Write Action Picnic in Guilford

We hope you can join Write Action for schmoozing, good food, the open reading, and more at our annual potluck picnic. It is at noon on Sunday, Aug 17.

Write Action is southern Vermont’s non-profit that promotes and strives to inspire writers, with workshops, open readings, writing contests and more. www.writeaction.org. We hope to see some of you there.

August 1914: In Witness. Speak for Peace


A moment to remember WWI. In the darkness of the wars in the Middle East, the insane invasion of Gaza, and the random madness and
war, we send this prayer for peace.

In whatever way we can speak out for peace in our lives, in our communities,
and yes speaking out against the estimate $1 trillion dollar US Military budget. 

 Last week, Zoe and I were at Universal peace day in NYC. It was
beautiful to perform the poem PALESTINE that said, “Peace, shaalom,
saalam” as over 50 flags of Israel and Palestine were knotted together
and raised high as a prayer for peace.

Shadow Puppetry and Poetry On Stage at Sandglass Theater

Putney-  East meets West in a shadow world where forbidden love and poetry collide. A Chance Shadow is a poetic play inspired by the Chinese poet Xu Zhimo (1897~1931) and the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca (1898~1936) who changed society with their passion for literature, social reform and true love. Two poets who had never met living on opposite sides of the earth, during

New River Garden Exhibit, “Farms in 7 Media” – Gallery Walk Opening To Feature Bondville Boys

During July’s Gallery Walk (Friday, July 11) a new exhibit, featuring works by members of Brattleboro-West Arts, is arriving at the Strolling of the Heifers’ Gallery at the Garden, located at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden at 157 Main Street, Brattleboro.

Entertainment during the opening will be by the Bondville Boys, an edgy, eclectic bluegrass band that plays a huge assortment of music, including a ton of original tunes and everything from Flatt and Scruggs to Blondie.

The reception, with refreshments, is free and open to the public. It takes place during Gallery Walk, Friday evening, July 11 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., and thereafter will be on view weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Saturdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., continuing through August. 

Tanabata+Obon, Japan’s Double Summer Festivals, in Pliny Park

Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT) presents Brattleboro’s Tanabata-Obon Festival, 2012, downtown, in Pliny Park Park, corner of Main and High Streets.

This festival celebrates a Japanese tradition: the double festivals of summer in a single evening observance, downtown, during the July Gallery Walk.

Obon is a celebration of ancestors and remembrance of loved ones and the departed. Tanabata is a star festival for communities to make wishes for the future (happening each year when the paths of two of the brightest stars, Vega and Altair, meet in the sky).

Brattleboro’s Wildest Arts and Music Organization, The Future Collective, Launches Online Fundraiser

The Future Collective launched their online fundraiser on June 25, 2014 through the website INDIEGOGO.

The Future Collective is a non-profit, volunteer-run group of Brattleboro young people founded in January 2012. They have hosted many events ranging from all-ages music shows, community art openings, a weekly radio show, dance parties, ice cream giveaways, outdoor cabarets, child art and music making, outdoor adventures, peer-supported mental health workshops, community art nights, collaboration with other local organizations, and our annual 3-day music and arts festival, Future Fest.

The Second Annual Southern Vermont Dance Festival Seeks Volunteers, Host Families and Sponsors

BRATTLEBORO, VT—As preparations heat up for this year’s Second Annual Southern Vermont Dance Festival slated to take place July 17- 20 in Brattleboro, Vermont, the organization is seeking volunteers to take care of a variety tasks from pre-event organizing to event set up and clean up to the myriad during-event activities.

Brenda Siegel, executive director of the Festival says, “the Festival couldn’t have pulled off last year’s event without the many, many wonderful volunteers who were ready to pitch in no matter what the task.

First Wednesday at Brooks Library: Fallingwater

First Wednesday: Fallingwater, Wednesday 4 June 2014, 7 pm – 9:00

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater is widely considered one of the finest masterpieces of American architecture. H. Nicholas Muller, III, retired executive director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, shares the story—and controversy—behind the house. 

Second Annual Southern Vermont Dance Festival Draws Top Artists, Top Faculty, Top Dance Companies

July 17-20, Second Annual Southern Vermont Dance Festival Draws Top Artists, Top Faculty, Top Dance Companies from all over New England and Offers Over 100 Different Classes, Two Master Classes, Several Lectures and Gala Concerts — all in four days in Brattleboro, Vermont. www.southernvermontdancefestival.com

“Dancing is really important. It’s not just a frivolous thing. Dancing changes lives. It makes the world a better place. It connects people and communities,” says Billbob Brown, director of dance at UMass Amherst.

BRATTLEBORO, VT—From little kids to college students to baby boomers more and more people are interested in dance. This hype has helped draw attention to dance programs at colleges and universities across the country. Brattleboro, Vermont looks to boost economic development and morale following the devastating effects of 2011’s Tropical Storm Irene by bringing back for a second year in a row, a major dance festival —The Second Annual Southern Vermont Dance Festival.

Open Reading at The Blue Dot Studio in the Hooker Dunham Building Friday May 16

Every month, on the third Friday, Write Action hosts Open Reading. All readers have about 7 minutes to share their readings of either their own work, or works by authors that they especially enjoy. It starts at 7:30 and is free to all writers and those who enjoy the spoken word. If you want to read, or recite, come a little early and drop your name in the hat. We will draw names at random to determine the order of readers.

On Exhibit at Brooks Library: Art Work of Barbara Frodenberg (1931-2013)

A retrospective of Barbara Frodenberg’s works will show at the Brooks Memorial Library through the month of May. The collection represents an intimate view into her creative world. Many of the works are prints from an intensely creative period when she lived in Shelton, Washington.

Also included are watercolors and sequence paintings from her time here in Brattleboro. There will be a public reception in the Library’s meeting room beginning at 2 PM on Friday, May 9. Location Reception Meeting Room, 2nd Floor. Exhibit Main Floor. Contact Christine de Vallet, Public Art Coordinator.

Donald Saaf Exhibit at the Brooks Memorial Library

Donald Saaf creates collages by carefully integrating torn wallpaper, images from magazines and catalogs, and photocopies of everyday objects with his bold gouache paintings. He has illustrated such popular books as Pushkin Minds the Bundle, Flemenpeo, and Animal Music.

Trained in painting at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Donald Saaf exhibits his work at the nearby Clark Gallery. He lives with his family in Saxtons River, Vermont.

Unspeakable Saturday Night

Tomorrow evening, sixteen local residents will perform a public reading of “Project Unspeakable” at 7pm New England Youth Theater.  A facilitated discussion of the play and the issues, questions and feelings it raises for the audience will follow.

The script, with the exception of two Narrators and a young seeker of truth, is made up of actual quotes attributed to each of the dozens of characters portrayed. Saturday’s cast includes Sophie Bady-Kaye, Frederic Noyes, Daniel Cantor Yalowitz, John Ungerleider, Bob Bady, Leo Schiff, Gary and Leslie Sullivan Sachs, Mary Kay Sigda, Greg Moreau, John O’Neal, Paula Green, RylandWhite, Tim Bullard, Debbie Lynangale and Amilcar Shabazz.

After three rehearsals and indivdual sessions with the director and principal playwright Court Dorsey, we are eager to share this moving and motivating story with the public.

Nye Ffarrabas’ 50-Year Retrospective: Book Launch and Exhibition Opening

Brattleboro resident Nye Ffarrabas’ 50-year retrospective of her work is being celebrated in a new exhibtion and book just published through C. X. Silver Gallery.

C X Silver Gallery presents Nye Ffarrabas: A Walk on the Inside, an exhibition May 2 to Saturday August 23, 2014. The accompanying publication, with the same name as the exhibition, is part catalogue, part memoir, part monograph, a tribute to an artist and poet whose creative works span more than fifty years from the heyday of Fluxus Art of the sixties and seventies and continue to the present day. Please join us for the opening reception and book launch Sunday afternoon May 4th, 2014, 1-4pm, at the Gallery, 814 Western Avenue, Brattleboro, VT. Some improvisation, readings, and performance pieces may be part of the event.

“Project Unspeakable” at NEYT May 3

“Project Unspeakable” Reading Explores Why Our Leaders Died 1964-1968

A dramatic reading of “Project Unspeakable,” a new play about the 1960’s assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, will be presented on Saturday, May 3 at 7:00pm at New England Youth Theater.

“Project Unspeakable” was inspired by James Douglass’ groundbreaking and meticulously researched book, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.  It was written by playwright Court Dorsey and associate playwrights Debbie Lynangale and Steve Wangh (author of The Laramie Project), based on extensive research.  Like the book, the script focuses not on how the four leaders died, but why.

On Exhibit at the Brooks Library: Saxtons River Art Guild & Liza Woodruff

On exhibit for the month of April at the Brooks Library: Liza Woodruff (In the Children’s Illustrators’ Book Cases, 2nd Floor Hallway, across from the Children’s Room) and t(in the Main Room). 

The Saxtons River Guild was established in 1976 for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating the cultural growth of the arts locally. The Guild is very active and new members are always welcome. Members meet during the fall and winter months at Open Studio to collaborate working in various media of watercolor, oil and pastels, as well as acrylic, collage and drawings in pen/pencil.

Benefit for Morningside Shelter: Storytellers on a Mission April 19, Hosted by Peter Sagal

Southern Vermont-based The Hatch presents its third Storytellers on a Mission event featuring nationally renowned storytellers who will tell hilarious stories to raise money for a great cause. The event’s recipient is the Morningside Shelter in Brattleboro, Vermont, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. The event will be held on Saturday, April 19 pm at 7:30 p.m. at the Latchis Theatre in Brattleboro.

The evening’s storytellers will be hosted by Peter Sagal, Host of NPR’s Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me! and will feature Cindy Pierce, Elna Baker, Peter Aguero and Ian Chillag, with additional special guests. All performers have performed on critically acclaimed stages that include The Moth, National Public Radio (NPR) shows, Comedy Central programming and much more.

Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival Returns

Chamber Music in the Foothills of the Green Mountains

Events are during the days of July 31- August 9, with the opening concert on the night of July 31st, at 7 PM. Events include concerts, family/ community events, and appearances from many talented guest artists and composers, all taking place in the Jamaica Town Hall on Main Street. Admission is free of charge, but donations are welcome. A portion of the donations will be contributed to the Stratton Foundation to benefit Hurricane Irene relief efforts.

Art Reception Today, 2 to 4 pm: Landscapes by Nancy Calicchio at All Souls Church

Nancy Calicchio Shows Vermont Landscapes Through April

During March and April, Westminster West painter Nancy Calicchio is showing “Landscape Trilogy” in the foyer and other gallery spaces at All Souls Church in West Brattleboro. This exhibition features groups of three paintings of the same subject, each canvas a further interpretation of the landscape. In the larger (36”x36”) works, Nancy explores the balance between earth and sky. She invites the viewer to feel the long view of overlapping hills and the mysterious ambiguity of the far horizon as she searches to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface. Additional paintings round out her study of the earth-sky relationship.

Strolling of the Heifers Gallery at the Garden Presents “16 by 16 by 27”

16” x 16” paintings by 27 area artists

Strolling of the Heifers celebrates the opening of its new art gallery at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden Friday evening, March 7 with a reception to introduce the inaugural exhibit, “16 by 16 by 27”.

Curated by artist Caryn King, the show presents the work of 27 artists, each of whom produced a 16-inch by 16-inch square painting on canvas. The paintings reflect a variety of subjects including still life, figurative, landscape, animals, and abstract.