WSESD Policy & Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda
Policy and Amendment Committee
The WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee will meet Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 2:30pm
in the WSESU District Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro and via Zoom.
Education section
Policy and Amendment Committee
The WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee will meet Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 2:30pm
in the WSESU District Office, 53 Green Street, Brattleboro and via Zoom.
I. Approval of Minutes and confirmation of next meeting date
The minutes of 9/5/23 meeting approved by assent.
The next meeting for the Policy and Amendments Committee is scheduled for: Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023.
DS amended agenda to add Policy C9 (Board Commitment to Non -Discrimination) to the discussion, as there is a reference to C9 in D11 (Public Complaints About Personnel).
The WSESD Programmatic & Performance Equity Committee will meet from 2:00-3:00pm on Sunday, October 1, 2023. The meeting will take place in the Conference Room of Putney Central School, 182 Westminster West Road, Putney. Access the building via the side entrance (glass hallway).
I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
II. Student Issues [6:05 to 6:15]
III. Introduction to New Student Representatives [6:15 to 6:20]
KY announced that a third Executive Session is being added for 1 VSA §313(a)(1)(F), confidential attorney-client communications. It will happen in-between the two Executive Sessions on the agenda.
Course offerings 2023-24
Career Fair
Reality Fair
BMH Job Shadows
Business Administrator Frank Rucker shared and reviewed a document, “WSESD FY2023 Expense Summary, dated 9/11/23”, for the twelve month period ending June 30, 2023. Highlights included:
• There are many transactions this time of year, and most of them are things that happen beyond the District’s control, such as government receivables. These receivables are reconciled before presenting the final document to the auditors at the end of September.
The Windham Southeast School District’s Windham Regional Career Center Regional Advisory Board will meet Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room, 80 Atwood Street, Brattleboro, Vermont. To join the video meeting, click this link: Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 904-383-7979 and enter this PIN: 546 958 080# Please RSVP to Joyce Rathbun 802-451-3586 or
The Windham Southeast School District’s WRCC Culinary Advisory Committee will meet Monday, October 2, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at 80 Atwood Street, Room 182, Brattleboro.
The Windham Southeast School District’s WRCC Business Program Advisory will meet Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 292, 80 Atwood Street, Brattleboro.
CALL TO ORDER—6:00 p.m. – Anne Beekman, Chair
The chair announced that the previously scheduled presentation on Act 173 is postponed until the October meeting.
On a motion by Deborah Stanford the board approved the minutes of August 16, 2023.
The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board will meet at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 in the WRCC, Cusick Conference Room, and remotely via Zoom.
I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors
II. Coffee Talk with the School Board
III. Adjourn
III. Updates
Mikaela Simms announced that October 6 will be a Working Towards Justice celebration at BUHS. They are seeking organizations to present workshops 8:45-1:20. Juniper Creative Arts, an organization that collaborates with youth to create murals, will be a part of the celebration, and Ms. Simms has applied for grant funding to finance JCA doing a several week project to create an exterior mural at BUHS that will include all students.
1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY23 Fiscal Year Overview, Financial Statement update
3. Capital Project Implementation updates
Mission : Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued, and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.
I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors
II. Clerk & minutes
III. Updates
IV. Resumes and Diversity questions
CALL TO ORDER: 5:00 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair
On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of August 22, 2023 were approved.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon the committee accepted the recommendations of administration to hire Zoe Parker, Community Based Learning Teacher, BUHS; and Doyle Kemokai, Math Teacher, BUHS.
AGENDA – 9/5/2023
I. Approval of Minutes from 8/22/23
II. Evaluate proposed edits:
D1 Personnel-Recruitment, Selection, Appointment, and Background Checks
● The superintendent updated the board on the Administrative Retreat and beginning of school year plans.
● The board asked administration for more details on the results of the previous school year’s Panorama surveys.
● The board announced that it expects to have information soon about the results of the sexual abuse investigation, and heard from community members about what they hope to see from
● The board voted to include two questions regarding candidates’ experiences and framework around diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice on all applications for certified staff and administrator positions.
II. Updates
DS gave the following updates: H7 (Leadership Councils) has been readopted, and F42 (Student Dress Code), E17 (Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills), and H8 (Access Control and Visitor Management) have been adopted by full Board vote.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Sullivan joined Youth Services as its Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Coordinator this past spring. The BARJ program is a supportive case management and restorative justice program for youth on probation, youth at a higher risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, and youth ages 10 and up with low school attendance—at risk for truancy.
According to Youth Services’ Youth Programs Director, Megan Grove, the agency’s BARJ program recognizes that many young people entering the criminal justice system have underlying factors that lead to the criminal misconduct.
CALL TO ORDER: 5:45 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair
On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of August 9, 2023 were approved.
On a motion by Anne Beekman the committee accepted the recommendations of administration to have Isaac Freitas-Eagan for the position of Third grade teacher.