“The War of the Worlds” at Hooker-Dunham
Shoot the Moon theater company presents Orson Welles’ “The War of the Worlds” at the Hooker-Dunham Theater, Friday and Saturday, October 20-21, 27-28 and November 3-4.
Arts section
Shoot the Moon theater company presents Orson Welles’ “The War of the Worlds” at the Hooker-Dunham Theater, Friday and Saturday, October 20-21, 27-28 and November 3-4.
“Wonderful, little plays,” is the comment of a cast member at a recent rehearsal, as all of us involved in the Guilford Center Stage fall production are discovering that these short plays, which have been sleeping on the printed page for 7 decades, are both moving and entertaining on stage.
Mitchell • Giddings Fine Arts is proud to feature Mapping the Unknown, an exhibition of monotypes, oil paintings and collages by Susan Osgood. The exhibit showcases work featured in the book A Ghost of Water: Poems by GennaRose Nethercott Inspired by the Art of Susan Osgood. An opening reception is set to take place Thursday, September 21 from 5 -7pm, with an Artist Talk scheduled for Saturday, October 28 at 5pm. A special reading of A Ghost of Water by GennaRose Nethercott will take place in the gallery during the Brattleboro Literary Festival on Sunday, October 15 at 5:30pm. The exhibit will run through November 5.
SAXTONS RIVER, Vt. – An array of the work of local artists is on the auction block for Main Street Arts’ Lights, Camera, Auction benefit event Saturday, Sept. 16.
West Brattleboro — The gallery spaces in All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist in West Brattleboro are hosting Stu Copans’ annual exhibit of papercuts along with work with a Peace theme by three other artists through the end of October.
What’s going on with the telephone poles on Elliot Street?
Shoot the Moon Theater Company will hold open auditions for The War of the Worlds on Tuesday, August 29 at 7pm at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery located at 139 Main Street, Brattleboro Vermont.
BRATTLEBORO: Borter’s Jewelry Studio is bringing together the skills of three local jewelers to offer a series of beginner- and intermediate-level metalsmithing workshops.
This September, The Drawing Studio opens in Brattleboro. Located in The Whetstone Studio for the Arts at 28 Williams Street, The Drawing Studio will offer classes and workshops in traditional and experimental drawing practices and color theory and color mixing for painters. In addition to open, sunny work space The Drawing Studio also has a first rate art library with windows overlooking the Whetstone Brook and a coffee/tea bar.
The founder, Jason Alden, has taught drawing and painting at the River Gallery School and privately for the last 10 years. The Drawing Studio is an effort to clarify, develop and share what he loves most about drawing and the communication of Art. From the website, www.vermontdrawingstudio.com :
Musicians and music fans 18 and under are invited to the BrattRock Lounge. The next Lounge will be held Sunday, August 13 at the newly renovated Brattleboro Boys & Girls Club from 3:00 – 7:00 PM. Participation is free. Schedule: 3-4 PM Workshop/Discussion: Ins, Outs, Ups, and Downs of Bring in a Band; 4-5 PM Hang out/chill/jam time; 5-7 PM youth open mic & pizza party. Pre-registration required at .
The Brattleboro Film Festival and The Northern Routes Film Collaborative present the 3rd Annual Summer Cinema Slam, giving Vermont artists and audiences a place to connect.
“The Back of Brattleboro,” (2005) by Terry Sylvester, is on extended display at Brooks Memorial Library as part of our renovation celebration! We hope you will come to see it in person!
West Brattleboro, Vt. – “The Art of Poetry,” an exhibit of paintings and poems by Lynn Martin, will grace gallery spaces at All Souls Church through the end of August. An opening reception this Saturday, July 8, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., offers visitors an opportunity to speak with Lynn about her creative process as an artist and poet, and to enjoy a table of savory and sweet refreshments.