WSESD Board, Finance, IBRC Meeting Minutes

● The board conducted a public information session about the proposed FY25 budget that will be presented for a vote at the Annual Meeting on 3/19/24.
● The Board voted to hire Patrice Michelle Herman, Science teacher at BUHS
● Three Executive Sessions were added to the end of the meeting.
● Voted to readopt policy G8- Continuous Improvement Plan

WSESD Recount Results

Official recounts are in, for the two three-year terms for Brattleboro representatives on the WSESD Board of Directors. Town Clerks of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney, submitted their recount results to the WSESD Clerk at the Superintendent of Schools Office, and the end result didn’t change the outcome of the vote.

The numbers have increased by a few votes for each of the three candidates, but the two winners of this election remain Timothy “Tim” Maciel and Colleen Savage. 

Windham Southeast School District Annual District Meeting March 19, 2024

The Windham Southeast School District (“WSESD”) will hold its Annual District Meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., in the gymnasium at Brattleboro Union High School (BUHS). BUHS is located at 131 Fairground Road, Brattleboro, Vermont. Residents of the WSESD member towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney are encouraged to attend in person.

Childcare will be provided for the Annual Meeting, as one way to support the highest number of residents/voters to attend the meeting. To secure childcare with WSESD staff members, call 802-254-3730 by noon on March 19th, so we’ll know to have sufficient childcare staff available.

Warned items for the meeting include 5 Articles, such as the election of District Officers, what to pay members of the School Board, and a vote on the FY 2025 WSESD budget. See attached Warning. Your opinion matters, but you can only vote if you are present on the floor of the Annual District Meeting.

WSESD School Director Re-count Warning

The following Warning is to be posted in all usual Meeting Warning locations:
The Town Clerks and Boards of Civil Authority in the towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney will convene to re-count votes from the March 5, 2024 School Director Election for two three-year term positions as Brattleboro representatives on the WSESD Board of Directors. 

Brattleboro, Dummerston, Putney and Guilford School Director Recount Likely

After a very close race for the two 3-year Brattleboro School Director seats, a re-count will likely be initiated for votes cast in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Putney and Guilford for those two seats.  

The three candidates, and the number of votes each candidate received from the four member towns of the Windham Southeast School District are as follows: Timothy “Tim” Maciel – 1,677 votes; Colleen Savage – 1661 votes; Rich Leavy – 1659 votes. 

Windham Southeast School District Board Special Meeting Minutes – Feb 28, 2024

Bethany Ranquist of Brattleboro commented that she found some of the comments made by board members and board candidates that were quoted in the press regarding empathy for or resilience of survivors of abuse to be disrespectful, considering the board’s silence regarding what was reported in the sexual abuse investigation. She asked that board members be more thoughtful about this and not share their thoughts about survivors if they are not going to make any further comment on the investigation. KY added that she understood this comment to be in relation to answers that board members gave to questions at the recent Candidate Forum where they were directly asked about their perspectives.

A former BAMS parent whose daughter experienced sexual assault by another student spoke about being dissatisfied with the school’s response and wanting to pursue further action. KY asked him to notify the Superintendent of this request by email and to copy herself and DS so they can initiate this process.

BUHS student Iris Mayer spoke about the same student and other peers having harmful experiences of sexual harassment and assault by other students during their time at BAMS and how they did not feel served by the school’s response to these incidents. She expressed concern about attention to students’ mental health and well-being.

BUHS student Rei Ranquist pointed out that some students have reported harm to counselors, as directed, and could not perceive that their concerns were addressed. They expressed concern that students do not feel confident that they can get help by going to their counselor.

BUHS Leadership Council Meeting Minutes

Leadership Council organization

Stephanie was elected as Leadership Council Chair. Renee will continue to take minutes as Clerk.

Discussion of old business. Agree to leave issues from last year regarding the Athletic Department and Union with previous LC. Any issues with AD or department should be brought individually to Hannah directly. Winter Sports parent meeting set for 11/27.

WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee Meeting Minutes

The committee discussed the pending legislative changes to Act 127, and the challenges for the district with the removal of the 5% cap.

The committee reviewed the Guilford tax rate, and on a motion by Laura and seconded by Jaci, the committee unanimously agreed to have Maggie contact Chloe Wexford to try and understand how the reappraisal affects the upcoming tax rate.

Windham Southeast School District Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – Feb 13, 2024

2. VT Legislative developments affecting FY25 Budget; Review State Funding Formula updates

Shaun Murphy started off saying that in this time of uncertainty, his suggestion is that this committee is “Steady at the helm through these rocky waters”. The budget development started on 10/6/23. The work done by Frank Rucker and his team along with the Finance Committee has been thoughtfully and carefully developed, been through a process of presenting to the Board three times as well as to the finance committee an additional three times. This FY25 budget proposal has increased by 3%, which is in alignment with previous budget increases. Frank Rucker spoke about the lack of information from the legislature that would be needed to make assumptions on how this budget could be adjusted to affect the CLA equalized tax rate.

WSESD Special Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order [5:00 to 5:05]
II. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [5:05 to 5:15]
III. Board Retreat for the Purpose of Training in Order to Effectively Plan for the Upcoming Year [5:15 to 8:45]
IV. Public Discussion [8:45 to 9:00]

WSESD Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Agenda

AGENDA – 2/14/2024
I. Approval of Minutes from 1/31/24
Update: G8 Continuous Improvement Plan – presented for second reading on 2/13
II. Evaluate (50 minutes)
F1 Student Conduct and Discipline in conjunction with model policy
G1 Curriculum Development and Coordination
F22 Student Assessment
H2 Parental Involvement Policy
H6 Annual School Reports

Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Agenda + Annual Meeting Warning

The legal voters of the Windham Southeast School District (the “District”), comprising the voters of the Towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, and Putney are hereby notified and warned to meet at Brattleboro Union High School in Brattleboro, Vermont on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in the gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the following business: