Kathak Lecture/Demonstration & Workshop with Veronica Simas de Souza Rosas

Kathak Lecture/Demonstration & Workshop with Veronica Simas de Souza Rosas
01.00 to 1.45pm
Discover the graceful and dynamic North Indian classical dance form of Kathak with this lecture demonstration and workshop.
We will cover a brief history of the dance form, development and today’s expression. Along with an explanation and demonstration of the typical repertoire of Kathak

Holi: The Festival of Colors An Evening of Indian Classical Dance and Music

21March 2019, Brattleboro, Vermont:  As a benefit for Brattleboro Planned Parenthood,  kathak dancer Veronica Simas de Souza and cellist Jake Charkey will present an evening of Indian classical dance and music entitled Holi: The Festival of Colors on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 pm at 118 Elliot in downtown Brattleboro. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Suggested donation of $10.  

Quest for Eagles: Wildlife Photography from Brattleboro & Beyond

Less than a week away! View the raptors and wildlife of Brattleboro through photographic images at the Brooks Memorial Library from February 26th through March 22nd. Photographs, by Dara Carleton Wildlife Photography, will include bald eagles, ospreys, cormorants, songbirds, small critters, and waterfowl images all taken within a 30-minute drive from Brattleboro. Come view the bald eagles and wildlife that’s right in your backyard! Opening reception will be Wednesday February 27th from 5-7pm.

Nimbus Dance Company Performance at The Putney School

The Nimbus Dance Company will be back on The Putney School campus from Feb. 24 to March 2 for a week-long residency.

This will be the premier New Jersey contemporary dance company’s eighth consecutive year on campus. While here, the dancers will teach master classes and perform excerpts of new Nimbus dance pieces in addition to pieces from their acclaimed repertory.

Gene Parulis: Visions and Explorations

Mar. 2 – Apr. 14: Mitchell-Giddings Fine Arts is pleased to present Gene Parulis: Visions and Explorations, with an artist’s opening reception Saturday, March 2, 5-7 pm. The exhibit continues through April 14, and an Artist Talk is scheduled for March 23, 5 pm.

Gene Parulis has been absorbed in photographing the world for fifty years, and his passion for photography is central to his teaching and traveling. He has taught in diverse places from a mountain village in Algeria to Kuwait University, California to Vermont and has exhibited in galleries in the USA and Europe.

Quest for Eagles: Wildlife Photography from Brattleboro & Beyond

View the raptors and wildlife of Brattleboro through photographic images at the Brooks Memorial Library from February 26th through March 22nd. Photographs, by Dara Carleton Wildlife Photography, will include bald eagles, ospreys, cormorants, song birds, small critters, and water fowl images all taken within a 30 minute drive from Brattleboro. Come view the bald eagles and wildlife that’s right in your backyard! Opening reception will be Wednesday February 27th from 5-7pm.

Guilford Center Stage 2019 Season

Guilford Center Stage continues into its fifth year with spring and fall productions of plays ranging from nonsense to political satire, and having connections to Vermont, and Guilford, continuing its mission to present place-based theater on the stage at renovated Broad Brook Community Center.

“Alice” is the spring show, on the last weekend in April. The musical play, directed by Richard Epstein, is a reflection of a well-known Monteverdi Players production. The 1978 production of the familiar Lewis & John Carroll classic, which was performed on farm near Guilford Center, is condensed from the original 100-acre venue to the chamber-sized stage in the Grange hall, and will feature the musical score from the original play by composer Nicholas Humez. Evelyn McLean is vocal music director.

Winter Group 2019

Jan. 12 – Feb. 24: Mitchell-Giddings Fine Arts presents “Winter Group 2019,” an exhibition of new work by Josh Bernbaum, Bruce Campbell, Lyell Castonguay, Liz Chalfin, Jon Gregg, Emily Mason, Petria Mitchell, and other gallery artists.

Among the pieces introduced in “Winter Group 2019” are Bernbaum’s large, blown-glass vessels inspired by flowering cacti of the Southwest, and Campbell’s hand-operated steel and brass kinetic sculptures which let us orbit planets and stars on a tabletop.

Give the Gift of Art at The Drawing Studio

Good morning everyone

The Winter/Spring schedule is now up on our website and enrollment is open for classes and workshops this Season. Give a gift of Art to someone you love. We now have gift certificates for the new year. www.vermontdrawingstudio.com

Here is some of what is on offer in January at The Drawing Studio:

When I Put On Your Glove by Shoshana Bass at Sandglass Theater

On November 23rd and 24th at 7:30 pm When I Put on Your Glove by Shoshana Bass will play the stage at Sandglass Theater in Putney. Last year Eric Bass took Autumn Portraits to the Lizé International Puppet Festival in Taiwan then returned to Putney to play this signature piece at Sandglass Theater for the last time. This year Shoshana will bring her adaptation of the work in When I Put on Your Glove to the festival in Taiwan and return to play on the Sandglass stage during the Putney Craft Tour weekend.

40th Anniversary Year! Vermont Top 10 Winter Event, State of VT Declares Thanksgiving Weekend, Putney Craft Tour Weekend

PUTNEY, Vt—From gourd art to custom-made bicycles, farm art, and hand-knitted mittens from old sweaters, you can’t go wrong venturing “over the river and through the woods” to find the 25 working studios on Putney Vermont’s artisan trail in search of fine art and craft – and yes, the quirky and unusual, too.

The 40th Annual Putney Craft Tour, the oldest continuing craft tour in the country and a Top Ten Vermont Winter event, timed to coincide with Thanksgiving and holiday shopping, (Nov 23, 24, 25, 10-5) offers visitors a chance to meet the artists in the setting where it all happens. This year the state of Vermont is honoring the tour by proclaiming Thanksgiving weekend Putney Craft Tour Weekend.

A Drawing Season

We have 5 spots left in A Drawing Season, a “low-residency” drawing study from January to March 2019. With a mix of private lessons, small group workshops and in-studio drawing time you can re-learn drawing as a natural and connective activity. Children draw and are world makers when they do. As adults we, semi-consciously, agree to draw what something looks like rather than our experience of it. They are not the same thing!

Susan McDormand Exhibit Opening on Nov. 10

West Brattleboro, Vt. — “The Right Balance,” an exhibit of paintings by Guilford artist Susan McDormand, is showing through December in the foyer and other gallery spaces at All Souls Church UU (ASC). The public is invited to meet the artist and gain insights into her work at an artist’s reception on Saturday, November 10, from 2 to 4 pm.

McDormand began painting at the River Gallery School in Brattleboro more than 20 years ago. “Ric Campman and Lydia Thomson inspired and encouraged me. Today I continue to paint in oils, on beautiful papers, often implementing pencil and pastel. As the piece develops, I begin to have a mirror . . . it seems to be about intuition, color, and a language being written. For me, painting is so much about blending movements of color together.” The work reflects her goal of creating harmony in life as well as in artistic expression.

VCP Artist Talk: Paul Reitano

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, 6pm @ VCP
(Free & open to the public)

Please join the Vermont Center for Photography for a public artist talk with MA-based photographer, Paul Reitano, in conjunction with his solo exhibition “Thrive: The Overcome Project”. Paul’s photographic series that will be on display for the month of November stemmed from his personal battle – and eventual success story – with cancer. This series is a collection of raw and evocative images of the experiences Reitano endured and the many people who aided him along the way.

Last Weekend for Shoot The Moon Theater Company’s “Frankenstein” is November 2-3

The final two showings of Shoot the Moon Theater Company’s “Frankenstein” at the Hooker-Dunham Theater are at 7:30 p.m. this Friday and Saturday, November 2-3.

General admission is $12. Reservations are recommended and can be made by calling 802-254-9276. The Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery is located at 139 Main Street in Brattleboro, Vermont. More information is available at www.hookerdunham.org.

Capitol for a Day! Vermont Department of Libraries: Creative Arts Economy

Join us on Tuesday, October 23, 2018, from 12 – 1 pm for a Vermont Department of Libraries presentation about the Creative Arts Economy! This presentation will highlight ways in which Vermonters make a living through the arts or other creative endeavors.

This is the second in a series of events here at Brooks Memorial Library for the Governor Scott’s “Capitol for a Day” initiative. This FREE event is open to EVERYONE, and will be held in the second floor Community Meeting Room!