WSESD Policy & Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes 3/12/25

F8 Student Medication
Invited Attendee: Rebecca Olmstead, Nurse Leader

Since the last meeting, RO met with the district doctor regarding this policy, and the doctor approved the draft brought to the committee today. The committee read the new draft aloud, and in consultation with RO, made a number of edits for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. The last two paragraphs (non-prescriptions medications and the concluding paragraph) were reviewed after RO had to leave the meeting, and these will need to be reviewed again. The procedures section was not reviewed.

Guilford WSESD Seat Recount Results

Official recount results are in, for the Guilford seat on the Board of Directors of the Windham Southeast School District: There has been no change to the number of votes for each candidate from Guilford. Jocelyn Fritts has been duly elected to the Board of Directors.

WSESD Recount of 3 Year Seat Scheduled for March 11

The Town Clerks of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney have confirmed that they and members of their Boards of Civil Authority will come together in each town for a recount of the contested Guilford 3-year seat on the Board of the WSESD.

Candidates and members of the public are welcome to observe the recount. Time and locations for the re-count: 

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes Feb 25, 2025

● The Board debriefed two important Summits held in the past two weeks, 2/12/25 with the three School Boards and 2/24/25 with local legislators.
● The Board accepted, with regret, the resignation of Christopher Brewer, Dean of Students at BUHS.
● Three policies (D1, F16, F28) were presented to the Board for a first reading.
● The Board entered Executive Session under 1VSA §313 (a)(1)(A) Contracts.

WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee Minutes – Feb 2, 2025

On a Motion by Elie and seconded by Maggie the committee unanimously approved the draft for publication pending any comments from Frank Rucker, WSESD business manager.

Kristina referred the committee to the motion from the past meeting authorizing Maggie and Kristina to incorporate edits before releasing the report if Frank has minor changes. The committee agreed to let the motion stand, and Kristina agreed to hold an emergency meeting if any issues arise in the next few days which would require substantive rewrites.

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes Feb 12, 2025

The committee discussed the question of whether a policy in support of immigrant students should be developed, a topic that was also under discussion at the board meeting on 2/11/25. MS cautioned that Pietro has advised to stay away from a new policy, and instead to focus on law and procedure. A vision statement would be fine and would be a way to send a message to the community.

WSESD Board Appointment

At a special meeting on January 21st, the WSESD Board appointed Dummerston resident Jessica Everlith to temporarily fill a vacancy on the board. Ms. Everlith will fill this seat until such time as a candidate can be elected to fill the remaining year of the vacancy created by a recent resignation. On the March 4th Town Meeting Day, registered voters of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney will be able to vote for the candidate of their choice to fill this Dummerston seat on the board. 

WSESD January 21st Board Appointment

The Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board has received letters of interest  from three candidates for the vacant seat on the Board. Any individual appointed to the open seat on the WSESD Board must be a resident of Dummerston and will hold the position until March 2025. A new member of the WSESD Board will then be elected on March 4th, to complete the remainder of the term, which is through March 2026.

The three candidates for appointment from Dummerston are:

Jessica Everlith

Gretchen Lanterman

Jody Normandeau

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes Jan 8, 2025

DS noted that at the last meeting, in the review of C3, there was discussion of whether board members should be able to respond to public comment. The minutes stated that this item was going to be placed on the agenda for the January 14 full board meeting. DS has delayed this discussion due to an overly full agenda for January 14. She will put it on the agenda for January 28 or the first meeting in February.