WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – Nov 14, 2023

● Student representatives spoke about bullying and inappropriate behavior that is going unaddressed in classes at BUHS, and the need to cultivate a positive and loving culture in the community.
● Superintendent Speno introduced a book, “Introduction to the Governance Code,” that Board members and administrators will read and discuss at next June’s retreat.
● Putney Central School Principal Jon Sessions and Guilford Central School Principal John Gagnon gave presentations about family and community engagement via the leadership council and parent-teacher organization.
● WSESU Business Administrator Frank Rucker gave an outline of the timeline for the budget development process over the next few months.
● The Board voted to approve pre-qualification for four firms to bid on the Oak Grove School HVAC project.
● The Board approved payrolls and warrants that included the final payment on the 22-year bond for renovations to BUHS.

WSESD Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY25 Preliminary Budget Development Planning Discussion
3. Capital Project Implementation updates, discussion to include; Recommendation on selection of prequalified Contractors eligible to bid on the Oak Grove Heat pump & HVAC controls project
4. Recommendation to Board to Approve Warrants and Payrolls

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Minutes

III. Updates

Mike Kelliher gave an update on efforts to recruit a more diverse staff. The district has just launched an employee referral program. For certain positions, if an employee refers a candidate who doesn’t already work for the organization, and they end up being hired, the referring employee will receive a bonus: $250 at time of hiring and $250 after six months of employment. There have already been a couple of inquiries. As of today there are 38 open positions but not all are part of this referral program – it is reserved for positions which the leadership team has identified as difficult to fill.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes Oct 24, 2023

● A student representative on the board shared about an unmet need for students to make social connections during class.
● The administration presented about the budgeting process and timeline, including the need to make adjustments now that ESSER funding has been discontinued.
● There was a discussion about whether the district should continue administering student climate surveys twice a year in order to improve school climate. Ultimately the board voted to follow the administration’s recommendation to conduct the survey only once a year.
● The board voted to re-adopt three updated policies: E10 – School Crisis Prevention & Response, E15 – Security Cameras and F9 – Student Substance Abuse Prevention. The board presented three more updated policies for a first reading: C9 – Notice of Non-Discrimination, D11 – Public Complaints about Personnel, and F2 – Bus Discipline.
● The board approved $458,735.95 of carry over funds for EES from last year’s budget. These funds were unused due to not being able to find a contractor for planned kitchen renovations at the Birge Street facility and having to close some classrooms due to lack of staff. The funds will be used to complete the renovations under a scaled down plan using internal staff and for retention and wellness bonuses for employees.
● The board discussed adding the SEPAC to meetings they promote on the WSESD facebook page. They will seek input from the Special Education administrator and consider further at a future meeting.

WSESD Social Justice Committee Meeting Agenda


Mission: Foster learning environments in which all members of the school community are safe, feel valued, and are appreciated, as well as promote policies and procedures that value equity and diversity in our schools.

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes

● Students expressed the need to increase attendance at Working Toward Justice Day.
● A new representative from Brattleboro, Matt Schibley, was appointed to the board by unanimous vote.
● The Superintendent gave a summary of the day’s professional development activities, which focused on executive function and student engagement.
● District Literacy Coaches gave a presentation on the science of reading and how that informs district practices.
● The Board adopted an updated policy on Personnel Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Background Checks.
● The board heard updates from the Academy School and BAMS Leadership Councils.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
II. Student Matters [6:05 to 6:15]

III. Administrative Report [6:15 to 6:45]
– The budgetary process, how the Budget is built to meet the goals and established timeframes leading up to 03/2024. [25 Minutes]

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10,
2023 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room and remotely via Zoom

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes September 26, 2023


● Two new student representatives joined the board, Alora Lawyer and Jayden Gonzalez.
● Administrators presented information about the WSESU Continuous Improvement Plan, and a discussion of this plan will continue at the next board meeting.
● PCB testing has been completed for all WSESU schools. Results have come back clean for Vernon, Green Street and Academy Schools. PCB remediation at Oak Grove is complete and due to be re-tested. Results are still pending for other district schools.
● Seven community members have applied for appointment to the vacant Brattleboro seat on the board. Their names will be shared to the public before the next meeting.
● There was a discussion of whether to implement stipends for staff members participating on Leadership Councils. Mark Speno will bring a recommendation about this to the next meeting.