The Guilford Board of Civil Authority reminds all Guilford legal residents that you are both eligible and encouraged to run for a Town position, via the Australian Ballot at Town Meeting. Here’s the catch: To be on the ballot, you have just 2 weeks to file a petition. It’s not too hard: Go to the Town Office (Mon-Thurs) and sign up. Get a petition for the office you’d like to seek, and get 18 signatures of registered voters, turn it in by the close of the day on Monday, Jan. 27, and you’re a candidate!
Here are the offices which will be elected on the ballot: Town Clerk, 3-year term; Treasurer, 3 years; Selectboard: One 3-year term, one 2-year, and the remaining year on an unexpired term; Lister, 3-year; Auditor, 3-year, and Town agent, 1-year.
Guilford no longer has a school board, so those usual positions are no longer on the ballot, and neither of the slots for reps to the Unified District Board are up for election this year.
(You can also run for some offices by floor vote at Town Meeting, and you don’t need to sign up early for those. They include Library Trustee, Trustee of Public Funds, Grand Jurors, and Cemetery Commissioner.)