Windham Southeast School District Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY24 Year to Date Financial Statement Review
1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY24 Year to Date Financial Statement Review
AGENDA – 5/28/2024
I. Call to order – Anne Beekman, Chair
II. Review and Approval of 1% Fund applications
III. Other business
IV. Adjourn
The Windham Southeast School District Board will 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at Putney Central School, 182 Westminster Road, Putney, and remotely via Zoom.
DS called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.
If there is anything that needs to be amended to the consent agenda, please identify it now.
None were provided.
Frank reviewed the memorandum from the VT Agency of Education that summarized funding statistics in the Bill The result was favorable (Yield @ $9,893), being close to what was presented at the Annual Meeting ($9,899). This will result in our projected CLA adjusted tax rate to be very accurate unless the Governor vetoes the bill. The Income Yield of $10,110 is a bit lower than the estimate from 3/19/24 (we used 10,300). This adjusts the various calculations that go with Income Sensitivity. The Non-Homestead Rate (business properties and non-residents second homes, etc.) is set at $1.39 prior to the CLA adjustment for each town.
2nd Reading:
• F26 Participation of Home Study Students in School Programs and Activities
• B1 Board Member Education
• D1 Personnel Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Background Checks
• D2 Professional Development
III. Policies
F1 Student Conduct and Discipline
• Updates:
o MS reviewed F1 with the Vernon Board and it was well received.
o MS shared F1 with principals and asked them to share it with student leadership groups. He will check for feedback at Friday’s full Admin meeting.
o No formal feedback has been obtained from students.
I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
II. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [6:05 to 6:15]
III. 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(7) Academic records or suspension or discipline of students
The Windham Southeast School District Policy & Amendment Committee will meet Wednesday, May 8 2024 at 0:00 p.m. in the WSESU Central Office Conference Room, 53 Green Street, and remotely via Zoom.
● Board revisited Meeting Norms and Code of Ethics, Code of Ethics signed by all board members.
● To determine what the best way is to express appreciation to the staff, the LC Board liaisons will work with the principals to determine what would be best for their school.
● The Board voted to move the June 11th Board meeting to June 4th due to scheduling conflicts
● The Board voted to incur the cost of Doodle Pro.
● The Board tabled a vote on dependent care stipend to an upcoming meeting TBD
● The Board voted against recommending administration hold all retreats, meetings and other events be held within the local district.
● Admin presented comprehensive physical plan/capital plans
● Numerous policies approved for adoptions
The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 3, 2024 in-person only. We will convene in the Library at the Oak Grove School, Brattleboro.
III. Board Matters [6:15 to 7:15]
A. Update on items on hold from 4/9
Discussion of Annual Meeting and IBRC Report [20 minutes]
• pgs. 55-60 impact of poverty on academic proficiency scores
• Details regarding potential 2% freeze per school site
6:06 Motion to find executive session under 1 V.S.A. §313 (a)(7) academic record regarding discipline of students.
Moved by KP, seconded – Carried Unanimously
6:06 Motion to go into executive session.
Moved by KP, seconded – Carried Unanimously
● Motion was made to find local venues that are cost effective for the Board & Admin Retreat in June in advance of the new school year.
● Four new hires for FY25 were approved.
● Two resignations were accepted.
● The Board approved the Warrants and Payroll presented.
● Policies F22, G1 AND H2 were re-adopted.
● The Board entered Executive Session involving the discipline of students.
No public in attendance
Motion to find executive session under 1 V.S.A. §313 (a)(1)(F) confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body.
Moved by MS – Carried Unanimously
Two 6th grade students from Academy School, Luca Mnookin and Elsa Anders, presented their research project looking at the lack of access to gender-neutral bathrooms at school. Academy School has only one gender-neutral bathroom that is accessible to anyone, and it is in the upper-grade wing, so not available to K-2 students. Some—but not all—classrooms have their own gender-neutral bathroom. The students presented an assessment of why it matters, including transgender students’ fear of harassment in gendered bathrooms. Their research involved surveys at Academy School and Putney Central School, and with their results, they advocated for private, all-gender bathrooms throughout the district.
I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
II. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [6:05 to 6:15]
III. 1 V.S.A. §313 (a)(1)(F) confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services for the body.
● Board Officers were nominated and elected.
● Voting Members of the WSESU Board were nominated and elected.
● Board Meeting days/times were determined.
● The Board will follow the “Robert’s Rules of Order” for Small Boards adding back in seconding a motion.
● Leadership Council assignments were established
● The Board voted to change the Board Meeting scheduled for April 23 rd to April 30 th to avoid meeting during Spring Break.
● Six new employees were presented and approved for the FY25 school year.
● Board approved the submission of Head Start/Early Head refunding application. Application due April 1.
● Board approved the new members of the Guilford and Academy Leadership Councils.
1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY24 & FY25 Capital Plan Implementation update
3. Approval of Warrants
A. Nominations/Election of Board Chair __________________________
B. Nominations/Election of Board Vice-Chair _________________________
C. Nominations/Election of Board Clerk _________________________