were approved.

On a motion by Anne Beekman the committee accepted the recommendations of administration to have Isaac Freitas-Eagan for the position of Third grade teacher.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call To Order – 6:00pm – Kelly Young, Board Chair [6:00-6:05]
II. Student Matters (5-10 minutes) [6:05 – 6:15]
III. Administrative Report [6:15 – 6:25]
Administrators Retreat
Opening Day Schedule

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Minutes

● The committee heard a presentation from Human Resources Director Michael Kelliher on plans to increase staff diversity.
● The committee voted to recommend that the three diversity-related questions developed in 2022 be included on all applications for licensed teacher or administrator
positions, if possible on Schoolspring.
● The committee made a recommendation that every hiring committee include at least one person representing a diverse viewpoint with a preference for lived experience.

WSESD Communications Council Meeting Minutes

II. Brattleboro board seat outreach: discuss plans for “meet ups” to encourage board candidacy in Brattleboro (bring suggestions to 8/8/23 board meeting).

The committee reviewed outreach suggestions:
● a radio ad
● outreach by superintendent to former teachers
● request for principals to send a message to currently enrolled families

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes July 25, 2023

● The administration provided updates about District summer camps, use of school buildings as emergency shelters, PCB abatement and window replacement project at Oak Grove School, and the BUHS mascot rebranding process, and a presentation about the school climate surveys conducted in the spring.
● WSESD Head Start classrooms at the Canal Street School will move to Birge Street in the fall and the administrators and Special Education team is developing plans for utilizing space at Canal Street to provide services for more pre-K students with special educational needs.
● The board adopted the following updated policies: E17 Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills, H8 Access Control and Visitor Management, and F42 Dress Code, which will replace all previous dress codes in WSESD schools, including LSP1, the former BUHS dress code.

“Here We Are” with Kathy Urffer

As Vt. River Steward for the Connecticut River Conservancy, KATHY URFFER talks about our relationship to the natural world, and the myth of separation.   Tune in for a new perspective on our connection to the mighty Connecticut River which flows right alongside us.

Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call To Order – 6:00pm – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. Student Matters (5-10 minutes)
III. Administrative Report –
* Hires / Resignations / Retirements
* Summer Programming
* Update on contingency plans for buildings to be utilized as shelters in the event of future climate emergencies
* Update on BUHS re-branding and mascot selection – Action Required
* Update on selection of Restorative Justice Coordinator – Possible Action Required

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Minutes

The Social Justice Committee will be bringing the following recommendations to the
WSESD Board and Policy and Amendment Committee meetings for consideration:

● The 2021-22 WSESD Social Justice committee developed three questions related to diversity and equity that should be included on all job applications. Currently only part of the first question seems to be included on job listings. The Social Justice Committee recommends that this be remedied and that all three questions are asked on every job listing for the district.