Valentines for Veterans: Free Workshop Activity

Join us at Brooks Memorial Library at 10:30 am on Saturday, January 19th, for a morning of card making for our veterans, some of the many men and women who have given so much in service to our country.
This workshop is absolutely FREE, and all materials will be provided.

How to Create Your Own Website BDCC Workshop

A December 4th workshop will help small businesses and nonprofits create their own website. The Workshop is sponsored by INSTIG8, an arm of the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, and will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at the BDCC office at the Cotton Mill.

Halloween Costumes 2018

One of the casualties of our move away from Cedar Street is that we can no longer provide you with the full report on Brattleboro halloween costumes as we’ve done before. I’m not happy about it. I loved the yearly lists of creative output by our younger residents.

It’s going to be up to you as individuals to make note of the costumes this year, and here’s your space to do it. If you see anything wild or wonderful, let us all know.

Embodying the Light – A Free Workshop: Let Your Creativity Shine

Which artists, or other creatives, feel like kindred spirits to you? You may be drawn to people whose styles and techniques you’d like to emulate. And you might gravitate towards people who create in very different ways from you. Perhaps you are inspired by their perspectives and a shared sense of the impact you want your art to have in the world.

Years ago, workshop facilitator, Deidra Razzaque, created a WOW Family for herself. This “family” is comprised of singers, visual artists, writers, and community activists whom she envisions as an accepting,encouraging family, saying, “Wow, that’s amazing! Go for it!” regarding her creativity.

Vote for the 2018 People’s Choice Award!

BCTV’s producer award winners are selected by our staff, but this award is chosen by everyone! The nominees are the volunteer video productions that received the top five online views. (These are videos created over the past fiscal year, and the views are tabulated between July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018.) The cash prize is provided by Vermont Films, a full-service video production company here in Brattleboro.

The nominees are:

BCTV Announces Winners of the 2018 Producer Awards

In honor of Community Media Day on October 20, Brattleboro Community Television announces its producer awards winners for 2018. BCTV’s annual producer awards ceremony will be held on October 25th at 6:00 p.m. at 118 Elliot, and the public is invited. The People’s Choice Award winner, which is a popular vote among the year’s top-viewed videos, will also be announced that night. The following organizations and individuals will be recognized.


When Martha dragged home an ancient teletype machine on the subway, it was more than Tom could take.  Tom was Martha’s plumber, but he was also her friend. In fact it had only been on rare occasions that Tom had crawled under Martha’s sink.

Tom worried about Martha, and Martha worried about him. He could see solutions to her obvious problem — clutter. The solutions seemed simple to execute but it would be a hard sell to get Martha’s consent.

The Bowling Green Massacre

How come you never heard of it?

Quote: I bet it’s brand new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre.

Borters Jewelry Studio Planning Next Round of Jewelry Workshops

Borter’s Jewelry Studio is currently planning its next round of jewelry classes, and we welcome your input. Please take this quick survey to let us know what you’re looking for in a metalsmithing workshop. Your responses submitted over the next month will help us decide what classes to schedule for the end of summer and fall of 2018.

Memoir Writing: A Free Workshop With Author Barbara Morrison

On Saturday, May 12th from 12-3 pm, Barbara Morrison, author of “Innocent: Confessions of a Welfare Mother” will offer a FREE memoir writing workshop. An experienced editor, writing teacher, and blogger, Barbara shares weekly book reviews at the Monday Morning Book Blog.

She won the IPPY Bronze Medal for Regional Memoir/Autobiography;and she was a finalist for ForeWord Review’s Book of the Year for Memoir/Autobiography, and also for the USA Best Book Award for Memoir/Autobiography. She received an honorable mention at the New England Book Festival for Memoir/Autobiography.

Art Over Fear: Free Workshop

Sometimes it can be hard to accept and unfurl our own creativity. Shadowy doubts, coupled with other people’s comments–or their seeming indifference, can make us believe that creativity is for other people, but not for us.

In this hands-on workshop, we’ll work with these questions and more, individually and as a group:
· How does it feel to think of yourself as creative?
· What happens when you let yourself create without judgement?
· What will give you the courage the create on a regular basis?

Festival of the Sublime: Music, Photography, Dance, Auction

Welcome to an extraordinary festival to benefit community building at 118 Elliot from 4 – 10:30 this Saturday, April 14th. There will be a fun combination of music, dance, photography and art to benefit the final stages of the construction of the Mahalo Gathering Hall Project: .

Why is it SUBLIME? Think of the term Sublime as a catalyst that causes change to structures and forms. This reaches far beyond the scope of any present conceptions of beauty and harmony. The Sublime is simultaneously omnipresent and unattainable. It is all-encompassing, yet seems to evade us in our everyday lives, when we often shift our focus to many distractions.

Seeking Vendors for Landmark College Craft Fair and Plant Sale on 4/21

On Saturday, April 21 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., the public is invited to a Craft Fair and Plant Sale sponsored by the Landmark College Office of Student Activities and the Gardening Club. This event will take place on the Landmark College Quad, rain or shine. We are currently seeking vendors. For more information, contact Emily North, Director of Student Activities:

Drop-In Hours at The Drawing Studio

Hello everyone
Open Studio at the Drawing Studio begins this week! We will have drop in hours every Monday through Thursday. Our full schedule is here:

We have all drawing materials (and watercolor and gouache) available. You may work independently or with as much instruction as you need. The Open Studio is supported on a donation basis and all are welcome.

A “Printed” House?

This 3D Printer Builds 3-Bedroom Houses In 24 Hours
The 3D printer has taken the technology to a new level, using concrete as its medium. It could be the future of efficient, cost effective home building.

You Were In My Dream

Monday morning I woke up having just experienced a lucid dream. 

I had just come out of a large building. It was in a city (I have been dreaming of being in big cities lately).  I realized that I was dreaming.  

I looked at my surroundings. Everything looked so real even though I knew it was a dream. I did not want to lose this dream, which can happen if you get too excited about knowing that you are in a lucid dream. So I started to look at the ground, thinking that by focusing on something mundane I can keep things on an even keel and the dream will continue.