A Heavenly Report from the Latchis

The Latchis Theatre construction project is making great strides, with exciting developments everyday.

The Heavenly portion of the program is complete… and completely magnificent.

Before we leave The Heavens, here are some final images from above the staging.

The ceiling is smooth and whole.

Human Right Project in Chile – Can You Help To Support This?

HUMAN RIGHTS PROJECT in Santiago Chile – Need your support

Memoria. Hablar. Dignidad. 40 – An arts performance project to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the COup d’etat in Chile.

The B4Peace Project, and Namaya under the support of Grace Cares  has been invited to Santiago, Chile to the Villa Grimaldi, Park of Peace, for an arts and performance project called “Memoria.  Hablar.  Dignidad.”

What Are You Grateful For?

There are two big chalkboards in town asking “What are you grateful for?”

Both photos are from the one on Flat Street. The other one is in Harmony Lot. They are the launch of the Watching Angels Public Art Show.

So, what will you write?

Actors & Extras Sought for September Film Shoot in Brattleboro and Newfane

Casting Actors & Extras for Local Film

Several small speaking roles and extras for a regional film. Auditions are August 26th in Brattleboro. Shooting begins September 8th. Award winning filmmaker Robert Fritz’s most ambitious project yet with an international cast. Crime, intrigue and JAZZ!

Numerous extras needed Sept 8th & 9th. Film extras & Jazz lovers will enjoy a free concert and included lunch

For more information, to set up an audition time or to sign up to be an extra even if you are unavailable on the 26th contact us at: CastingSoVT@gmail.com

Brattleboro School Of Dance 2013-14 Class Registration Begins Sept 6

School adds four to faculty; offers new Pre-Professional Training Program

Brattleboro, VT — (August xx, 2013) — Brattleboro School of Dance has published its schedule of classes for the Fall and Winter of 2013-14. The studio will host an open house from 5:00-8:00pm on Friday, September 6 for members of the public to get acquainted with the faculty and learn more about the programs.

Students can register online at www.brattleboroschoolofdance.com or by going to the studio at 22 High Street in Brattleboro from 3:00-8:00pm on Friday, September 6, 12:00noon-5:00pm on Saturday, September 7 or 12:00noon-2:00pm on Sunday, September 8. Classes begin on Monday, September 9.

Tree Art

Trees threatening to crash down?  Too much thunder and lightning? 

I decided to calm my nerves by investing in a little paint.

I got out my ladder (July 21, 2013)  so I could reach the top of the 8 foot high arch created by a the first section of a long tree branch about 40 feet long that suddenly fell (July 17, 2013)  about 15 feet from where I was standing in my garden.

Weekend Retreat: Art as a Healing Tool for Self and Earth

Making Art in Paradise Presents: Art as a Healing Tool for Self & Earth: Fri. eve, Sept 20 – Sun. Sept 22, 2013

A clay sculpture and writing workshop in the hills of Townshend VT.

Nourish your creative vision with a writing & clay sculpting retreat led by Psychosynthesis guide/potter Alan Steinberg & writer/teacher Fred Taylor

  • Encounter the life & landscape of the forests and hills of Vermont  
  • Immerse yourself in the tactile, intuitive earthiness of clay. 

Latchis Arts Seeks Crowds to Support The Heavens

Latchis Arts is going for it! With nearly 80% of the funds raised so far, the non-profit group is committed to closing the main auditorium of the Latchis Theatre on August 1, in order to replace the seats and restore the historic zodiac ceiling, dubbed the Campaign for The Heavens and The Earth.

With only $118,000 to go out of the campaign goal of $550,000, “all the pieces are in place. There’s no turning back!” according to Managing Director Gail Nunziata.

Brattleboro Gets Ready to Dance, July 18th – July 21st

Brattleboro Gets Ready to Dance

BRATTLEBORO, VT—TV dance shows have boosted the interest in dance. From little kids to college students to baby boomers more and more people are interested in dance. This hype has helped draw attention to dance programs at colleges and universities across the country. Now, Brattleboro, Vermont looks to boost economic development and morale following the devastating effects of 2011’s Tropical Storm Irene with a major dance festival —The .

The festival is slated for July 18 to July 21, 2013 and will take place for the most part in downtown Brattleboro with time in between workshops for people shop and enjoy the town. The four-day festival will be filled with lectures, workshops, performance, live music and community events taught by world-class faculty.

Stroll’s Plein Air Farm Art Show Sets Closing Reception

A closing reception celebrating the Strolling of the Heifers Plein Air Farm Art show will take place during Gallery Walk, Friday evening July 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vermont Artisans, downtown Brattleboro.

The gallery will also be introducing new exhibits of folk art by Warren Kimble and graffiti art by Scott Borofsky.

“Plein air” painting means painting out in the open — in this case, on the farm. The juried exhibit organized by local artist Deborah Lazar assembled works painted at Brattleboro-area farms during the months of April and May.

On Exhibit: Paintings by Dale DiMauro

On Exhibit Main Room: Paintings by Dale DiMauro 
June 2013   

The artist’s statement:

As long as Dale DiMauro can remember, he has always loved to draw and create things. DiMauro developed his appreciation for the local landscape when he was a boy exploring Putney with his two brothers. Later he earned his degree in landscape architecture at the University of Oregon. 

B4 Peace Arts/ Namaya Art Rat at Clearwater Festival June 15-16

Clearwater Festival with the B 4 Peace Team/ Namaya Art Rats was a wonderful success.  Thousands came out for the Peace Arts Projects at this amazing festival of music, and activism by the beautiful Hudson River.

We had so many volunteers and helpers with the B 4 Peace Faires. The art projects included: Inevitability of Peace – a 9 foot tall pyramid of steel with a peace wreath encased in 300 pound block of ice that melted with a single “candle” over several days: 

Kay Curtis Retrospective Exhibit Opens Saturday at All Souls Church

West Brattleboro, Vt. — An exhibit by Brattleboro artist Kay Curtis now graces gallery spaces at All Souls Church through the end of July. One of Kay’s larger paintings, “Diversity,” from a series she based on themes in the All Souls Covenant spoken from time to time at worship services, hangs permanently in the church parlor.

“Say Something New!” is a collection of twenty-one other works of Kay’s art created over the past thirty years. “I had great fun placing new marks on earlier work, and revisiting who I used to be,” Kay shares. “I took photography in college but have never shown the photos I love to make. In the spirit of this, showing new things seemed possible.”

Brattleboro Arts Committee Meeting & Agenda

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

On Exhibit at the Library: Saxtons River Art Guild

On Exhibit: Saxtons River Art Guild
May 2013 

Members of the Saxtons River Art Guild will be exhibiting original paintings at the Brooks Memorial Library beginning Tuesday, April 30 until Tuesday, May 28. Included will be original paintings in watercolor, oil, and pastels.

The Saxtons River Art Guild was formed in Saxtons River, Vermont in 1976 by a small group of artists who enjoyed painting together. Membership has grown from a dozen or so to over 70 artists and others interested in the fine arts. Members come from throughout the southern Connecticut River Valley in Vermont and New Hampshire.

BSD Spring Dance Tickets Go On Sale May 9

Tickets go on sale Thursday, May 9 for the Brattleboro School of Dance annual spring recital. Performances take place the weekends of May 17-19 and May 24-26 at the New England Youth Theatre, located at 100 Flat Street in downtown Brattleboro.

Current dance students and alumni will perform in 14 pieces choreographed by faculty and guests of the school, demonstrating a breadth of styles that include ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip-hop and belly dancing.

The recital’s 2013 theme, “Evolution,” reflects the progression of several pieces in the program over the course of different shows, says BSD director Jennifer Moyse, as well as the generational transition within the school’s community since it was founded by Kathleen Keller in 1976.